by International Associations | sustainability
When the snow starts falling, it’s tempting to retreat into the house and hibernate until spring. But no matter how tempting, it is unfortunately not possible. Even if we didn’t have to go to work, regulations in most communities hold individuals responsible for...
by International Associations | sustainability
Before you make your next purchase, ask yourself these four questions for conscious shopping: Do I need this? Can I make it? Can I borrow it? Is it the best quality I can afford? Don’t let the advertisers fool you that more is better. Conscious consumers understand...
by International Associations | sustainability
Electric vehicles are becoming common on roads around the world. As these more environmentally friendly automobiles arrive on the scene, what are the things buyers need to think about? In this Earth911 Quiz, test your knowledge about how the source of your local...
by britta | sustainability
All parents want to leave the world a better place for their children. While it sometimes feels like we don’t have much control over what happens down the line, one of the best ways to ensure that there will be a healthy planet for future generations is to teach...
by britta | sustainability
On average, every American sends 1,646.15 pounds of solid waste to landfills every year. If that sounds like a lot, it’s because it is! If you don’t already recycle paper products, you can reduce your solid waste by 25 percent by recycling all of the paper and...