Sustainability at Home — Food, Detergents, and Reuse Projects

The Earth911 team is talking about the sustainable household decisions and projects to think about if you have some extra coronavirus-isolation time on your hands. We look at four kinds of laundry detergent, including powdered, liquid, pod, and sheet detergents that are easier on your clothes and the environment. Thinking about a Mother’s Day or Father’s Day gift you can make yourself this year? Take a look at our guide to making an eco-friendly shaving kit or eight ways to reuse aluminum cans in DIY projects that also make fun gifts.

And we discuss the labeling of foods and a recent study by As You Sow, a nonprofit that examined the supply chains of major food producers for pesticide-use transparency. You’ll be surprised by which companies did well and some of the names of the laggards that are best to avoid if you want to know what you are eating.

In this week’s Earthling Questions, we explain how to recycle VHS tapes and used tires.

This podcast was published on March 9, 2020.



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