Skip the Plastic Wrap: 4 Food Wrap Alternatives

Skip the Plastic Wrap: 4 Food Wrap Alternatives

Food wrap choices have long focused on petroleum-based options, but you can do better. Cling wrap is the sticky, thin plastic film handy for covering food dishes that you often see at potlucks and in fridges full of leftovers. You might know it as Saran Wrap, a...
Can Going Green Improve Your Mental Health?

Can Going Green Improve Your Mental Health?

Spending time in green spaces is clinically proven to be good for your health. But what about going green at home, can it help to remedy the impact of stress in modern life? It’s not just knowledge about the effects of climate change on our planet that’s affecting...

Earth911 Inspiration: Nature Is Hinting at Us

Today’s quote is from American poet Robert Frost, who wrote: “Nature is always hinting at us. It hints over and over again. And suddenly we take the hint.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share your desire to help people think of the planet first, every day. Click...

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