Quiz #87: Food Carbon Footprint Challenge

A few simple mental habits such as knowing how to quickly pick the foods with the least carbon impact, can help you make big strides in your personal sustainability. In this Earth911 Quiz, you’ll be presented a set of foods and asked to order them by their CO2 emissions, from most CO2 to least. We’re using the BBC’s annual estimates for CO2 emissions.

You get three chances to put the foods in each question in the correct order. Use this quiz to hone your sustainable food selections skills. We won’t report how many times it took you!


Earth911 Quiz #87: Food Carbon Footprint Challenge

A few simple mental habits such as knowing how to quickly pick the foods with the least carbon impact, can help you make big strides in your personal sustainability. In this Earth911 Quiz, you’ll be presented a set of foods and asked to order them by their CO2 emissions, from most CO2 to least. Use this skill to make decisions when shopping and ordering at a restaurant. We’re using the BBC’s annual estimates for CO2 emissions, available here.

You get three chances to put the foods in each question in the correct order. Use this quiz to hone your sustainable food selections skills. We won’t report how many times it took you!

If you skip one of these meats in a meal you can save a lot of CO2 emissions. Rank them by most to least impact on your carbon footprint.

If you skip one of these meats in a meal you can save a lot of CO2 emissions. Rank them by most to least impact on your carbon footprint.

Carbon-intensive or more sustainable single servings? Rank these fruits from highest carbon footprint to lowest.

Carbon-intensive or more sustainable single servings? Rank these fruits from highest carbon footprint to lowest.

These staples fit into almost everyone’s diets but they carry different carbon footprints. Rank them from most carbon-intensive to least.

These staples fit into almost everyone’s diets but they carry different carbon footprints. Rank them from most carbon-intensive to least.

Here’s another set of popular foods and drinks. Rank them from highest to lowest carbon impact!

Here’s another set of popular foods and drinks. Rank them from highest to lowest carbon impact!

Now, let’s mix up all these food categories. Rank these from highest to lowest carbon footprint.

Now, let’s mix up all these food categories. Rank these from highest to lowest carbon footprint.

You are a sustainability novice, with room for improvement!

You got 33% of your answers in the correct order. You can continue to play this quiz to refine your foodprint sorting skills and master the low-carbon diet choices when shopping or dining out.

You’ve got sustainability chops!

Congratulations, you got between a third and two-thirds of your answers in the right order! That’s not easy, and you deserve a treat — choose something sustainable!

You are a champion of sustainability! Celebrate with an apple and some nuts, apple slices and some citrus fruit, the three lowest-carbon items in the foods you sorted.

You got more than 71% of your answers in the correct carbon footprint order. Take a bow!

Making smart sustainable choices requires practice. Earth911’s weekly sustainability quiz helps you hone your ability to recognize earth-friendly products, services, and practices. Through your daily choices — from transportation mode to purchases to waste disposal — you can make a positive difference.



The post Quiz #87: Food Carbon Footprint Challenge appeared first on Earth 911.

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