4 Ways to Have the Greenest Christmas Tree

4 Ways to Have the Greenest Christmas Tree

‘Tis the season to start looking for the perfect Christmas tree to light up your home for the holidays. Today, most people consider live trees to be a greener option than artificial trees, which are often manufactured with polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a...

What is Fast Fashion?

Fast. Faster. Fastest. I’m sure you’ve heard of fast food, but what about fast fashion? If you’ve been in the eco space for a while, then you’ve probably heard the term A LOT. If you’re new to the eco space, well, welcome! Check out my blog posts for beginners which...

5 Eco-Friendly Ideas for Your Home Office

As many of you know, Justin and I recently moved. In our old space, my office was a large, open concept area that was used for workouts, reading/lounging, and dancing – lots of dancing. Our new apartment is about the same size as the last place, but far less open...

You Can Recycle Cigarette Butts!

Did you know cigarette butts are not fully biodegradable? TerraCycle, the company that strives to find a way to recycle everything, offers a free Cigarette Waste Recycling Program. Just sign up with TerraCycle, collect the waste, and ship it to them for recycling....

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