

Earth911 Inspiration: Clothing Clutter

Today’s quote is from Elizabeth Cline, an expert on consumer culture, fast fashion, sustainability, and labor rights in the apparel industry: “Consumers buy twice as much clothing as they did 20 years ago, and most of it ends up as clutter.” Cline’s book,...

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What is the Carbon Impact of Shipping Apples P

Everything we eat has been transported to us, adding CO2 to the atmosphere. Each little contribution has added up to more CO2 in the atmosphere than at any time in the last 800,000 years. We thought it would be informative to look at a box of apples as an example....

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How To Build a Gardening Cold Frame P

Autumn may be here, but the change in seasons doesn’t require a complete halt to your gardening. By installing a cold frame in your garden, you can extend your growing season and grow seasonal plants in cooler weather. What Is a Cold Frame? A cold frame consists of a...

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Quiz #86: Composting Challenge P

By composting, you can reduce the amount of waste in your garbage can and turn your food scraps and lawn clippings into a rich soil amendment for your garden. Do you know what goes in a home compost bin? Challenge your composting knowledge and learn new composting...

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Earth911 Quiz #52: One Year, 10 Questions P

The Earth911 Quiz wrapped up its first year in March 2019 with 10 challenging questions from the past. Here it is again, give it a try! Test your knowledge about climate change, recycling industry trends, policy, energy-efficient companies, and much more. Can you...

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Zero Waste Gifts: 20 Ideas for Conscious Consumers P

Welcome to the 2020 Going Zero Waste gifts guide! Creating gift guides every year is one of my favorite blog posts to write. Both my mother and I have the love language of gifts, and I’ve worked to reconcile that with adopting a more minimal and low-waste lifestyle....

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Relax to the Max with an At-Home Eco-Friendly Spa Day P
Relax to the Max with an At-Home Eco-Friendly Spa Day P

Most of the U.S. is in for a bitingly cold winter, and there’s no doubt that your precious hair and skin are feeling the sting of the season. Low temperatures and high winds have an intensely drying effect and, right now, replenishment is crucial. Why not treat...

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We Earthlings: Recycle a Six-Pack of Aluminum Cans P

When you recycle a six-pack of aluminum cans, you save the amount of energy equal to running a 14-watt CFL bulb for 120 hours. Read to that light happily knowing that you did your bit for the planet. Print or share We Earthling posters to inspire others with your...

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The 411 on Conducting a Home Waste Audit P
The 411 on Conducting a Home Waste Audit P

According to the EPA, the average person generates 4.51 pounds of waste per day. Have you ever wondered if you’re on the high or low end of the scale? You can find out by conducting a household waste audit. I know, it doesn’t sound like fun digging through your...

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Maven Moment: Lentils, a Frugal and Tasty Meat Substitute P

Lentils were always a staple in our house, especially during the cooler months of the year. My favorite is Mom’s lentil soup. She made it with diced carrot and onion and served it with tiny pasta like orzo or ditalini. It made a warm, filling meal on a cold day and a...

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Fall Farm-to-Table Brunch Recipes P

Depending on where you call home, autumn may seem like a tricky time to find seasonal fruits and vegetables that are native to your area. But despite chilly temperatures, there’s still plenty of tasty, in-season produce that’s ripe for the picking. To get better...

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Earth911 Inspiration: The Beauty of Art and Nature and Life P

This week’s quote is from American author and environmentalist, Edward Abbey: “All we have, it seems to me, is the beauty of art and nature and life, and the love which that beauty inspires.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share your desire to help people think of...

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Who Said It? Environmental Quotes To Remember P

Are you good at remembering quotations? In this week’s quiz, see if you can identify the individuals who made these five memorable statements about the environment and humans’ capability to bring about positive change.   Earth911.com Quiz #28: Who Said It?...

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Recycling Medical Equipment To Reduce Medical Waste P
Recycling Medical Equipment To Reduce Medical Waste P

Reusing medical devices labeled as single-use sounds sketchy. Especially in the time of COVID, when the sharing of anything seems like a sure route to disaster. But it has an important role in lowering medical costs and reducing the carbon footprint of healthcare....

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Infographic: Pens and Pencils by the Numbers P

As we try to reduce our environmental impact, it’s easy to forget that smaller items — like pens and pencils — can add up to a lot of waste. How many disposable ballpoint pens do you have cluttering your drawers, desk, or pencil holders? Do you throw away pencils when...

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Hydrofluorocarbons in Your Kitchen and Bathroom P

Making changes to heal the hole in the ozone layer that developed over Antarctica in the 1980s is one of the great achievements of the past quarter-century. Humans paid attention to the growing threat of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), responded with global policy, and...

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10 Ways to Make Your Home More Sustainable P

Making your home more energy and water efficient is one of the best ways you can have a positive impact on the environment so I wanted to round up a few ways you can make your home more sustainable and eco-friendly. 2020 has me dreaming of a little house to call my...

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Fun Ways to Reuse Wine Bottles and Corks P
Fun Ways to Reuse Wine Bottles and Corks P

Hey, wine lovers! Curious about what you can do with your empty bottles and corks? Surprisingly, there are loads of things you can make — from upcycled glassware to home décor. Before you peruse our list, note that some of these bottle projects are not for the faint...

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The Problem With That Wood Smoke Smell P

Nearly everyone loves the smell of wood smoke. It evokes carefree summer nights under the stars and cozy winter evenings relaxing in front of the fireplace. But the smoke storms caused by extreme wildfire seasons in recent years have been a stark reminder that there...

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Energy Wasters: Scare Away Those Vampire Loads P

Have you heard about the slow drain on your electricity from appliances, known as “vampire loads,” “phantom loads” or “standby energy drain”? These are the oh-so-scary loads of electricity that our electronic devices and appliances suck out of outlets without our...

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Cargotecture: Another Future Path for Modern Architecture P
Cargotecture: Another Future Path for Modern Architecture P

The world is heading towards sustainability, which includes making the old new again to extend the useful life of manufactured materials. From fashion to industrial manufacturing and even agricultural technology, sustainable designs are gaining more popularity and are...

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Some U.S. metro areas could grow all needed food locally P

Some but not all U.S. metro areas could grow all the food they need locally, according to a new study estimating the degree to which the American food supply could be localized based on population, geography, and diet. The modeling study, led by Christian Peters at...

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Why Aren’t My Hens Laying Eggs? Backyard Chicken Basics P
Why Aren’t My Hens Laying Eggs? Backyard Chicken Basics P

Keeping a small flock of backyard chickens has numerous benefits. These feathered friends make lively pets, are endlessly entertaining for children, and provide garden fertilizer. Having laying hens is an excellent way to boost local food production and is possible in...

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Smart Ways To Make Your Wardrobe Sustainable P

Reducing the environmental impact of your wardrobe can be really complicated. Choosing the greenest fabric is a frustrating exercise full of unknowns and tradeoffs. Lifecycle analyses of most natural and synthetic fibers are rare, and supply chains in the fashion...

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Where to Shop Online That Isn’t Amazon P

It’s no secret that online shipping is booming, and a lot of that money is flowing directly to Amazon. So, I wanted to round up a few ethical and sustainable retailers where you can shop online that isn’t Amazon. There are so many eco-friendly e-commerce marketplaces...

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Buyers Guide: Clothes Washers P

Home appliances like clothes washers are responsible for about 15% of your home’s carbon footprint. While there are human-powered appliances that don’t use electricity, for most people, living without a clothes washer is not an option. They are a major purchase,...

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The U.S. Recycles Only 34.6% of Its Waste P

The U.S. recycles only 34.6% of its waste. If recycling were an Olympic sport, we would come in 25th. Germany, the world’s leader in recycling, recycles 66.1% of their waste. Let’s go for the gold and catch them by 2030. Data source: Recycling – Who Really Leads the...

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Earth911 Inspiration: We Belong to the Earth P

Today’s Earth911 inspiration is from Chief Sealth of the Suquamish and Duwamish tribes that lived around Puget Sound: “This we know: The earth does not belong to man — man belongs to the earth. This we know. All things are connected like the blood that unites one’s...

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Nature Is Not a Place To Visit. It Is Home. P

This week’s quote is from poet Gary Snyder: “Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share your desire to help people think of the planet first, every day. Click to get a larger image. This post was originally published on July...

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Earth911 Quiz #55: Environmentally Smart Shopping P

Sustainable living requires forethought and reflection on the impact of a product or service on the planet. Learning to stop, review the facts, and make a smart choice for the environment will also give you power to influence corporate decisions with your spending....

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Charge Your Electric Vehicle at Home — and on the Go P

If you don’t already own an electric vehicle (EV), you might soon. Most automakers are ramping up the development and production of electrified models, including SUVs and pick-up trucks. EV ownership is predicted to skyrocket in the next few years. Because these...

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Alternatives to Tree Removal P

Homeowners remove trees for many reasons, but there are often better solutions – you really can plant your tree and keep it, too. And yet, urban tree cover is declining all over the United States, and new development projects don’t account for all of the tree loss...

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5 Energy-Saving Tips for Colder Weather P

The days are getting shorter and winter will be here before you know it, so it’s a good time to prepare your home for the colder weather. Tempting though it may be to crank up the central heating as soon as you feel a chill, you’d be wise to give some thought to...

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Simple Steps To Recycle Your Own Paper P
Simple Steps To Recycle Your Own Paper P

Paper recycling might seem like the sort of thing best left to the recycling experts, but did you know you can recycle your own paper at home without too much trouble? You’ll be able to eliminate some household waste — like junk mail, used printer paper, or old...

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Good, Better, Best: Leather and Leather Alternatives P

Leather has a tremendous environmental impact, not to mention the ethical concerns surrounding animal agriculture. But it’s hard to replace this durable and versatile material – just try shopping for a pair of vegan work boots. Unfortunately, “vegan leather” is not...

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We Earthlings: 91% of All Plastic Is Still Unrecycled P

Ninety-one percent of all plastic ever manufactured is still unrecycled. And how much have we manufactured? During the six decades that humans have been mass-producing plastic, we’ve created 8.3 billion tons of it. That number grows daily. We didn’t plan ahead for the...

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Your Food Waste Has Global Impact P

You probably feel a little guilty about tossing leftovers. Throwing out uneaten food is a waste of the money you spent to buy it and the resources it took to grow and prepare it. But did you know that wasted food is so harmful that the United Nations has a campaign...

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An Easy Strategy To Cut Your Carbon Foodprint P

Try our meatless breakfast and lunch strategy, with a food-waste elimination twist, to make your footprint transition a success. Cutting meat from your diet and replacing it with plant-based protein is the most impactful change you can make for the planet. But going...

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7 Unexpected Things You Can Compost P

Composting is the best way to get rid of your kitchen scraps without sending them to the landfill. And if you’ve been composting for a while, you may have already started experimenting with composting other items you don’t usually see in a list of materials you can...

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Largest Solar Project in US Underway in Texas P

U.S. solar generation capacity is soaring. Construction began recnetly on the Samson Solar Energy Center, the largest planned solar energy farm in the United States. When completed, the solar farm will have 1,013 megawatts of generating capacity. This solar farm will...

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12 Tips for All Natural, Zero Waste Curly Hair P

Finding an all natural routine for my zero waste curly hair was TOUGH. In fact, finding any routine for my curly hair was hard. Tack on being eco friendly and it felt impossible. After a lot of research I’ve found lot of options to share with you, but like many curly...

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Clever Reuse Ideas for Insulated Food Delivery Bags P

Perhaps you’ve placed an order and they’re standing right outside your front door. Shiny. Pretty. Insulated bags loaded with yummy items. Amazon Prime, which offers doorstep drop-offs from Whole Foods, uses silvery plastic padded bags when packing up refrigerated and...

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12 Eco-Friendly Gifts for Babies and New Parents P

Let’s be real – being a parent is tough work. If you’re about to have a baby or know someone who is, I wanted to round up a few eco-friendly gift ideas for babies and new parents! I hope these gifts will make a sustainable lifestyle a little bit easier all while...

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