Earth911 Quiz #47: Battery Recycling Challenge

Americans buy about 3 billion batteries each year, half of which are AA and 30 percent AAA batteries for small electronics. Do you know which states require battery recycling? Do you know the different requirements for recycling rechargeable and single-use batteries? How about how long the average rechargeable battery lasts? This Earth911 Quiz will get you thinking about your next battery purchase.


Earth911 Quiz #47: Battery Recycling Challenge


Americans buy about 3 billion batteries each year, half of which are AA and 30 percent AAA batteries for small electronics. Do you know what states require recycling of batteries? Do you know the different requirements for recycling rechargeable and single-use batteries? How about how long the average rechargeable battery lasts? This Earth911 Quiz will get you thinking about your next battery purchase


Every week, challenges you with quizzes that test your sustainability savvy and help you make environmentally friendly choices when you shop, use products, and dispose of unwanted items.

How many U.S. states require battery recycling?


Eight states have introduced laws that require companies provide recycling of their battery products. How many states have followed California’s lead and introduced regulations that require residents recycle their used batteries?

Are alkaline batteries recyclable?


Are the alkaline batteries used in flashlights, TV remote controls, and myriad other electronics, recyclable?

Why is rechargeable battery recycling required by law in many states?


Recycling a rechargeable battery at the end of its useful life, after about 1,000 charges, is good for the planet and required by law in many states. Why are rechargeable batteries so important to handle responsibly?

Can lithium-ion batteries be recycled without special handling?


Lithium-ion batteries are essential to the computer and mobile phone industry. They power laptops and many mobile handsets, and have become one of several leading contenders as the basis of electric vehicle power storage. Are they recyclable without special handling?

What happens to recycled batteries?


As recycling technology advances, batteries and other electronics are recycled more easily and used to produce a variety of products. What are some of the products made from recycled batteries?





Making smart sustainable choices requires practice. Earth911’s weekly sustainability quiz helps you hone your ability to recognize earth-friendly products and services. Through your daily choices — from transportation mode to purchases to waste disposal — you can make a positive difference.



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