by britta | sustainability
The average American spends 90% of their time indoors. Unfortunately, indoor air quality ranks as one of the top threats to human health, according to the EPA. Indoor air is commonly 2 to 5 times more polluted (and sometimes worse), and is linked to a variety of...
by International Associations | sustainability
We can expect big changes in our coastlines as climate change causes sea levels to rise. Research predicts a loss of nearly half of the world’s sandy beaches by 2100. Let’s cut our greenhouse gas emissions so that future generations can enjoy the beaches. Source:...
by britta | sustainability
Start your environmental and sustainability reading with us! We read a lot so you don’t have to. Every week, Earth911 Reader delivers the must-read articles around the web you should read to be up-to-date on stories that share our understanding of recycling,...
by britta | sustainability
Coal still powers 42% of U.S. electric generation capacity as of 2019, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. If you live in a coal-powered region, your electricity use contributes more CO2 emissions than regions that rely on renewable energy and...
by britta | sustainability
Are you thinking about shopping with home delivery during the lockdown? You need to know Loop, the home grocery delivery service that picks up and recycles what you buy when you are done. Earth911 talks with Benjamin Weir, North American business development manager...