by britta | sustainability
Today’s inspiration is from environmentalist, entrepreneur, and author Paul Hawken: “The first rule of sustainability is to align with natural forces, or at least not to try to defy them.” Hawken is the founder of Project Drawdown, a nonprofit with the mission to...
by britta | sustainability
Nearly 40% of food is wasted from farm to landfill in the U.S. Yet, one in eight Americans is food insecure. Although some waste happens behind the scenes at farms and warehouses, much of it happens in our kitchens. Enormous resources are dedicated to growing,...
by britta | sustainability
Pharmaceuticals represent a growing source of pollution that impacts the water in our streams and can eventually make its way into the bodies of animals, fish, and humans. Earth911 talks with Nancy Devine, chief operating officer of Deterra, a Verde Environmental...
by Carol Gann | sustainability
When you’re trying to live a greener life, buying more efficient home appliances may seem like an obvious choice. But not so fast. The financial and environmental gains of upgrading home appliances don’t always pay for themselves. You might want to question whether...
by International Associations | sustainability
Earth911 talks with Space, keyboardist and guitarist of Never Not Nothing, (“NNN”) a rising British duo that takes sustainability seriously. Space discusses the band’s philosophy of positive nihilism and how they contribute to sustainable culture through direct...