by International Associations | sustainability
One of the activities that I miss most during this time of COVID-19 is volunteering. Before the pandemic, at least one weekend a month I had the opportunity to participate in a park, beach, or forest cleanup project. It was at these events that I began to meet my...
by International Associations | sustainability
Spritzing on your favorite cologne for a night out on the town shouldn’t require a degree in chemistry. The truth is, the majority of personal care products and synthetic fragrant potions are poisons that should be packaged with hazard symbols and come with a hazmat...
by International Associations | sustainability
This year has been a wild one, and when life gets busy, it can be hard to put your focus on what you are feeding your family. Eating plant-based meals is not only beneficial for long-term health — it’s also a much more sustainable way to eat for the health of our...
by International Associations | sustainability
There are a lot of ways to heat a home, and the chances are you haven’t thought too much about them. After all, unless you are building your own home, you probably never had much choice. But home heating and cooling generate 17% of Americans’ carbon footprint – more...
by International Associations | sustainability
Do you buy things just to throw them away? Eco-friendly living is as much about what you don’t buy as what you do. Reducing your consumption, especially of one-time-use or plastic items, is vital to reducing your ecological footprint. It’s time to rethink disposables....