Recycling efforts have taken a backseat during the pandemic. Efforts to protect public health — from a huge increase in the use of disposable PPE to prohibitions against reusable bags and coffee mugs — are damaging the health of the environment. And plastic use has increased by 20% — adding to the plastic-waste pandemic that’s expanding through our communities and natural areas.
So, how can we cut back on single-use plastics while still saying safe? It’s likely that many people just don’t realize all the small ways their plastic use adds up.
For example, did you know that PPE is considered medical waste and can’t be recycled? Seeing as we’re on track to make a year’s worth of medical waste every two months, it’s essential that we each take steps to minimize our waste.

One of the best ways to start is to understand how to reduce plastic use during the pandemic. From wearing reusable masks to reducing takeout packaging, these tips from help you do your part to reduce the environmental impact of COVID-19.
Infographic courtesy of
Feature image courtesy of Anna Shvets, Pexels
The post Infographic: Plastic Pandemic in the Age of COVID-19 appeared first on Earth 911.