
Sustainability International

Helping your business grow by embracing sustainable practices and green initiatives...

Sustainability is harmony between humans and nature.

Sustainability is based on a simple premise that everything we need for our well being depends on our natural environment.  Pursuing sustainability is to create conditions which make it possible for humans and nature to exist in harmony.

As a business owner each day is a constant balancing act to bring profitability to your business, while finding ways to operate your business in an environmentally sensitive way.  Moving toward sustainability is a challenge when considering how we affect our environment, through our lifestyles, living conditions, energy use, travel and work methods and practices.


Become A Sustainability International Partner

Sustainability International Partners understand the importance of conducting their business in an environmentally sensitive and sustainable manner.  

Your customers are searching for businesses who embrace sustainability, and green initiatives and there is nothing more important to your business than connecting to every customer possible.  

The partnership is FREE, learn how easy it is to become a Sustainability International Partner and enjoy the benefits of being a Sustainability International Partner.



Support Sustainability and protecting our environment, subscribe today for your FREE membership to Sustainability International.



Recycle & Reduce Waste

Use of highly visible and well marked recycling containers in all visitor areas to recycle glass, metal, and paper.

Water Management

By the use of water conservation, storm water management and environmentally friendly landscaping practices Sustainability International Partners can save and lessen the negative impact of water usage on our lives and the environment.

Green Buildings

By using modern construction and renovation practices, Sustainability International Partners high performance building practices can help to decrease adverse effects upon the environment from our buildings.

Energy and Emissions

By embracing energy efficiency standards and renewable energy use, Sustainability International Partners energy use and greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced helping to protect our environment.

EV Charging Stations

Sustainability International Partners can assist more and more travelers who are looking for the convenience of Electric Vehicle charging stations by installing stations onsite.


This Week’s Sustainability, Recycling, Business and Science News

Every week, the Earth911 team combs news and research for interesting ideas and stories about the challenges of creating a sustainable world. We pick the science, sustainability, recycling, and business stories to give you a summary of the week’s changes, along with...

Dry Gardening for a Better Tasting Tomorrow *

If your summer water bills – or your local government’s water use restrictions – have you doubting your future as a vegetable gardener, take hope. Farmers in dry climates have developed a suite of strategies to grow crops with little to no irrigation. Called dry...

U.S. Flood Risk Is 67% Higher Than Historic Projections *

Will your home face flooding due to climate change? A new study by the New York-based nonprofit First Street Foundation found that 67% more American homes than previously estimated face a high risk of flooding during the next 30 years. It could save your life and can...

Where Does Environmental Justice Fit? *

The year 2020 has been dominated by the twin terrors of the COVID-19 pandemic and police violence. The first of these is a new natural threat. The second is as old as our nation, produced by the racism baked into our societal structures. But these issues are more...

Earth911 Inspiration: Choose a Green Future

Today’s quote is from Australian philosopher Toby Ord. In his book, The Precipice: Existential Risk and the Future of Humanity, he wrote, “We have seen how the long arc of human history has brought us to a uniquely important time in our story — a period where our...

Can We Innovate Our Way Out of Our Environmental Mess?

Can Innovation Solve Our Problems?   Innovation is an abused business buzzword that is often applied to the topic of sustainability.  Online literature is full of articles and reports on sustainability and innovation, sometimes converged into “sustainable...

Green Universities Offering Sustainability Degree Programs

Green Universities Offering Sustainability Degree Programs The pursuit of sustainability has become a critical goal for institutions worldwide, and universities are leading the charge by integrating green practices into their campuses and curriculum. With a growing...

8 Things You Should Know BEFORE Going Zero Waste

Zero waste living has become quite popular over the last few years, and I wanted to write an article about the things you should know before going zero waste. AKA all the things I wish someone had told me! Currently, most of the influential people in the zero waste...

4 Natural Cleaning Recipes To Drive Away Dirty *

Many store-bought cleaning products contain toxins such as propylene glycol, ammonium hydroxide, and synthetic fragrances. They may smell good, but the odor could be harming you. Making your own cleaning products is an easy way to save money and reduce toxins in the...

Responsible Mushroom Hunting

A time-honored autumn pastime for locavores that neatly fits into the trending cottagecore aesthetic, mushroom hunting encourages people to experience the natural world and eat healthy, local food. As wilderness hobbies go, foraging is generally simple and safe. But...

We Earthlings: Rising Sea Levels and Disappearing Beaches

We can expect big changes in our coastlines as climate change causes sea levels to rise. Research predicts a loss of nearly half of the world’s sandy beaches by 2100. Let’s cut our greenhouse gas emissions so that future generations can enjoy the beaches. Source:...

7 Steps to Reducing Your Business Carbon Emissions *

Reducing Carbon Emissions is Good for Business   It's time for all of us to examine the roles that our homes and businesses play in the growing climate change crisis.  Our future doesn’t have to be bleak if we take action now. The first step to...

Can You Clean Up Your Amazon Purchases Carbon Footprint?

Have You Thought About the Amazon Boxes on Your Porch?   Most of us have those boxes, delivered by Amazon, stacking up on our porches.  Have you thought about what the carbon footprint is of those deliveries? Amazon’s boxes are doing more than just piling up on...

Can Going Green Improve Your Mental Health?

Spending time in green spaces is clinically proven to be good for your health. But what about going green at home, can it help to remedy the impact of stress in modern life? It’s not just knowledge about the effects of climate change on our planet that’s affecting...

An Easy Strategy To Cut Your Carbon Foodprint P

Try our meatless breakfast and lunch strategy, with a food-waste elimination twist, to make your footprint transition a success. Cutting meat from your diet and replacing it with plant-based protein is the most impactful change you can make for the planet. But going...

Who Said It? Environmental Quotes To Remember P

Are you good at remembering quotations? In this week’s quiz, see if you can identify the individuals who made these five memorable statements about the environment and humans’ capability to bring about positive change.   Earth911.com Quiz #28: Who Said It?...

What You Should Know About Chlorinated Fluorocarbons

Home is supposed to be a safe haven. But if your home contains dangerous and toxic materials, it could be a threat to your health and the planet’s. The Red List is a list of “worst in class” materials, chemicals, and elements the green building industry tries to...

10 Easy Swaps for a Zero Waste Kitchen

I’ve been in the kitchen a lot more these past few weeks, and I wanted to share with you a few of my favorite swaps for a zero waste kitchen. But, first, a teeny-tiny celebration. If you’ve been following along with me for a while then you know that I’ve been working...

7 of the Best Compostable Trash Bags

Using compostable trash bags will help you in your efforts to compost food. Food scraps don’t break down in landfills, so by composting them, you’re actually helping the environment. Compostable bags are designed to break down quickly in a compost. As someone who has...

Maven Moment: Lentils, a Frugal and Tasty Meat Substitute P

Lentils were always a staple in our house, especially during the cooler months of the year. My favorite is Mom’s lentil soup. She made it with diced carrot and onion and served it with tiny pasta like orzo or ditalini. It made a warm, filling meal on a cold day and a...

Why Aren’t My Hens Laying Eggs? Backyard Chicken Basics P

Keeping a small flock of backyard chickens has numerous benefits. These feathered friends make lively pets, are endlessly entertaining for children, and provide garden fertilizer. Having laying hens is an excellent way to boost local food production and is possible in...

Glass Recycling Helps the Environment P

What connects us all? Nature and our shared relationships through nature. Share how you can help reduce air and water pollution by doing your part to recycle glass containers. Glass that’s produced from recycled glass reduces related air pollution by 20% and related...

Why air conditioning is a vicious circle

Pumping heat from our cars and buildings into the outside world adds to climate change, increasing the need to stay cool Air conditioning was a luxury 40 years ago, but the long hot summer of 1976 changed that. The scorching heat that summer lasted two months and most...

Can We Innovate Our Way Out of Our Environmental Mess? *

Can Innovation Solve Our Problems? Innovation is an abused business buzzword that is often applied to the topic of sustainability.  Online literature is full of articles and reports on sustainability and innovation, sometimes converged into "sustainable...

How to Recycle Your Porcelain Bathroom Fixtures

If you’ve ever renovated a bathroom, you’ve probably faced the challenge of recycling porcelain fixtures. Whether it’s a toilet, sink, or even porcelain tile, recycling these items can prove problematic. Because most individuals don’t generate a steady stream of...

Engage Your Employee’s on Sustainability in 4 Easy Steps *

Sustainability Provides Opportunities   Note: This is the first installment in a five-part series on engaging employees around sustainability. The first part introduced the four stages of employee engagement; the second part discussed raising employee...

How To Donate Container Deposit Refunds to Worthy Causes P

Looking for a way to raise money for your favorite nonprofit or charity — without asking donors for money? If you live in one of the roughly 60 states, provinces, or countries that collect container deposits on beverage cans and bottles, consider collecting and...

Earth911 Quiz #39: Wishful Recycling

The U.S. recycling system uses a “single-stream” model that focuses on the big blue curbside bin. Unfortunately, people throw all sorts of unrecyclable items into the bin in the hope that they will be recycled. Known as “wishful recycling,” this results in...

90 Companies Account for 2/3 of Global CO2 Emissions

Did you know only 90 companies account for two-thirds of the industrial CO2 (carbon dioxide) and CH4 (methane) emissions in the world? Ninety companies with billions of customers who can send a clear signal that they want responsibly zero-carbon products. Think about...

Tackling E-waste in the Home and Office *

Making smart sustainable choices requires practice. Earth911’s twice-weekly sustainability quiz helps you hone your ability to recognize earth-friendly products and services. Through your daily choices — from transportation mode to purchases to waste disposal — you...

Greenwashing: The Lesser of Two Evils P

Most people have heard of greenwashing, the practice of marketing products using misleading environmental claims. By taking advantage of our good intentions and limited time, marketers use greenwashing to make us feel better about a product instead of making the...

You Can Recycle Cigarette Butts!

Did you know cigarette butts are not fully biodegradable? TerraCycle, the company that strives to find a way to recycle everything, offers a free Cigarette Waste Recycling Program. Just sign up with TerraCycle, collect the waste, and ship it to them for recycling....

How Can You Calculate Your Business Carbon Footprint?

Understand Your Environmental Impact   Do you understand your impact on the environment?  So many of our daily actions add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere and it’s not all our fault. Much of the technology which makes our lives more comfortable and better was...

Mowing the Lawn Without Pollution

The American lawn is an icon of homeownership, social gatherings, and family fun. Unfortunately, the perfect grass lawn is resource-intensive. Lawns must be irrigated, weeded, fertilized, and mowed in most climates. As lawn technology, including tools, fertilizers,...

How This Amazing Garden Trick May be Key to Carbon Capture *

Is Enhanced Rock Weathering Our Carbon Solution?   For decades, farmers and gardeners have augmented soil using lime, volcanic ash, and crushed-stone dust. A recent research study suggests that the strategy could pull a meaningful amount of CO2 from the...

Sustainable Stocking Stuffers

If you are determined to be eco-friendly in all your gift-giving this year, start with creative, sustainable stocking stuffers. “The holidays are one of the hardest times to reduce waste because of traditions, feeling overwhelmed, and not being aware of other...

3 Upcycled Dog Toys You Can Make P

We all want the best for our dogs. And, when we go to the specialty store to buy the best organic and high quality dog food, we also see all of the latest dog toys that can help stimulate our dogs mentally and physically. But before you spend your money on a brand new...

Zero Waste Gifts: 20 Ideas for Conscious Consumers P

Welcome to the 2020 Going Zero Waste gifts guide! Creating gift guides every year is one of my favorite blog posts to write. Both my mother and I have the love language of gifts, and I’ve worked to reconcile that with adopting a more minimal and low-waste lifestyle....

We Are Part of This Web of Life, Not Its Masters

Today’s Earth911 inspiration is from Pope Francis, who delivered a somber message about the state of our climate for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. He wrote: “Today we hear the voice of creation admonishing us to return to our rightful place in the...

How to Build a Compost Bin | Easy and Cheap DIY

If you know me, then you know I am PASSIONATE about composting. We just moved, and are waiting for our apartment complex to finish their resident composting program. While I’m waiting, I didn’t want to put my food scraps in the landfill so I decided to build a compost...

6 Issues Facing Electric Vehicles P

Fun to drive and cheaper to operate, electric vehicles have grown in popularity considerably in recent years. However, automakers still need to overcome some hurdles before they’re broadly adopted. It’s important to consider these issues before buying an electric...

Earth911 Inspiration: Add to the Sum of Accurate Information

Today’s Earth911 inspiration is from American anthropologist Margaret Mead. She said, “I was brought up to believe that the only thing worth doing was to add to the sum of accurate information in this world.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share your desire to help...

How to Plant a Garden for the Birds

Planting a Garden for the birds Birds are the most welcome wildlife in the landscape garden. They are beautiful, musical, interesting to watch. Unlike deer and other large visitors that eat plants, birds can even protect your garden by eating harmful bugs. There are...

Recycle Your Contact Lenses, Don’t Flush Them P

When you think of plastic pollution, you probably imagine discarded straws. And water bottles. And bags. Some folks are also focusing on something smaller — itty-bitty items millions of us use everyday. Contact lenses, when improperly discarded, likely create...

Plastic Is In People, Women Suffer More From Climate Change

Start your environmental and sustainability reading with us! We read a lot so you don’t have to. Every week, Earth911 Reader delivers the must-read articles around the web you should know to be up-to-date on stories that share our understanding of the issues. This...

Earth911 Reader: 2020 Ties Hottest Year Record

The Earth911 Reader collects and comments on useful news about science, business, sustainability, and recycling to save you time. IN SCIENCE The Stratosphere Is Reshaping Extreme Weather Globally The polar vortex, a frigid weather pattern that circles the North Pole,...

Can Face Masks Be Recycled? P

There is not a lot of data about how much waste the use of face masks is generating in the U.S. But according to one estimate, if everyone in the U.K. used a disposable mask each day for a year, it would create 66,000 metric tons of contaminated waste and 57,000...

6 Durable Household Items Made From Recycled Plastic *

The ubiquity of plastic is a signature of the modern world, a polluting legacy we need to reverse by using fewer new plastic products and choosing recycled plastic for those household items we need. Half of all plastic produced is for single-use purposes, according to...

3 Simple, Natural DIY Recipes To Repel Bugs *

Summer is here, bringing along a slew of insects and bugs. To keep these pests at bay, you need look no further than these three simple DIY recipes — for people, pets, and the home — courtesy of this episode of Earth911TV. DIY Recipes To Repel Bugs This article...

4 Natural Ways To Tackle Carpet Stains P

You can’t always avoid it. Your beautiful carpet is likely to get stains, no matter how much care you put into it. But can you remove carpet stains naturally, without exposing your family to harsh cleaning chemicals? Removing carpet stains can be a difficult task. If...

How to Bring Discipline to Your Sustainability Initiatives

Why Your Business Should Embrace Sustainability   Sustainability has become a part of life for many companies.  For many, it’s simply a matter of meeting demands from customers seeking socially responsible goods and services.  For others, it’s about...

Nature Is Not a Place To Visit. It Is Home. P

This week’s quote is from poet Gary Snyder: “Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share your desire to help people think of the planet first, every day. Click to get a larger image. This post was originally published on July...

Restore Our Earth With Climate Literacy P

April 22 marks the 51st Earth Day with the theme Restore Our Earth. That theme seems appropriate for 2021 as a whole, as we begin looking at how to restore normalcy and functionality to governments and communities. EARTHDAY.ORG is determined that the normal we restore...

Relax to the Max with an At-Home Eco-Friendly Spa Day P

Most of the U.S. is in for a bitingly cold winter, and there’s no doubt that your precious hair and skin are feeling the sting of the season. Low temperatures and high winds have an intensely drying effect and, right now, replenishment is crucial. Why not treat...

Infographic: Plastic Pandemic in the Age of COVID-19 P

Recycling efforts have taken a backseat during the pandemic. Efforts to protect public health — from a huge increase in the use of disposable PPE to prohibitions against reusable bags and coffee mugs — are damaging the health of the environment. And plastic use has...

Plant-Based Soups — Super for You and the Planet P

Warm, rich, and hearty. Light and refreshing. Spicy and silken. The styles, flavors, and textures of soups are limitless. Even if you’re ditching dairy. Or blowing off beef. Lucious plant-based soup recipes are plentiful, from traditional favorites to enticing...

Easy Carbon Sequestration You Can Do Yourself P

As any sci-fi fan can tell you, human survival depends upon an Earth-like atmosphere that’s 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon, and 0.03% carbon dioxide with traces of other elements. There is some wiggle room in the tiny percentage of carbon in the air. There were...

Earth911 Quiz #80: Electric Vehicle Efficiency and Challenges

Electric vehicles are becoming common on roads around the world. As these more environmentally friendly automobiles arrive on the scene, what are the things buyers need to think about? In this Earth911 Quiz, test your knowledge about how the source of your local...

We Earthlings: Plant One Tree

Plant one tree and it will capture about 13 pounds of CO2 in its first year; when it matures, it will capture 48 pounds a year. That means by planting one young tree, you can offset the CO2 from shipping an average online shopping order. Or, if you plant 390 trees and...

Maven Moment: Waste-Free Shaving

I can vividly recall my dad’s Old Spice shaving soap mug. The white mug with the little boat on it contained a small puck of shaving soap and always sat on the bathroom sink along with his shaving brush. He would wet the fine-haired brush to lather up the soap in the...

Action! The Final Step to Employee Sustainability Engagement *

Action!  The Final Step to Employee Sustainability Engagement   Note: This is the fourth installment in a five-part series on engaging employees around sustainability. The first part introduces the four stages of employee engagement; the second...

Recycling Medical Equipment To Reduce Medical Waste P

Reusing medical devices labeled as single-use sounds sketchy. Especially in the time of COVID, when the sharing of anything seems like a sure route to disaster. But it has an important role in lowering medical costs and reducing the carbon footprint of healthcare....

Plastic Bag and Plastic Film Recycling for Beginners

Ideally, we should avoid single-use plastic bags and plastic film. Failing that, we should reuse them as much as possible. But not all bags are reusable. And most can be reused only so many times before they tear. Plus, plastic wrap and plastic film are...

Understanding the Population Problem

When the global population reached 5 billion in 1987, that number seemed almost inconceivable. But today, there are almost 8 billion people on the planet and by 2056, we could reach 10 billion humans. Without technical innovation and changes in human behavior, Earth’s...

You Need to Know How Sustainability Embraces Circularity *

You See Consumers Raising the Alarm About Sustainability   During 2019, Sustainability became a hotter topic as a growing number of consumers voiced concerns.  Their main concern was about the growth of our negative environmental impact....

Infographic: 5 Ways To Go Zero Waste

Every day, the average American creates about 4.4 pounds of waste — adding up to 258 million tons in landfills yearly. Kathryn Kellogg, founder of Going Zero Waste, can fit all the trash she’s thrown away in the past two years in one Mason jar. Here are her tips for...

Unleash Kids’ Creativity With These Natural Craft Ideas

One of the most universal truths in the world is that children love crafts. Virtually nothing on this earth beats sitting down and creating a masterpiece with paint and pompoms, scissors, and glue. Scribbling and cutting and pasting and then giving the whole thing a...

Yes, You Can Recycle Cooking Oil P

After you’ve fried the chicken or sautéed the veggies, don’t pour the leftover cooking oil down the drain. While it may seem harmless, pouring used oil down the drain can wreak havoc on your home’s plumbing and local sewage systems. Collect Your Cooking Oil If you’re...

Cutting Carbon From Your Vegetarian Diet

Eating your vegetables is one of the best things you can do for your body and for the environment. Our diets account for 14% of household carbon emissions, and meat is responsible for more than half of the average American’s foodprint – so any meal that emphasizes...

Can You Recycle Number 5 Plastics?

Recycling isn’t the same as it used to be. A few years ago, China accepted much of the world’s plastic, textile, and paper recycling. But in 2018, China tightened restrictions on what it would accept due to the high level of contaminated material sent by the U.S. Now,...

Have You Thought About Joining a Community Garden?

If you live in an apartment building or have a shaded yard, growing some of your own food might seem nearly impossible. However, there might be a great solution – joining a community garden. These shared spaces are a simple solution to promote local food production...

Earth911 Podcast: How To Talk to the Other Side

The time to talk about climate change and social equity is now. Author and sustainability consultant Kevin Wilhelm has a valuable new guide to bridging the political, social, and ideological chasms that keep that discussion from happening, How to Talk to the “Other...

How to Write Your Business Sustainability Policy *

What Should You Include in Your Sustainability Policy?   How Should You Define Sustainability for Your Business? Sustainability is the ability to meet our present needs without compromising future generations needs by preserving and protecting our...

Green Websites and Online Games for Kids *

Young people are spending more and more time on devices. Kids between the ages of eight and 12 spend nearly six hours online daily on average. Although this statistic seems quite high, it is important to consider what children are doing online. There are many...

Use Your Microwave Less, Reduce Your CO2 Emissions

Use your microwave 10 minutes less a day and reduce your CO2 emissions by up to 610 pounds a year, depending upon the source of your electricity. Data source: Quiz #88: Coal-fired Energy Reduction Challenge Print or share We Earthling posters to inspire others with...

Earth911 Inspiration: How Can I Help the World Today?

Today’s Earth911 inspiration is from American environmental activist Julia Butterfly Hill: “I wake up in the morning asking myself what can I do today, how can I help the world today.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share your desire to help people think of the...

Greenest Insulation Products for the Home

Pliny the Elder was the first to write that home is where the heart is, but many older homes are drafty and have cold floors and uneven temperatures that can chill an environmentally aware heart. Do you remember the nursery rhyme about a cold, old house where even the...

We Earthlings: The CO2 Impact of Streaming Video P

Video streaming has become a part of many people’s everyday lives and we’re here to help you learn about what that means for the environment. Every hour of video you stream emits 0.88 pounds of CO2. If you watch an average of six hours a day, your annual video carbon...

Inspiration: As if We Are To Live on This Earth Forever P

Today’s inspiration is from Australian environmentalist and politician Arron Wood: “Sustainability is treating ourselves and our environment as if we are to live on this earth forever.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share your desire to help people think of the...

The “Spaving” Dilemma: Avoid These Wasteful Spending Traps P

In a world largely driven by consumerism, it’s important to realize the power we each have to help the planet by spending and buying less. Our personal habits as consumers can help make a positive change or inadvertently create more waste in the world. Unfortunately,...

DIY Thanksgiving Decor Made by Upcycling

If you’re looking to reduce waste and save some money on your Thanksgiving decor, what better way to pull it off than by decorating with trash? To help you deck your halls the eco way, Earth911 rounded up these five creative decor ideas made from waste items and a few...

Will Infinitely Recyclable Plastic Soon Be Available? P

A multidisciplinary team from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has created a plastic that can be disassembled at a molecular level using an acidic solution. Then, it can be reassembled with a new color, texture, and shape, again and again. Unlike...

Can Committed Recycling Make You An Environmentalist? *

How to be Green If You Reduce, Reuse, Recycle? When it comes to Environmentalism, the first thing that everyone latches on to is recycling.  We all hope and want to project an image of being green to our peers.  The last thing we want, is to be accused of...

Climate Migration, 2,700 EV Charging Stations, and ESG Investing *

Welcome to Earth911’s climate, sustainability, and recycling reader, a collection of articles worth your attention today. U.S. Government Account Office: Climate Migration Is Inevitable Even if the current administration dismisses the consequences of environmental...

Quiz #89: Recycling Everyday Things Challenge

You’ll find unused stuff everywhere in the house, in drawers, closets, and the attic. What do you do with electric cables, paint cans, unused books and encyclopedia, and myriad other everyday things? Do you know how to recycle or reuse them? What if they are not...

How To Spot Greenwashing

More of us are concerned about making environmentally conscious purchases, and marketers have our number. But “eco-friendly” wording on a product’s packaging doesn’t necessarily mean that the item is more sustainable than other brands. To be smart shoppers, we need to...

Replace Disposable Batteries With These Rechargeable Ones

In the United States, we purchase nearly 3 billion single-use dry-cell batteries a year. Many of these wind up in the landfill despite the fact that they can leach toxic metals, such as lead and mercury. People could recycle them, but the ideal solution is to abandon...

We Earthlings: Global Social Cost of CO2 Emissions

The “social cost of carbon” represents how much it will cost to remove the CO2 we are pumping into the atmosphere. It’s like the national debt, which can prevent future generations from thriving. In 2019, global emissions were 33 gigatonnes, according to the...

8 Ways to Save Money on Your Bathroom Water Bill

I’m really super excited to be kicking off another post in my series all about saving the planet and saving money! This post is focusing on all the ways you can save money on your water bill… in the bathroom! You might be wondering, “Why specifically the bathroom?”...

Rejoice! 4 Ways To Repurpose Old Christmas Cards

Ever feel a slight pang of guilt when throwing away a Christmas card? If you have a sentimental collection that desperately needs a new purpose, I have plenty of ideas that’ll keep you (and your kids) busy and give you peace of mind, too. Rather than tossing them in...

So, You’ve Audited Your Waste, Now What?

In part one, Conducting a Home Waste Audit, you learned to audit your household waste for a week. Now it’s time to analyze the waste and make changes. In my waste audit example, I categorized 150 items for disposal. Of those items, I could put 77 items in the...

20 Organic, Zero Waste Skincare Brands

When I first started trying to reduce my waste in 2014, there weren’t many organic, zero waste skin care brands on the market. While the organic skin care market was doing pretty well, I wasn’t enticed by a lot of their packaging. It’s not that they didn’t care about...

We Earthlings: The CO2 Impact of Soda Pop Consumption

What connects us all? Nature and our shared relationships through nature. Share the carbon dioxide impact of soda pop consumption. One 20-ounce bottle contributes 3.3 ounces of CO2 and all Americans’ soda drinking contributes 19.5 billion pounds of CO2 a year. Know...

Infographic: Pens and Pencils by the Numbers P

As we try to reduce our environmental impact, it’s easy to forget that smaller items — like pens and pencils — can add up to a lot of waste. How many disposable ballpoint pens do you have cluttering your drawers, desk, or pencil holders? Do you throw away pencils when...

7 Unexpected Things You Can Compost P

Composting is the best way to get rid of your kitchen scraps without sending them to the landfill. And if you’ve been composting for a while, you may have already started experimenting with composting other items you don’t usually see in a list of materials you can...

Recipes With Plant-based Substitutions for Eggs and Dairy P

Perhaps you’re eating healthier. Or you’re shifting to plant-forward foods to support a sustainable planet. Or you’re simply out of fresh eggs. Good news: Plant-based substitutions are healthy and plentiful. While vegan dairy and egg replacements are on store shelves,...

Recycling Mystery: Meat Packaging

If you buy meat in a grocery store, it likely comes in a plastic foam tray, on top of a plastic pad, wrapped in plastic wrap. Meat packaging produces a lot of plastic waste. Can it be recycled? Not all of it, but here’s what you can do. We know how you feel. Walking...

5 Easy Solutions to Narrow the Green Gap in Your Home

“Green” has quickly become one of today’s hottest buzz words, so it may seem a safe assumption that more and more people are focused on living a green, eco-friendly lifestyle. After all, it’s becoming easier and easier to find products that simplify that goal....

Are You Inhaling Toxic Laundry Product Fumes? P

The widespread use of face masks is an effective way to slow the spread of COVID-19. Many people are now wearing cloth face masks daily. Thus, they require regular laundering. Be mindful of how you wash your face covering to promote optimum health and sustainability....

We Earthlings: Recycle Your E-waste

When you recycle your old computers, printers, phones, and other electronics responsibly, you help prevent soil, groundwater, and marine pollution around the world. The International Telecommunications Union reported that in 2016, the world produced 44.7 million...
7 of the Best Compostable Trash Bags

7 of the Best Compostable Trash Bags

Using compostable trash bags will help you in your efforts to compost food. Food scraps don’t break down in landfills, so by composting them, you’re actually helping the environment. Compostable bags are designed to break down quickly in a compost. As someone who has...

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Why air conditioning is a vicious circle

Why air conditioning is a vicious circle

Pumping heat from our cars and buildings into the outside world adds to climate change, increasing the need to stay cool Air conditioning was a luxury 40 years ago, but the long hot summer of 1976 changed that. The scorching heat that summer lasted two months and most...

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What is Hemp Fabric and is it Sustainable?

What is Hemp Fabric and is it Sustainable?

As the fashion industry becomes increasingly interested in sustainable textiles, many eco-friendly alternatives have emerged. Designers and consumers are now more aware of the environmental impact of common fabrics like polyester. In response, they are turning to...

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How to Plant a Garden for the Birds

How to Plant a Garden for the Birds

Planting a Garden for the birds Birds are the most welcome wildlife in the landscape garden. They are beautiful, musical, interesting to watch. Unlike deer and other large visitors that eat plants, birds can even protect your garden by eating harmful bugs. There are...

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6 Simple DIY Green Cleaning Solution Recipes

6 Simple DIY Green Cleaning Solution Recipes

When you’re shopping for home cleaning solutions, the variety of available options can be overwhelming — even more so when you start reading the ingredients on the label. For example, does “natural” mean the product is nontoxic? What are the ingredients that make up...

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How Many Times Can That Be Recycled? *

How Many Times Can That Be Recycled? *

I used to think that plastic water bottles could be infinitely recycled, that every time I tossed one into the blue bin, it eventually came out to be another plastic bottle. As it turns out, that’s not the case. Some materials can be recycled infinitely, but plastic...

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The Ultimate Guide to Bulk Food Stores

The Ultimate Guide to Bulk Food Stores

It seems nothing, not even 2020, can hold back zero waste grocery shopping. There’s been a huge rise in co-ops, natural food shops, and farmers’ markets that allow you to use your own containers to buy fresh produce by the pound and help you reduce single use...

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Developing Habits for a Sustainable Life *

Developing Habits for a Sustainable Life *

It takes practice to live sustainably and it doesn’t happen overnight. Over time, small daily actions can become habits. But where should we start? By identifying the values that drive us, we can focus on actions that support those values. Sustainable habits that...

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Easy DIY Projects to Weatherize Your Home *

Heating and cooling account for nearly half of all U.S. energy use. One of the best ways to save energy and reduce utility bills is to do a few simple weatherization projects. Although some, such as insulating the attic or installing a new HVAC system are quite...

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Succession Planting for a Successful Garden *

Succession Planting for a Successful Garden *

The combination of increased time at home and growing food insecurity — whether through lost income or the threat of supply chain disruptions — has a lot of people planting a vegetable garden for the first time this year. Most nongardeners imagine that planting a...

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Eco-Friendly Holiday Gift Guide for Kids *

Need some help making a list of eco-friendly holiday gifts for kids? We have some ideas for you. Kids are not hard to please. Parents though, especially environmentally focused ones, can be a tougher audience. Whether you’re giving gift suggestions to grandparents or...

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Dry Gardening for a Better Tasting Tomorrow *

Dry Gardening for a Better Tasting Tomorrow *

If your summer water bills – or your local government’s water use restrictions – have you doubting your future as a vegetable gardener, take hope. Farmers in dry climates have developed a suite of strategies to grow crops with little to no irrigation. Called dry...

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Should You Move Before Sea Levels Rise? *

Should You Move Before Sea Levels Rise? *

Humans are beginning to adapt in response to climate change, and sea level rise represents the biggest potential impact for the 94.7 million Americans who live along our coasts.  You may want to sell your coastal home now if you’re afraid of losing property value as...

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3 Ways To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint *

3 Ways To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint *

What we eat, the food we waste, and how we travel all contribute to global warming. Although we can’t stop eating or traveling completely, we can make simple changes that will make a big difference to our impact on the environment. Here are three impactful steps to...

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Explore the Wide World of Sustainable Wine *

Explore the Wide World of Sustainable Wine *

Even casual wine drinkers know there is no such thing as a typical bottle of wine; there are hundreds of kinds of wine, and even the same wine tastes subtly different from one bottle to the next. When every small decision made in wine production affects the final...

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Have Fun Riding Your Bike to a Better World *

Have Fun Riding Your Bike to a Better World *

With everything else that’s going on, you may not have even noticed that June 3 was World Bicycle Day. And who can blame you? No one could argue that celebrating the bicycle should draw attention away from the major issues of pandemic and institutional racism that are...

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Is Your Electricity Greenwashed? *

Is Your Electricity Greenwashed? *

Dozens of electrical utility companies across the country have pledged to become “carbon neutral” by 2050. But recent Sierra Club research shows that hardly any of them are making significant changes to move toward clean energy. Are they greenwashing our electricity?...

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How To Create a Rain Garden *

How To Create a Rain Garden *

In natural landscapes, rainwater and snowmelt filter down into the ground slowly. This slow infiltration recharges groundwater and filters out contaminants, promoting water quality. A rain garden in your yard can capture and keep vital moisture available for your...

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How can we reduce our metal waste? *

How can we reduce our metal waste? *

Metal is the fifth most common material in household garbage, after paper, food, plastic, and yard waste. Unlike the other top items, metal is inert in a landfill and cannot be burned. Mining metal is among the world’s most environmentally damaging industries....

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Tips for an Eco-Friendly Pregnancy *

You’re pregnant. Congratulations! This exciting time will require a lot of preparation. There’s about to be a new addition to your family, and you need to get ready. While you have lots to think about, you don’t have to abandon your sustainability goals. With a bit of...

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How To Get Kids Involved in Gardening *

How To Get Kids Involved in Gardening *

Spring is already pushing its way out whether you are ready for it or not! I am definitely ready to welcome the birds, the buds, and the scent of freshly turned earth back again. And if you’re like me, you’re anxious to get your garden started. This year, is it time...

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Shopping for the Best Solar Panels *

Shopping for the Best Solar Panels *

Technological advances have transformed the solar energy industry in recent years. Solar panels are significantly more efficient, producing more power in the same amount of space. Meanwhile, prices continue to fall, reducing the cost of solar electricity. But with the...

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Can We Break Free From Plastic Pollution? *

Can We Break Free From Plastic Pollution? *

In a world where plastic manufacturing is ever-increasing and single-use plastic items are the norm, it’s not surprising that plastic pollution is a major environmental issue. Instead of being the country with the highest per capita rate of plastic waste generation,...

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Finding the Real Green Thing *

Finding the Real Green Thing *

Most Americans want to buy sustainable products. But it isn’t easy to separate the green from the greenwashed. Even though marketing studies show that 78% of Americans believe companies should be environmentally responsible and 64% say they feel happy when buying...

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How to Make Your Own Natural Bee Repellent *

How to Make Your Own Natural Bee Repellent *

As the weather warms and you start thinking of picnics and barbecues, your thoughts may also go to typical outdoor summer pests. The last thing anyone wants to see once the grill is fired up is bees and wasps buzzing around your guests. The problem is that commercial...

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Zero-Waste Cleaning and Laundry Tips *

Zero-Waste Cleaning and Laundry Tips *

Similar to a forest ecosystem, zero-waste cleaning systems produce nothing that can’t be reused and repurposed. Waste to one system is food for another. This concept is inspiring to many people wishing to make their lives more sustainable and is gaining in popularity....

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Green Business Practices

Sustainability International Partners green practices through the use of sustainable purchasing, electronics stewardship, transportation, waste diversion, and pollution prevention help in creating the harmony between business and nature necessary to protect our environment.

Sustainability International Partner’s Green Initiatives


  • Recycle & Reduce Wastes:  Use of highly visible and well marked recycling containers in all visitor areas to recycle glass, metal, and paper.
  • Efficient Water Use:  Have a plan for conserving water.
  • Efficient Energy Use:  Have a plan for reducing energy consumption.
  • Support Green Events:  Offer a Green environmentally friendly package for all events.
  • Minimize use of Disposable Products:  Use products made from bio-based or renewable resources and recycle or compost these items.
  • Minimize Chemical Use:  Have a plan to minimize the use of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and fertilizers.
  • Recycle Grease:  Dispose of grease in an environmentally friendly manner.
  • Promote Green Practices:  Use unique opportunities to educate guests about their environment and how they interact with the environment.
  • Promote Green Partners:  Feature your green partners and promote their environmental sensitivity to your guests.
  • Minimize Printed Materials:  Use digital marketing and web presence to spread your message.

Why Should My Business Become A Sustainability International Partner?

Sustainability International Partnership shows potential customers that your business has a commitment to helping keep our environment clean.  

By adopting our voluntary Green Initiatives as your business practices, your business signals your commitment to a sustainable and green environment.


Become A Sustainability International Partner

Sustainability International Partners understand the importance of conducting their business in an environmentally sensitive and sustainable manner.  

Your customers are searching for businesses who embrace sustainability, and green initiatives and there is nothing more important to your business than connecting to every customer possible.  

The partnership is FREE, learn how easy it is to become a Sustainability International Partner and enjoy the benefits of being a Sustainability International Partner.



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