by britta | sustainability
At first glance, the idea of World Toilet Day might be bewildering. But if you’ve ever needed a plumber, you know a working toilet is something to celebrate. World Toilet Day exists to remind us that 4.2 billion people – more than half of all humans – do not have...
by britta | sustainability
Did you know that turkey day is actually a very trashy day? Studies have shown that every year, Americans throw away 25% more trash between Thanksgiving and New Year’s than any other time of year. Too much plastic is needlessly purchased for the holidays. But it...
by Carol Gann | sustainability
When you think about moving toward a greener lifestyle, recycling often tops the list — and for good reason. However, there are many more ways to incorporate eco-friendly actions into your family life. Below are six easy, kid-friendly activities you may not have...
by International Associations | sustainability
I’m really super excited to be kicking off another post in my series all about saving the planet and saving money! This post is focusing on all the ways you can save money on your water bill… in the bathroom! You might be wondering, “Why specifically the bathroom?”...
by britta | sustainability
Every week, the Earth911 team combs news and research for interesting ideas and stories about the challenges of creating a sustainable world. We pick the science, sustainability, recycling, and business stories to give you a summary of the week’s changes, along with...