Earth911 Podcast: Sustainable Home Shopping With Loop

Are you thinking about shopping with home delivery during the lockdown? You need to know Loop, the home grocery delivery service that picks up and recycles what you buy when you are done. Earth911 talks with Benjamin Weir, North American business development manager at Loop. Launched by TerraCycle, the innovative recycling company, currently offers 173 food and personal care products to customers in the U.S. Northeast and in France. Like the traditional milkman, Loop drops off and picks up product packaging. The packages are cleaned and reused by TerraCycle. No mess, lots less recycling hassle.

The Loop Häagen-Dazs container can be reused without recycling

The Loop Häagen-Dazs container can be reused without recycling.

Loop has developed new returnable and reusable packaging for products that include a steel Häagen-Dazs ice cream pint, Tide purclean detergent, and Love Beauty Planet personal care products. Customers receive their orders in an insulated tote bag, which is picked up when full by UPS and returned to TerraCycle. Weir explains that customers typically have two totes “in motion.”

The company will expand service in the U.S. and Europe during 2020; it also is working to expand its product selection. We also discuss how Loop is working with its partners to reduce customer and worker exposure to potential coronavirus infection.

This podcast was originally broadcast on April 20, 2020.



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