by International Associations | sustainability
Existing rainforests are our most effective natural method to prevent climate change. They process between 1.2 billion and 1.8 billion tons of carbon annually, flushing excess CO2 from the environment. Deforestation destroys the planet’s lungs. Let’s save them and...
by britta | sustainability
Today’s Earth911 inspiration is from J. Sterling Morton, founder of Arbor Day: “Each generation takes the earth as trustees.” As trustees of the earth, what can we do to ensure future generations can enjoy the many benefits of this beautiful planet? Earth911...
by britta | sustainability
There are so many amazing people in this world who have dedicated their lives to reducing waste and creating a better world for all of us to enjoy. Here are seven ways you can contribute, support, or get involved by turning something old into something new. We have a...
by Carol Gann | sustainability
When you’re trying to live a greener life, buying more efficient home appliances may seem like an obvious choice. But not so fast. The financial and environmental gains of upgrading home appliances don’t always pay for themselves. You might want to question whether...