Sustainability International

Helping your business grow by embracing sustainable practices and green initiatives...

Sustainability is harmony between humans and nature.

Sustainability is based on a simple premise that everything we need for our well being depends on our natural environment.  Pursuing sustainability is to create conditions which make it possible for humans and nature to exist in harmony.

As a business owner each day is a constant balancing act to bring profitability to your business, while finding ways to operate your business in an environmentally sensitive way.  Moving toward sustainability is a challenge when considering how we affect our environment, through our lifestyles, living conditions, energy use, travel and work methods and practices.


Become A Sustainability International Partner

Sustainability International Partners understand the importance of conducting their business in an environmentally sensitive and sustainable manner.  

Your customers are searching for businesses who embrace sustainability, and green initiatives and there is nothing more important to your business than connecting to every customer possible.  

The partnership is FREE, learn how easy it is to become a Sustainability International Partner and enjoy the benefits of being a Sustainability International Partner.



Support Sustainability and protecting our environment, subscribe today for your FREE membership to Sustainability International.



Recycle & Reduce Waste

Use of highly visible and well marked recycling containers in all visitor areas to recycle glass, metal, and paper.

Water Management

By the use of water conservation, storm water management and environmentally friendly landscaping practices Sustainability International Partners can save and lessen the negative impact of water usage on our lives and the environment.

Green Buildings

By using modern construction and renovation practices, Sustainability International Partners high performance building practices can help to decrease adverse effects upon the environment from our buildings.

Energy and Emissions

By embracing energy efficiency standards and renewable energy use, Sustainability International Partners energy use and greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced helping to protect our environment.

EV Charging Stations

Sustainability International Partners can assist more and more travelers who are looking for the convenience of Electric Vehicle charging stations by installing stations onsite.


Do Your Appliances Use Refrigerants the UN Wants To Ban?

A recent UN report suggests solutions to one of the most challenging problems facing the planet, how we keep our homes cool. The report found that the cooling sector — air conditioning and refrigerants — produces about 8 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions per...

Can You Clean Up Your Amazon Purchases Carbon Footprint? *

Have You Thought About the Amazon Boxes on Your Porch? Most of us have those boxes, delivered by Amazon, stacking up on our porches.  Have you thought about what the carbon footprint is of those deliveries?  Amazon's boxes are doing more than just piling...

We Earthlings: Rethink Air Travel

The coronavirus pandemic has proven that we can decide not to travel if it’s not essential. Before you book your next flight, consider this: Air travel contributes 4.9% of the greenhouse gas emissions that are the leading cause of climate change. Data source: What...

How Urban Outdoor Landscapes Present a Wealth of Opportunity *

How Outdoor landscapes are Critical to Our Cities Survival   A vital component of our cities, urban outdoor landscapes present a wealth of opportunity when it comes to water sustainability and climate resilience.  Whether it’s outside a home, a store,...

Ensure That Sustainability is Part of Your Business Plan *

Inject Sustainability into Your Business Plan   Sustainability will be handled differently for different companies.  Whether your company is a startup or an established company reevaluating your business plans matters.  You need to identify what the source...

Charge Your Electric Vehicle at Home — and on the Go P

If you don’t already own an electric vehicle (EV), you might soon. Most automakers are ramping up the development and production of electrified models, including SUVs and pick-up trucks. EV ownership is predicted to skyrocket in the next few years. Because these...

Home “Eco”nomics — New Sustainable Landscapes

How can we improve the carbon footprint of our yards and gardens? The traditional tools and designs of American landscaping need to change to become sustainable, so let’s take a look at the factors that are easy and harder to change at our own homes. Small gas-powered...

Maven Moment: Safe and Natural Baby Products

My mother-in-law Lucy had four children. They were born in the 1950s and the early 1960s. Like many mothers during that time in the U.S., she fed her children formula or condensed milk and she used cloth diapers and products like Johnson’s Baby Shampoo for their hair....

3 Ways To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint *

What we eat, the food we waste, and how we travel all contribute to global warming. Although we can’t stop eating or traveling completely, we can make simple changes that will make a big difference to our impact on the environment. Here are three impactful steps to...

How To Build a Gardening Cold Frame P

Autumn may be here, but the change in seasons doesn’t require a complete halt to your gardening. By installing a cold frame in your garden, you can extend your growing season and grow seasonal plants in cooler weather. What Is a Cold Frame? A cold frame consists of a...

How to Compare Solar Energy Bids, Select a Solar Installer P

More home and business owners are installing solar panels than ever before. And we now have a greater variety of panels and solar equipment to choose from than ever before. Depending on where you live, you probably have at least two or three solar installers that...

How Does Your Business Litter Factor Affect The Environment? *

Your Latte Factor Equates Your Litter Factor   Have you heard of the Latte Factor?  It's a phrase that was created as a metaphor for all the little things we spend money on during the course of a typical day.  These purchases are usually done with little thought...

6 Issues Facing Electric Vehicles P

Fun to drive and cheaper to operate, electric vehicles have grown in popularity considerably in recent years. However, automakers still need to overcome some hurdles before they’re broadly adopted. It’s important to consider these issues before buying an electric...

How to Plant a Garden for the Birds

Planting a Garden for the birds Birds are the most welcome wildlife in the landscape garden. They are beautiful, musical, interesting to watch. Unlike deer and other large visitors that eat plants, birds can even protect your garden by eating harmful bugs. There are...

Direct Solar America CEO Pablo Diaz on Solar Subsidies

Pablo Diaz, founder and CEO of Direct Solar America, joins Earth911 to talk about the current state of solar subsidies in the U.S. He was recently named one of CEO Magazine’s Top 20 Dynamic CEOs. Diaz founded the company as a solar installer but transitioned to...

Trump Administration Rewrites Environmental Protection Regulation

The Trump administration last week announced it will roll back key provisions of the 50-year-old National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) that require environmental impact reviews for construction and other development projects. The decision will have a negative...

4 Zero-waste Indoor Plant Fertilizers *

Plants vitalize our homes and offices. They filter toxins from the air we breathe and even help boost our mood and reduce stress. Impressively, plants can even help us minimize waste in the kitchen when we apply these zero-waste plant fertilizers. Mulch With Coffee...

Can Wet Wipes Be Recycled? *

Baby wipes, moist towelettes, wet naps — whatever you call them, they all serve essentially the same purpose. Wet wipes are single-use, moist, sanitary paper products used for personal hygiene or household cleaning. These handy inventions are often used to clean up...

Why Use Recycled Paper? P

Making the case for recycled paper From protecting forests to curbing climate, recycled paper use is essential for sustainability. With the below reports produced by Green America and our allied organizations, we make the case for using recycled paper, including the...

Good, Better, Best: The Climate Impacts of Milks *

Milk may do a body good, but it’s not so kind to the planet. Milk’s ethical and environmental drawbacks have led many people to look for alternatives. And although these are not the only factors, dairy milk sales have dropped 13% in the last decade. The dozens of milk...

We Earthlings: Recycle Your Motor Oil, Don’t Dump It P

What connects us all? Nature and our shared relationships through nature. Share We Earthling posters to help your friends think recycling first (click the image for a larger, high-resolution poster). This post was originally published on July 23, 2019.    ...

Can We Innovate Our Way out of This Environmental Mess? *

Can Innovation Solve Our Sustainability Problems?   "Innovation" is a much-used buzzword in business, and even more so then it comes to sustainability. Online sources are full of articles and reports on sustainability and innovation.  Sometimes this...

Eco-Friendly Benefits of Buying or Repurposing Used Furniture P

Demand for furniture is rising in the United States and is expected to reach $68.8 billion in 2022. Although it’s convenient to purchase a brand new furniture item online, buying new furniture is detrimental to the environment. Although some companies are committing...

Sustainability, Recycling, and Science News, Summarized for You

The Earth911 Reader summarizes the week’s sustainability, recycling, and science news, making it easy for you to stay up-to-date. Be sure not to miss this week’s opportunities to support environmental and sustainability projects. IN SCIENCE Hotter Climates May Turn...

Which Vegetarian Protein is Good, Better, Best

Becoming vegan is one of the most impactful things an American can do to reduce their environmental footprint, because meat, especially beef, is so carbon-intensive. Many highly processed and luxury items like wine and chocolate generate emissions comparable to some...

12 Eco-Friendly Gifts for Babies and New Parents P

Let’s be real – being a parent is tough work. If you’re about to have a baby or know someone who is, I wanted to round up a few eco-friendly gift ideas for babies and new parents! I hope these gifts will make a sustainable lifestyle a little bit easier all while...

5 Eco-Friendly Ideas for Your Home Office

As many of you know, Justin and I recently moved. In our old space, my office was a large, open concept area that was used for workouts, reading/lounging, and dancing – lots of dancing. Our new apartment is about the same size as the last place, but far less open...

Smart Ways To Make Your Wardrobe Sustainable P

Reducing the environmental impact of your wardrobe can be really complicated. Choosing the greenest fabric is a frustrating exercise full of unknowns and tradeoffs. Lifecycle analyses of most natural and synthetic fibers are rare, and supply chains in the fashion...

World Toilet Day Is Something to Celebrate

At first glance, the idea of World Toilet Day might be bewildering. But if you’ve ever needed a plumber, you know a working toilet is something to celebrate. World Toilet Day exists to remind us that 4.2 billion people – more than half of all humans – do not have...

Can We Innovate Our Way Out of Our Environmental Mess? *

Can Innovation Solve Our Problems? Innovation is an abused business buzzword that is often applied to the topic of sustainability.  Online literature is full of articles and reports on sustainability and innovation, sometimes converged into "sustainable...

Alternatives to Tree Removal P

Homeowners remove trees for many reasons, but there are often better solutions – you really can plant your tree and keep it, too. And yet, urban tree cover is declining all over the United States, and new development projects don’t account for all of the tree loss...

5 Tips to Safeguard Against Electromagnetic Radiation P

Even though we can’t see them, we are surrounded by electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Our computers, microwaves, cell phones, power lines, cell phone towers, fitness tracking devices, smart meters, televisions, routers, X-ray machines, and radios all emit them to varying...

Tips for Buying and Enjoying Sustainable Coffee

Heading up coffee purchasing at Equator Coffees, a company focused on quality, sustainability, and social responsibility, I often field the question, “What coffee should I buy to ensure the farmers are getting a fair deal?” This sort of question could easily expand...

10 Surprising Ways to Have an Eco-Friendly Bathroom *

The bathroom might be the smallest room in your house but man-oh-man can it be wasteful! I’ve rounded up my best tips for you to create a more eco-friendly bathroom. The sheer amount of products that existed in my bathroom cabinets, under the sink, and in the shower,...

Good, Better, Best: Leather and Leather Alternatives P

Leather has a tremendous environmental impact, not to mention the ethical concerns surrounding animal agriculture. But it’s hard to replace this durable and versatile material – just try shopping for a pair of vegan work boots. Unfortunately, “vegan leather” is not...

Tips for Starting Your Garden From Scratch P

As the spring flowers start to appear and the days get longer, my inspiration for gardening returns. You don’t have to wait for warmer weather to get your hands dirty. Starting plants from seed is a great way to extend your relationship with your garden, have more...

Earth911 Quiz #66: The Social Cost of Carbon

The National Academies of Sciences recently released a comprehensive review of the current science related to the social cost of carbon. In this Earth911 Quiz, you’ll test your knowledge of the cost of a ton of carbon, the CO2 debt now looming over our children’s...

With How Little Nature Will Be Satisfied P

This week’s quote is from French writer and philosopher, Michel de Montaigne: “It is wonderful to see with how little nature will be satisfied.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share your desire to help people think of the planet first, every day. Click to get a...

7 Leave No Trace Principles for Your Next Outdoor Adventure P

If you are an outdoor enthusiast, you understand the value of caring for the natural world. Minimizing your impact on the places you visit helps preserve nature’s beauty for you and other visitors to enjoy. And by preserving habitat, you help protect the wildlife and...

Recycling Medical Equipment To Reduce Medical Waste P

Reusing medical devices labeled as single-use sounds sketchy. Especially in the time of COVID, when the sharing of anything seems like a sure route to disaster. But it has an important role in lowering medical costs and reducing the carbon footprint of healthcare....

Plant-based Recipes: Sustainable Meals for Healthy Kids

This year has been a wild one, and when life gets busy, it can be hard to put your focus on what you are feeding your family. Eating plant-based meals is not only beneficial for long-term health — it’s also a much more sustainable way to eat for the health of our...

How to Save Money on Your Kitchen Electric Bill

Saving money and the environment is what I’m all about right now. I started a series all around this topic covering how to save money on your electric bill, your water bill, and, of course, going zero waste. I’ve been taking each of these series room-by-room through...

Zero-Waste Cleaning and Laundry Tips *

Similar to a forest ecosystem, zero-waste cleaning systems produce nothing that can’t be reused and repurposed. Waste to one system is food for another. This concept is inspiring to many people wishing to make their lives more sustainable and is gaining in popularity....

Can Solar Farms Promote Food Security, Wildlife Habitat? P

A big concern with large-scale solar farms is the impact on land use. Solar developers often site projects on agricultural land that is taken out of production. Also, the vegetation around solar panels needs to be maintained to prevent shading. In some cases,...

How Washing Your Hands Impacts the Environment

For something that you use to get clean, most hand soaps have a pretty nasty ingredient list. But no matter how negative their environmental impact, you can’t just avoid them the way you can other product categories. Handwashing is important for health and safety....

Another Reason to Recycle Cartons — and Other Materials

Good news to report: The COVID-19 pandemic has not stopped people from recycling. In fact, some people are recycling even more. According to research conducted by the Carton Council of North America, 56% of consumers say they have been recycling as much as they...

Earth911 Quiz #65: Know Your American Environmental History P

While the nation is ideologically divided on climate change, people throughout our history have acted to protect the land, wildlife, and humans from pollution. In this Earth911 Quiz, you’ll test your knowledge of the U.S. environmental leaders who have helped the...

Top 3 Misconceptions About Carbon Emissions

  According to climate scientists, we have the best chance of avoiding a 2 degrees Celsius rise in global temperatures if the average annual carbon footprint per person drops under 2 tons by 2050. That would require a big change from today’s global average of 4.8...

Will Infinitely Recyclable Plastic Soon Be Available? P

A multidisciplinary team from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has created a plastic that can be disassembled at a molecular level using an acidic solution. Then, it can be reassembled with a new color, texture, and shape, again and again. Unlike...

4 Natural Cleaning Recipes To Drive Away Dirty *

Many store-bought cleaning products contain toxins such as propylene glycol, ammonium hydroxide, and synthetic fragrances. They may smell good, but the odor could be harming you. Making your own cleaning products is an easy way to save money and reduce toxins in the...

12 Tips for All Natural, Zero Waste Curly Hair P

Finding an all natural routine for my zero waste curly hair was TOUGH. In fact, finding any routine for my curly hair was hard. Tack on being eco friendly and it felt impossible. After a lot of research I’ve found lot of options to share with you, but like many curly...

Earth911 Inspiration: The First Rule of Sustainability

Today’s inspiration is from environmentalist, entrepreneur, and author Paul Hawken: “The first rule of sustainability is to align with natural forces, or at least not to try to defy them.” Hawken is the founder of Project Drawdown, a nonprofit with the mission to...

4 Tips for Buying a Tiny Home Kit

Some Americans are rethinking how much money and resources they dedicate to housing. Tiny homes are becoming an increasingly appealing option to simplify life, reduce expenses, conserve energy, and reduce waste. It’s a growing trend. In Seattle, the City Council...

How This Amazing Garden Trick May be Key to Carbon Capture *

Is Enhanced Rock Weathering Our Carbon Solution?   For decades, farmers and gardeners have augmented soil using lime, volcanic ash, and crushed-stone dust. A recent research study suggests that the strategy could pull a meaningful amount of CO2 from the...

Mosquitos Driving You Nuts? Attract a Bat Colony *

Is your yard swarming with mosquitos? An excellent way to keep flying insects at bay without harmful chemicals is to recruit bats to eat them. Providing bats with the right habitat encourages them to take up residence nearby. Bats like to live in tight crevices in...

The Biden Era Arrives With Dramatic Climate Action P

The Earth911 Reader collects and comments on useful news about science, business, sustainability, and recycling to save you time and keep you informed. IN SUSTAINABILITY Biden’s Day One Delivers Climate Hope The end of the Trump era arrived with President Joe Biden’s...

Learn the Secrets of Measuring Employee Green Engagement *

Why do Companies Brag About Sustainability Note: This is the fifth installment in a five-part series on engaging employees around sustainability. The first part introduces the four stages of employee engagement; the second part discusses raising employee...

Hacks to Stay Cool: Beat the Heat Using Less Energy *

According to a study from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), air conditioners account for a full 6% of U.S. energy consumption. It’s a huge number, and a large issue for those concerned with global warming. This massive consumption is compounded by the...

Quiz #88: Coal-fired Energy Reduction Challenge

Coal still powers 42% of U.S. electric generation capacity as of 2019, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. If you live in a coal-powered region, your electricity use contributes more CO2 emissions than regions that rely on renewable energy and...

Why You Should Ditch Balloons if You Love the Environment *

After writing an article on traditions that are terrible for the environment, I received overwhelming feedback that balloon releases should have been included on the list. Never one to disappoint, I decided to do some research on the topic and what I found was...

How to Make Your Own Natural Bee Repellent *

As the weather warms and you start thinking of picnics and barbecues, your thoughts may also go to typical outdoor summer pests. The last thing anyone wants to see once the grill is fired up is bees and wasps buzzing around your guests. The problem is that commercial...

How to Build a Compost Bin | Easy and Cheap DIY

If you know me, then you know I am PASSIONATE about composting. We just moved, and are waiting for our apartment complex to finish their resident composting program. While I’m waiting, I didn’t want to put my food scraps in the landfill so I decided to build a compost...

The Eco-Unfriendly Truths About Fireworks

They light up the sky beautifully, those bright and bold fireworks. But they don’t come without environmental hazards, no matter what time of year they blast off. The composition of fireworks creates highly toxic gases when they are lit. And those pollutants can...

Cargotecture: Another Future Path for Modern Architecture P

The world is heading towards sustainability, which includes making the old new again to extend the useful life of manufactured materials. From fashion to industrial manufacturing and even agricultural technology, sustainable designs are gaining more popularity and are...

Green Giving: 5 Nonprofits Clobbering Climate Change P

Thinking about year-end donations to nonprofits focused on issues related to climate change? A lot of organizations are working in this area and evaluating them is tough. How do you measure carbon not produced? Which nonprofits should you support? From pillars of the...

Eco-Friendly Holiday Gift Guide: Men’s Edition

The men on your gift list may not always be easy to buy for, and they may not give you a lot of clues about what they want, but thoughtful eco-friendly gifts are sure to make them happy. This round-up of sustainable holiday gifts for men satisfy the weirdness of 2020...

How can we reduce our metal waste? *

Metal is the fifth most common material in household garbage, after paper, food, plastic, and yard waste. Unlike the other top items, metal is inert in a landfill and cannot be burned. Mining metal is among the world’s most environmentally damaging industries....

Earth911 Podcast: How To Talk to the Other Side

The time to talk about climate change and social equity is now. Author and sustainability consultant Kevin Wilhelm has a valuable new guide to bridging the political, social, and ideological chasms that keep that discussion from happening, How to Talk to the “Other...

Maven Moment: Reuse Ideas for Old Pantyhose and Stockings

Years ago, pantyhose or stockings were must-haves for a working woman’s wardrobe. No professional woman would consider going to work without wearing them. Even today, pantyhose and knee-high stockings make an outfit look finished and professional. And knee-high...

How Sustainable Is Lab-Grown Meat? P

Cultured meat is widely hailed for its potential to spare animal lives, cut greenhouse gas emissions, and help solve the global food crisis. It’s an advanced technology that offers an alternative to climate-warming meats, but is it sustainable? Lab-grown meat is a...

The Complicated Choices in a Cup of Coffee P

Coffee can be complicated, and I’m not even talking about the heated debates over cold-brew versus percolator. Coffee is made from the beans of a tropical tree that may be grown in small family farms or vast monoculture plantations. Your coffee beans pass from farmers...

How To Create a Rain Garden *

In natural landscapes, rainwater and snowmelt filter down into the ground slowly. This slow infiltration recharges groundwater and filters out contaminants, promoting water quality. A rain garden in your yard can capture and keep vital moisture available for your...

Home “Eco”nomics — Should You Buy a New Car?

Do you need a new car? Are you considering choosing an electric vehicle over a gas-powered car? It’s one of the most impactful environmental decisions you will make in your life — in fact, Americans buy an average of 9.4 vehicles during their lives. You have plenty of...

20 Green Things You Can do in 20 Minutes

Think one person can’t make a difference? Think again. With every American producing 4.5 pounds of trash per day, the little things we do to reduce our impact can make a huge difference. Here are 20 little things you can do to help the environment and your world in...

Backyard Chickens 101: Getting Started With Laying Hens *

Backyard chickens have skyrocketed in popularity. Keeping laying hens are an excellent way to fortify our relationship with our food and an ideal activity for people cooped up at home due to the pandemic. Laying hens make great companions for children, who will likely...

Restore Our Earth With Climate Literacy P

April 22 marks the 51st Earth Day with the theme Restore Our Earth. That theme seems appropriate for 2021 as a whole, as we begin looking at how to restore normalcy and functionality to governments and communities. EARTHDAY.ORG is determined that the normal we restore...

Cutting Carbon From Your Vegetarian Diet

Eating your vegetables is one of the best things you can do for your body and for the environment. Our diets account for 14% of household carbon emissions, and meat is responsible for more than half of the average American’s foodprint – so any meal that emphasizes...

What are the Differences in Bioplastics? P

 by, theoretically, breaking down in weeks rather than centuries. It’s an important step forward for single-use packaging, but we still encourage you to look for plastic-free options. Let’s dig into the realities of biodegradable plastics. Despite high hopes for these...

Tips for a Green Dorm Move-In Day and Sustainable College Year

College may not nearly as social this year but you can still make it a sustainable experience. If you (or your kids) are heading to college this upcoming semester, it’s going to be a bit of a different experience than it has in the past. Some institutions of higher...

Earth911 Quiz #80: Electric Vehicle Efficiency and Challenges

Electric vehicles are becoming common on roads around the world. As these more environmentally friendly automobiles arrive on the scene, what are the things buyers need to think about? In this Earth911 Quiz, test your knowledge about how the source of your local...

Healthy Wines: What the Labels Really Mean P

Fellow wine lovers, I have good news and bad news. Here’s the bad: Two-thirds of all wine production originates in Europe where grapes receive higher doses of synthetic pesticides than virtually any other type of crop. Since the U.S. is currently first in the world...

We Earthlings: Don’t Be a Hoarder, Reduce Food Waste *

Did you know that Americans waste more than 40% of the food produced annually? And stockpiling food, as many have done during the pandemic, often results in more food wasted. Don’t be a hoarder; buy only foods that you are sure you will use. Find tips about how to...

We Earthlings: Rising Sea Levels and Disappearing Beaches

We can expect big changes in our coastlines as climate change causes sea levels to rise. Research predicts a loss of nearly half of the world’s sandy beaches by 2100. Let’s cut our greenhouse gas emissions so that future generations can enjoy the beaches. Source:...

Recycling Plastic Clamshells and Bottles, the Same but Not P

You’ve probably seen the #1 recycling symbol on various plastic containers when you’re sorting your recycling. Those containers are made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), also known as polyester. Because PET is strong, lightweight, and easily molded, it is a...

You Can Start a Green Team in Your Child’s School

Our children care deeply about the environment.  You can see this even in young children.  Ask a first grader to tell you about their favorite animals. They’ll undoubtedly tell you that those animals — whales, elephants, wolves, butterflies, turtles — are endangered...

Combatting Desertification

The United Nations designates days of observance as educational tools to raise awareness of global issues, and if there’s one issue that needs more attention, it’s desertification. You can be forgiven if the word “desertification” brings to mind sweet treats; despite...

The 10 BEST All-Natural, and Eco Friendly Laundry Detergents P

Not all eco-friendly laundry detergent is made equal. If you want to pick a good one that will actually clean your clothes, you’ve come to the right place. In my experience a lot of eco-friendly laundry detergents are actually just laundry soap. And trust me, that can...

Home “Eco”nomics — Should You Buy New Appliances?

When you’re trying to live a greener life, buying more efficient home appliances may seem like an obvious choice. But not so fast. The financial and environmental gains of upgrading home appliances don’t always pay for themselves. You might want to question whether...

Earth911 Inspiration: For Future Generations

Today’s quote is from Senator Gaylord Nelson, Co-founder of Earth Day: “The ultimate test of man’s conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share...

Maven Moment: Icebox Cake *

My grandmother’s “icebox cake” was one of my favorite desserts growing up. She made it by layering graham crackers and warm pudding in a pan and setting the pan in the refrigerator so the mixture could set up. After a few hours, the cracker layers had absorbed some of...

U.S. Flood Risk Is 67% Higher Than Historic Projections *

Will your home face flooding due to climate change? A new study by the New York-based nonprofit First Street Foundation found that 67% more American homes than previously estimated face a high risk of flooding during the next 30 years. It could save your life and can...

Eco-friendly Experience Gifts for the Quarantines

From Black Friday to Super Saturday, advertisers bombard us with messages to buy a seemingly endless stream of items for the holidays — particularly gifts. And while buying less stuff helps curb your consumer carbon footprint, it’s easy to give in to the pressures of...

What is the Carbon Impact of Shipping Apples P

Everything we eat has been transported to us, adding CO2 to the atmosphere. Each little contribution has added up to more CO2 in the atmosphere than at any time in the last 800,000 years. We thought it would be informative to look at a box of apples as an example....

Can Going Green Improve Your Mental Health?

Spending time in green spaces is clinically proven to be good for your health. But what about going green at home, can it help to remedy the impact of stress in modern life? It’s not just knowledge about the effects of climate change on our planet that’s affecting...

Maven Moment: A Garden for Grandma Rose *

The garden that Grandpa Sal and Grandma Rose had in Queens was a sight to see! There were two fig trees, a raspberry bush, and all of the vegetables that Grandpa started including tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, basil, and long Indian squash that hung from the garage...

6 Home Energy Trends for 2021 P

A number of trends are converging to make 2021 a year of big changes to our home energy use. With an increased focus on climate change, the widespread popularity of smart home technology, and falling prices for clean energy options, the pace of adoption of new energy...

5 Ways To Reuse an Old Laptop P

If you’re upgrading to a newer, faster laptop with more storage, have you thought about what you’ll do with your old laptop? There’s no reason to throw it away. In fact, there are plenty of reasons to not throw it away. Globally, we generate about 50 million tons of...

What’s the Difference Between Biodegradable and Compostable

The idea of composting is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and go green, but unless you know the difference between biodegradable and compostable, you might not be doing all that you can. Yes, they are two entirely different things! So, what sets them apart...

What Makes a Product Sustainable and Why Should We Care? *

What is Sustainability, and Why is it Important?   We talk a lot about the importance of sustainability and making sure the products we purchase are sustainable. But what is it, exactly, that makes a product sustainable? As you might suspect, “sustainable” can...

How to Embed Sustainability Within Your Company Culture *

Employee Sustainability Engagement Stage 1   Note: This is the second installment in a five-part series on engaging employees around sustainability. The first part introduced the four stages of employee engagement; the second part discussed raising...
Maven Moment: Community Action

Maven Moment: Community Action

One of the activities that I miss most during this time of COVID-19 is volunteering. Before the pandemic, at least one weekend a month I had the opportunity to participate in a park, beach, or forest cleanup project. It was at these events that I began to meet my...

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We Earthlings: Recycle Your Disposable Gloves

Did you know that you can recycle disposable gloves? TerraCycle offers a variety of recycling solutions for hard-to-recycle items. Check out their Disposable Gloves Zero Waste Box and help save the planet while you’re protecting yourself! Print or share We Earthling...

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9 Nontoxic Colognes That Don’t Stink!

Spritzing on your favorite cologne for a night out on the town shouldn’t require a degree in chemistry. The truth is, the majority of personal care products and synthetic fragrant potions are poisons that should be packaged with hazard symbols and come with a hazmat...

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Maven Moment: Waste-Free Shaving

Maven Moment: Waste-Free Shaving

I can vividly recall my dad’s Old Spice shaving soap mug. The white mug with the little boat on it contained a small puck of shaving soap and always sat on the bathroom sink along with his shaving brush. He would wet the fine-haired brush to lather up the soap in the...

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Good, Better, Best: Home Heating Systems

Good, Better, Best: Home Heating Systems

There are a lot of ways to heat a home, and the chances are you haven’t thought too much about them. After all, unless you are building your own home, you probably never had much choice. But home heating and cooling generate 17% of Americans’ carbon footprint – more...

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4 Things You Can Happily Live Without at Home

Do you buy things just to throw them away? Eco-friendly living is as much about what you don’t buy as what you do. Reducing your consumption, especially of one-time-use or plastic items, is vital to reducing your ecological footprint. It’s time to rethink disposables....

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Earth911 Inspiration: Nature Has the Power

Earth911 Inspiration: Nature Has the Power

Today’s inspiration is another quote from Helen Keller’s 1933 article, “Nature’s Storehouse of Health.” She wrote, “I have always the feeling that nature has the power to renew and refresh our minds, our bodies, and our spirits.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them,...

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Can You Recycle Number 5 Plastics?

Recycling isn’t the same as it used to be. A few years ago, China accepted much of the world’s plastic, textile, and paper recycling. But in 2018, China tightened restrictions on what it would accept due to the high level of contaminated material sent by the U.S. Now,...

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11 Ways To Upcycle Shoeboxes

11 Ways To Upcycle Shoeboxes

Shoeboxes. They protect our precious shoes from the time they’re manufactured and shipped to the retailer until the moment we get them home. Then most of us end up tossing the box in the trash or recycling it to save space in our closet. But what if there were a way...

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20 Green Things You Can do in 20 Minutes

20 Green Things You Can do in 20 Minutes

Think one person can’t make a difference? Think again. With every American producing 4.5 pounds of trash per day, the little things we do to reduce our impact can make a huge difference. Here are 20 little things you can do to help the environment and your world in...

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7 Places to Resell Your Clothes Online

Looking to clean out your closet? Don’t just donate – resell! Here are 7 of best places to sell your clothes online. Yes, you can do it from the comfort of your own home via the internet making this an easy way to earn some extra cash and prevent textile waste from...

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Earth911 Inspiration: Trustees of the Earth

Today’s Earth911 inspiration is from J. Sterling Morton, founder of Arbor Day: “Each generation takes the earth as trustees.” As trustees of the earth, what can we do to ensure future generations can enjoy the many benefits of this beautiful planet? Earth911...

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Wow, You Can Recycle That?

Wow, You Can Recycle That?

We hear all the time about recycling plastic bottles and aluminum cans, but what about some of the lesser mentioned items? In response to reader queries, we’ve assembled a list of some odd items that may have you saying, “Wow, you can recycle that?” Blue Jeans You...

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We Earthlings: Let’s Recycle More Aluminum

What connects us all? Nature and our shared relationships through nature. Mining the bauxite that we use to produce aluminum is harmful to the earth, plants, and animals. And the process of converting raw bauxite into aluminum consumes a lot of energy. Thankfully,...

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Plan Ahead To Reduce Food Waste

Plan Ahead To Reduce Food Waste

Nearly 40% of food is wasted from farm to landfill in the U.S. Yet, one in eight Americans is food insecure. Although some waste happens behind the scenes at farms and warehouses, much of it happens in our kitchens. Enormous resources are dedicated to growing,...

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The Eco-Unfriendly Truths About Fireworks

The Eco-Unfriendly Truths About Fireworks

They light up the sky beautifully, those bright and bold fireworks. But they don’t come without environmental hazards, no matter what time of year they blast off. The composition of fireworks creates highly toxic gases when they are lit. And those pollutants can...

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How To Spot Greenwashing

How To Spot Greenwashing

More of us are concerned about making environmentally conscious purchases, and marketers have our number. But “eco-friendly” wording on a product’s packaging doesn’t necessarily mean that the item is more sustainable than other brands. To be smart shoppers, we need to...

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Maven Moment: Holiday Gift Wrapping

Maven Moment: Holiday Gift Wrapping

It was so exciting to see the beautifully wrapped boxes under the tree when I was a child! I couldn’t wait until Christmas morning when I would tear them open and toss the gift wrapping aside. My family’s gift wrapping tradition started with a walk to our local shops....

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Sustainable Stocking Stuffers

Sustainable Stocking Stuffers

If you are determined to be eco-friendly in all your gift-giving this year, start with creative, sustainable stocking stuffers. “The holidays are one of the hardest times to reduce waste because of traditions, feeling overwhelmed, and not being aware of other...

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Understanding the Population Problem

Understanding the Population Problem

When the global population reached 5 billion in 1987, that number seemed almost inconceivable. But today, there are almost 8 billion people on the planet and by 2056, we could reach 10 billion humans. Without technical innovation and changes in human behavior, Earth’s...

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Green Business Practices

Sustainability International Partners green practices through the use of sustainable purchasing, electronics stewardship, transportation, waste diversion, and pollution prevention help in creating the harmony between business and nature necessary to protect our environment.

Sustainability International Partner’s Green Initiatives


  • Recycle & Reduce Wastes:  Use of highly visible and well marked recycling containers in all visitor areas to recycle glass, metal, and paper.
  • Efficient Water Use:  Have a plan for conserving water.
  • Efficient Energy Use:  Have a plan for reducing energy consumption.
  • Support Green Events:  Offer a Green environmentally friendly package for all events.
  • Minimize use of Disposable Products:  Use products made from bio-based or renewable resources and recycle or compost these items.
  • Minimize Chemical Use:  Have a plan to minimize the use of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and fertilizers.
  • Recycle Grease:  Dispose of grease in an environmentally friendly manner.
  • Promote Green Practices:  Use unique opportunities to educate guests about their environment and how they interact with the environment.
  • Promote Green Partners:  Feature your green partners and promote their environmental sensitivity to your guests.
  • Minimize Printed Materials:  Use digital marketing and web presence to spread your message.

Why Should My Business Become A Sustainability International Partner?

Sustainability International Partnership shows potential customers that your business has a commitment to helping keep our environment clean.  

By adopting our voluntary Green Initiatives as your business practices, your business signals your commitment to a sustainable and green environment.


Become A Sustainability International Partner

Sustainability International Partners understand the importance of conducting their business in an environmentally sensitive and sustainable manner.  

Your customers are searching for businesses who embrace sustainability, and green initiatives and there is nothing more important to your business than connecting to every customer possible.  

The partnership is FREE, learn how easy it is to become a Sustainability International Partner and enjoy the benefits of being a Sustainability International Partner.



Support Sustainability and protecting our environment, subscribe today for your FREE membership to Sustainability International.



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