
Sustainability International

Helping your business grow by embracing sustainable practices and green initiatives...

Sustainability is harmony between humans and nature.

Sustainability is based on a simple premise that everything we need for our well being depends on our natural environment.  Pursuing sustainability is to create conditions which make it possible for humans and nature to exist in harmony.

As a business owner each day is a constant balancing act to bring profitability to your business, while finding ways to operate your business in an environmentally sensitive way.  Moving toward sustainability is a challenge when considering how we affect our environment, through our lifestyles, living conditions, energy use, travel and work methods and practices.


Become A Sustainability International Partner

Sustainability International Partners understand the importance of conducting their business in an environmentally sensitive and sustainable manner.  

Your customers are searching for businesses who embrace sustainability, and green initiatives and there is nothing more important to your business than connecting to every customer possible.  

The partnership is FREE, learn how easy it is to become a Sustainability International Partner and enjoy the benefits of being a Sustainability International Partner.



Support Sustainability and protecting our environment, subscribe today for your FREE membership to Sustainability International.



Recycle & Reduce Waste

Use of highly visible and well marked recycling containers in all visitor areas to recycle glass, metal, and paper.

Water Management

By the use of water conservation, storm water management and environmentally friendly landscaping practices Sustainability International Partners can save and lessen the negative impact of water usage on our lives and the environment.

Green Buildings

By using modern construction and renovation practices, Sustainability International Partners high performance building practices can help to decrease adverse effects upon the environment from our buildings.

Energy and Emissions

By embracing energy efficiency standards and renewable energy use, Sustainability International Partners energy use and greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced helping to protect our environment.

EV Charging Stations

Sustainability International Partners can assist more and more travelers who are looking for the convenience of Electric Vehicle charging stations by installing stations onsite.


11 Ways To Upcycle Shoeboxes

Shoeboxes. They protect our precious shoes from the time they’re manufactured and shipped to the retailer until the moment we get them home. Then most of us end up tossing the box in the trash or recycling it to save space in our closet. But what if there were a way...

Your Business Has to be Committed to Sustainability *

You Need to be Committed to Sustainability   Concern for the environment and promoting a sustainability agenda are integral to the Better Business Alliance's activities and the management of our organization.  We follow and promote good sustainability...

How To Donate Container Deposit Refunds to Worthy Causes P

Looking for a way to raise money for your favorite nonprofit or charity — without asking donors for money? If you live in one of the roughly 60 states, provinces, or countries that collect container deposits on beverage cans and bottles, consider collecting and...

Hydrofluorocarbons in Your Kitchen and Bathroom P

Making changes to heal the hole in the ozone layer that developed over Antarctica in the 1980s is one of the great achievements of the past quarter-century. Humans paid attention to the growing threat of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), responded with global policy, and...

How To Plan Home Energy Upgrades Based on an Energy Audit P

Did you know that homes and businesses use 40% of the total energy consumed in the United States? Does your home have high energy bills, cold floors, or drafts? If so, a home energy audit is the first step in improving home comfort, cutting your energy bills, and...

This Week’s Sustainability, Recycling, Business and Science News

Every week, the Earth911 team combs news and research for interesting ideas and stories about the challenges of creating a sustainable world. We pick the science, sustainability, recycling, and business stories to give you a summary of the week’s changes, along with...

Earth911 Inspiration: E. O. Wilson on the Act of Discovery

This week’s quote is from American biologist and naturalist Edward O. Wilson. In his book, The Origins of Creativity, Wilson wrote, “The act of discovery is completely a human story. Its telling is a human achievement. Scientific knowledge is the idiosyncratic,...

Five DIY Baby Skin Care Recipes to Make Babies Life Better

There’s nothing more immaculate than baby skin, and for new parents, figuring out how to take care of it properly can be overwhelming. Confronted with shelves upon shelves of baby-care products, how do you know which choice will be safe, effective, and good for your...

What are the Pros and Cons of going Solar *

A growing number of home and business owners are using solar power. As the solar energy industry matures, there are new ownership models and technology. This also means that the decision to go solar is a complex one with numerous pros and cons. Let’s explore some of...

We Earthlings: Saving a Rainforest Lowers CO2 Levels P

Existing rainforests are our most effective natural method to prevent climate change. They process between 1.2 billion and 1.8 billion tons of carbon annually, flushing excess CO2 from the environment. Deforestation destroys the planet’s lungs. Let’s save them and...

Plant-Based Soups — Super for You and the Planet P

Warm, rich, and hearty. Light and refreshing. Spicy and silken. The styles, flavors, and textures of soups are limitless. Even if you’re ditching dairy. Or blowing off beef. Lucious plant-based soup recipes are plentiful, from traditional favorites to enticing...

7 Places to Resell Your Clothes Online

Looking to clean out your closet? Don’t just donate – resell! Here are 7 of best places to sell your clothes online. Yes, you can do it from the comfort of your own home via the internet making this an easy way to earn some extra cash and prevent textile waste from...

3 Big Reasons “Wishcycling” Is Always a Bad Idea *

We’ve all been there. You’re standing in front of the recycling bin with something in your hand — perhaps a beverage cap, crinkly cellophane wrapping, the tinfoil lid from a sour cream container, or a pizza box. You’re not entirely sure whether you can recycle it, but...

Earth911 Quiz #65: Know Your American Environmental History P

While the nation is ideologically divided on climate change, people throughout our history have acted to protect the land, wildlife, and humans from pollution. In this Earth911 Quiz, you’ll test your knowledge of the U.S. environmental leaders who have helped the...

Maven Moment: Have Extra Stuff? Bring It to Work

Sometimes, when I was cleaning or decluttering, I found multiples of the same type of item. This might be anything from umbrellas to reusable takeout food containers to pens and note pads. What to do with the extras? Mom’s answer was simple and smart: “Bring it to...

Skip These Foods and Reduce Your Carbon Impact

The average American life produces 34,162 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually. If you consume any of the foods shown in the image below daily, drop it from lunch all year to reduce your carbon footprint by the percentage indicated compared to the national average....

5 Easy Solutions to Narrow the Green Gap in Your Home

“Green” has quickly become one of today’s hottest buzz words, so it may seem a safe assumption that more and more people are focused on living a green, eco-friendly lifestyle. After all, it’s becoming easier and easier to find products that simplify that goal....

Can We Innovate Our Way Out of Our Environmental Mess?

Can Innovation Solve Our Problems?   Innovation is an abused business buzzword that is often applied to the topic of sustainability.  Online literature is full of articles and reports on sustainability and innovation, sometimes converged into “sustainable...

Earth911 Inspiration: Nature’s Colors of the Spirit

Today’s quote is from Ralph Waldo Emerson, poet, philosopher, and essayist. In Nature, he wrote: “Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share your desire to help people think of the planet first, every day. Click the poster...

We Earthlings: Gas-Powered Yard Tool CO2 Emissions

Did you know that a gas-powered lawnmower emits 88 pounds of CO2 annually? The other gas-powered two-stroke engines used in yard tools such as blowers and trimmers contribute more CO2. Gas-powered lawn and garden tools contributed between 24 percent and 45 percent of...

Sustainable Business Practices is the Hottest New Trend *

Embrace Sustainable Business Practices   In a dramatic shift, the fastest growing environmental issue today is sustainable business practices.  While many issues are politically charged, including environmental matters, a major shift in public opinion...

Maven Moment: Reuse Ideas for Old Pantyhose and Stockings

Years ago, pantyhose or stockings were must-haves for a working woman’s wardrobe. No professional woman would consider going to work without wearing them. Even today, pantyhose and knee-high stockings make an outfit look finished and professional. And knee-high...

7 Ways to Plan Thanksgiving Dinner Without Waste

Thanksgiving is a time to indulge, but there is no need for excess. You can have a delicious, sustainable holiday without filling trash bag after trash bag throughout the day. Reduce waste from a bountiful Thanksgiving dinner with careful planning and precycling. 1....

Maven Moment: A Garden for Grandma Rose *

The garden that Grandpa Sal and Grandma Rose had in Queens was a sight to see! There were two fig trees, a raspberry bush, and all of the vegetables that Grandpa started including tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, basil, and long Indian squash that hung from the garage...

Is J P Morgan Chase Being Sustainable or Greenwashing?

Seminole County Commission   Seminole County commissioners expressed concerns about JPMorgan Chase's proposal to remove 88 large shade trees from an office parking lot off International Parkway to make way for dozens of solar panel canopies.   "I...

There Is Always Some Beauty Left P

This week’s inspiration comes from Anne Frank: “I’ve found that there is always some beauty left — in nature, sunshine freedom, in yourself; these can all help you.” The quote comes from the diary Frank kept for two years while she and her family were hiding from the...

Maven Moment: Rags and Textile Waste P

I still laugh when I remember the Easter when Grandma Jennie used rags to curl my sister’s and my hair. Using strips of fabric, she tied each strip at the end of a section of hair. Next, she twisted the hair, rolled it down to the scalp, and tied the rag tightly. Then...

Action! The Final Step to Employee Sustainability Engagement *

Action!  The Final Step to Employee Sustainability Engagement   Note: This is the fourth installment in a five-part series on engaging employees around sustainability. The first part introduces the four stages of employee engagement; the second...

What Happens to E-Waste When It Gets Recycled? *

You Need to Know How Much E-Waste Gets Recycled?   Worldwide, electronic waste makes up more than 5 percent of all municipal solid waste. Commonly called “e-waste,” these discarded electronic products often end up in the landfill — but they shouldn’t. Some of...

This Week’s Sustainability, Business and Science News

The Earth911 team combs news and research for interesting ideas and stories about the challenges of creating a sustainable world. We call it the Earth911 Reader and we hope you find it useful. IN SCIENCE EU’s Green Deal Sends Environmental Impacts To Energy Nations...

Dry Gardening for a Better Tasting Tomorrow *

If your summer water bills – or your local government’s water use restrictions – have you doubting your future as a vegetable gardener, take hope. Farmers in dry climates have developed a suite of strategies to grow crops with little to no irrigation. Called dry...

Can We Break Free From Plastic Pollution? *

In a world where plastic manufacturing is ever-increasing and single-use plastic items are the norm, it’s not surprising that plastic pollution is a major environmental issue. Instead of being the country with the highest per capita rate of plastic waste generation,...

Maven Moment: Refreshing Drinks for Mom

When I was a little girl, we didn’t worry about staying hydrated. We didn’t know the science of hydration. If you were thirsty, you drank a cool beverage. My mother kept a pitcher of tap water in the fridge and sometimes we had soda and, occasionally, lemonade. We...

Are You Inhaling Toxic Laundry Product Fumes? P

The widespread use of face masks is an effective way to slow the spread of COVID-19. Many people are now wearing cloth face masks daily. Thus, they require regular laundering. Be mindful of how you wash your face covering to promote optimum health and sustainability....

What Are Nurdles and Why Should You Care?

Nurdles, also known as “pre-production pellets,” are small pellets of plastic resin, about the size of a lentil, that serve as raw material for manufacturing everyday plastic products. These lightweight pellets are also a major source of microplastic pollution. Easily...

World Benchmarking Alliance Reports on Energy Carbon Footprint

The World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) monitors the sustainability and environmental responsibility performance of the world’s largest countries. Charlotte Hugman, a researcher for the climate and energy programs at WBA shares the results of the organization’s July...

15 Eco-friendly, Non-Toxic Candles

Did you know conventional scented candles are a huge source of indoor air pollution? They also release toxins when burned so I’ve rounded up 15 eco-friendly and non-toxic candles you can burn guilt free. Most candles are made of paraffin wax which releases highly...

So, You’ve Audited Your Waste, Now What?

In part one, Conducting a Home Waste Audit, you learned to audit your household waste for a week. Now it’s time to analyze the waste and make changes. In my waste audit example, I categorized 150 items for disposal. Of those items, I could put 77 items in the...

Discover the Benefits of Sustainable Business Practices *

Adopting Sustainable Business Practices  Enjoy the Benefits of being a Sustainable Business Businesses which demonstrate environmental integrity are likely to do well.  This is often the side benefit which results from doing good. Sustainable businesses...

We Earthlings: 91% of All Plastic Is Still Unrecycled P

Ninety-one percent of all plastic ever manufactured is still unrecycled. And how much have we manufactured? During the six decades that humans have been mass-producing plastic, we’ve created 8.3 billion tons of it. That number grows daily. We didn’t plan ahead for the...

Nature Is Not a Place To Visit. It Is Home. P

This week’s quote is from poet Gary Snyder: “Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share your desire to help people think of the planet first, every day. Click to get a larger image. This post was originally published on July...

Good, Better, Best: Shopping for Natural Fibers P

The fashion industry is responsible for 10% of annual global carbon emissions. That means it is a productive target for personal changes that can make a significant contribution to lowering overall human carbon emissions. You can use thredUP’s fashion footprint...

The Problem With That Wood Smoke Smell P

Nearly everyone loves the smell of wood smoke. It evokes carefree summer nights under the stars and cozy winter evenings relaxing in front of the fireplace. But the smoke storms caused by extreme wildfire seasons in recent years have been a stark reminder that there...

Earth911 Inspiration: How Can I Help the World Today?

Today’s Earth911 inspiration is from American environmental activist Julia Butterfly Hill: “I wake up in the morning asking myself what can I do today, how can I help the world today.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share your desire to help people think of the...

Buyers Guide: Clothes Washers P

Home appliances like clothes washers are responsible for about 15% of your home’s carbon footprint. While there are human-powered appliances that don’t use electricity, for most people, living without a clothes washer is not an option. They are a major purchase,...

How To Care for Cast-Iron Cookware P

Are you considering making the switch to a cast-iron skillet or other cookware? Extremely durable and virtually indestructible, this cookware lasts decades with proper care. But some people may avoid cast iron because they’re not sure how to care for it. Is it hard to...

Paying for the Costs of Dealing With Pollution P

Today’s Earth911 inspiration is from economist Ha-Joon Chang: “People ‘over-produce’ pollution because they are not paying for the costs of dealing with it.” If we were charged fees to clean up the mess every time we polluted, would we pollute less? Earth911...

DIY Thanksgiving Decor Made by Upcycling

If you’re looking to reduce waste and save some money on your Thanksgiving decor, what better way to pull it off than by decorating with trash? To help you deck your halls the eco way, Earth911 rounded up these five creative decor ideas made from waste items and a few...

Combatting Desertification

The United Nations designates days of observance as educational tools to raise awareness of global issues, and if there’s one issue that needs more attention, it’s desertification. You can be forgiven if the word “desertification” brings to mind sweet treats; despite...

How Can We Reduce Our Demand for Unsustainable Palm Oil? P

Does the mention of palm oil make you think about deforestation, habitat destruction, and exploited workers? You’re not alone. You’ve likely heard that palm oil is unsustainable, but that’s not the whole story. We can help reduce its environmental impact by becoming...

Shine On: 5 Green Lighting Tips

Home lighting has a significant impact on interior design and home decoration. It shapes our mood — it even affects our perception of a space’s size and the colors within that space. Lighting also contributes to our mental performance and the ability to complete a...

Have Fun Riding Your Bike to a Better World *

With everything else that’s going on, you may not have even noticed that June 3 was World Bicycle Day. And who can blame you? No one could argue that celebrating the bicycle should draw attention away from the major issues of pandemic and institutional racism that are...

Not So Good, Better, Best: Synthetic Fabrics

Some people will argue that following fashion trends is shallow. But at least one aspect of fashion deserves everyone’s attention. The fashion industry is responsible for 10% of annual global carbon emissions. Whether you follow the trends or not, we suggest using...

Earth911 Inspiration: Choose a Green Future

Today’s quote is from Australian philosopher Toby Ord. In his book, The Precipice: Existential Risk and the Future of Humanity, he wrote, “We have seen how the long arc of human history has brought us to a uniquely important time in our story — a period where our...

Skip the Plastic Wrap: 4 Food Wrap Alternatives

Food wrap choices have long focused on petroleum-based options, but you can do better. Cling wrap is the sticky, thin plastic film handy for covering food dishes that you often see at potlucks and in fridges full of leftovers. You might know it as Saran Wrap, a...

Savor this Recipe of the Ultimate Vegetarian Chili

This vegetarian chili is based off My dad’s famous chili recipe. Seriously, he makes the best chili! Now, I know everyone thinks their dad makes the best chili, but I’m just going to unequivocally say that my dad’s is definitely up there and you know why…. I don’t...

We Earthlings: Recycle a Six-Pack of Aluminum Cans P

When you recycle a six-pack of aluminum cans, you save the amount of energy equal to running a 14-watt CFL bulb for 120 hours. Read to that light happily knowing that you did your bit for the planet. Print or share We Earthling posters to inspire others with your...

Maven Moment: Icebox Cake *

My grandmother’s “icebox cake” was one of my favorite desserts growing up. She made it by layering graham crackers and warm pudding in a pan and setting the pan in the refrigerator so the mixture could set up. After a few hours, the cracker layers had absorbed some of...

Teaching Kids to Recycle

All parents want to leave the world a better place for their children. While it sometimes feels like we don’t have much control over what happens down the line, one of the best ways to ensure that there will be a healthy planet for future generations is to teach...

10 Surprising Ways to Have an Eco-Friendly Bathroom *

The bathroom might be the smallest room in your house but man-oh-man can it be wasteful! I’ve rounded up my best tips for you to create a more eco-friendly bathroom. The sheer amount of products that existed in my bathroom cabinets, under the sink, and in the shower,...

5 Tips to Safeguard Against Electromagnetic Radiation P

Even though we can’t see them, we are surrounded by electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Our computers, microwaves, cell phones, power lines, cell phone towers, fitness tracking devices, smart meters, televisions, routers, X-ray machines, and radios all emit them to varying...

How To Make an Upcycled Jar Terrarium

Terrariums add variety, depth, and beauty to your plant collection. You can easily make one at home out of an upcycled container. Creating an upcycled jar terrarium is also a fun and educational project to do with your kids. Using materials that you already have on...

Which Vegetarian Protein is Good, Better, Best

Becoming vegan is one of the most impactful things an American can do to reduce their environmental footprint, because meat, especially beef, is so carbon-intensive. Many highly processed and luxury items like wine and chocolate generate emissions comparable to some...

Amazing Facts About the Earth and Nature *

The Earth is a remarkable place, full of surprises and value that must be preserved to help humanity’s development while reducing poverty and providing sufficient food for all. In this Earth911 Quiz, we look at recent scientific discoveries that make us marvel at the...

The Biden Era Arrives With Dramatic Climate Action P

The Earth911 Reader collects and comments on useful news about science, business, sustainability, and recycling to save you time and keep you informed. IN SUSTAINABILITY Biden’s Day One Delivers Climate Hope The end of the Trump era arrived with President Joe Biden’s...

Maven Moment: Summer’s Fresh String Beans — 3 Ways *

I love string beans and so did my Mom. She particularly liked to serve dishes that feature them in the summer when they are abundant, fresh, and sweet. They’re great when the weather is too hot for a heavy meal. I remember Mom pinching off the ends of the beans,...

4 Natural Cleaning Recipes To Drive Away Dirty *

Many store-bought cleaning products contain toxins such as propylene glycol, ammonium hydroxide, and synthetic fragrances. They may smell good, but the odor could be harming you. Making your own cleaning products is an easy way to save money and reduce toxins in the...

Learn the Secrets of Measuring Employee Green Engagement *

Why do Companies Brag About Sustainability Note: This is the fifth installment in a five-part series on engaging employees around sustainability. The first part introduces the four stages of employee engagement; the second part discusses raising employee...

3 Upcycled Dog Toys You Can Make P

We all want the best for our dogs. And, when we go to the specialty store to buy the best organic and high quality dog food, we also see all of the latest dog toys that can help stimulate our dogs mentally and physically. But before you spend your money on a brand new...

5 Eco-Friendly Ideas for Your Home Office

As many of you know, Justin and I recently moved. In our old space, my office was a large, open concept area that was used for workouts, reading/lounging, and dancing – lots of dancing. Our new apartment is about the same size as the last place, but far less open...

A Realistic Guide to Recycling in an Apartment P

Five years, five apartment complexes, and only one with a recycling bin. Yeah, I move way too much. In all that moving, it’s surprised me how few apartment complexes offer any kind of recycling. In addition to the places I’ve lived, I’ve toured dozens of complexes and...

Do Consumers Understand What the ‘Circular Economy’ Is? *

Circularity is a Hot Topic   Circularity is a hot topic today, it’s almost impossible to avoid.  Just look at all the Loop articles and ads you’ve seen in recent months about the circularity of consumer goods.  It practically flooded newsfeeds on...

4 Zero-waste Indoor Plant Fertilizers *

Plants vitalize our homes and offices. They filter toxins from the air we breathe and even help boost our mood and reduce stress. Impressively, plants can even help us minimize waste in the kitchen when we apply these zero-waste plant fertilizers. Mulch With Coffee...

Earth911 Quiz #55: Environmentally Smart Shopping P

Sustainable living requires forethought and reflection on the impact of a product or service on the planet. Learning to stop, review the facts, and make a smart choice for the environment will also give you power to influence corporate decisions with your spending....

Is Your Electricity Greenwashed? *

Dozens of electrical utility companies across the country have pledged to become “carbon neutral” by 2050. But recent Sierra Club research shows that hardly any of them are making significant changes to move toward clean energy. Are they greenwashing our electricity?...

Direct Solar America CEO Pablo Diaz on Solar Subsidies

Pablo Diaz, founder and CEO of Direct Solar America, joins Earth911 to talk about the current state of solar subsidies in the U.S. He was recently named one of CEO Magazine’s Top 20 Dynamic CEOs. Diaz founded the company as a solar installer but transitioned to...

10 Relief Remedies Using Essential Oils

All across the globe, people suffer from ailments such as headaches, anxiety, insomnia, nail fungus, minor cuts and more. Relief usually comes in the form of pharmaceuticals or, alternatively, essential oils. Derived from Mother Earth, essential oils can provide...

Good, Better, Best: Home Heating Systems

There are a lot of ways to heat a home, and the chances are you haven’t thought too much about them. After all, unless you are building your own home, you probably never had much choice. But home heating and cooling generate 17% of Americans’ carbon footprint – more...

No Questions Asked Flowers Protect the Environment *

They’re decorative and often emit a pleasing fragrance, but flowers serve a much greater purpose than delighting our senses. They promote a healthy ecosystem and biodiversity, serve as a food source, and nourish their surrounding environment. Taking time to choose the...

Maven Moment: Waste-Free Shaving

I can vividly recall my dad’s Old Spice shaving soap mug. The white mug with the little boat on it contained a small puck of shaving soap and always sat on the bathroom sink along with his shaving brush. He would wet the fine-haired brush to lather up the soap in the...

10 Essential Oil Diffuser Blends for Summer *

Summer is finally here. That means road trips, days at the pool, and tons of sun. Summer also means lots of amazing scents filling the air. Essential oils and a good diffuser are a great way to bring those wonderful scents indoors. Essential Oil Diffusers If you’ve...

The State of Producer Responsibility in the United States

“Producer responsibility is a strategy that engages manufacturers in the entire lifecycle of their products” including end-of-life disposal. It’s a radical shift from the way Americans usually think of materials’ lifecycles; once you buy something you are responsible...

Is Your Business Guilty of the 7 Sins of Greenwashing? *

The Seven Sins Of GreenWashing!   Greenwashing is the deceptive use of  green marketing or green PR to promote the perception that an organization's products, services, or policies are environmentally friendly.   Greenwashing can be as simple as...

Clean Your Whole House With Vinegar, Baking Soda, and Lemon

One way to reduce the number of cleaning products you bring into your home is to clean with products you already have. People have been cleaning with household staples like vinegar, baking soda, and lemons (or lemon juice) for a long time, and believe it or not, these...

The Best Electric Vehicles on the Market P

Thinking of abandoning your internal combustion engine for an EV? There are more electric vehicles on the market than ever before. After almost a decade during which Tesla made almost all the EV options, you have many body styles and features to choose from. Advances...

Will New BioPlastics Destroy Sustainability Growth? *

Bioplastics are plastics made from renewable biological sources, whereas traditional plastics are made from fossil fuels.    Are Plant Based Plastics Our Environmental Answer?   Since about 40 percent of the plastic produced is used in disposable...

Sustainability, Recycling, and Science News, Summarized for You

The Earth911 Reader summarizes the week’s sustainability, recycling, and science news, making it easy for you to stay up-to-date. Be sure not to miss this week’s opportunities to support environmental and sustainability projects. IN SCIENCE Hotter Climates May Turn...

Top 3 Misconceptions About Carbon Emissions

  According to climate scientists, we have the best chance of avoiding a 2 degrees Celsius rise in global temperatures if the average annual carbon footprint per person drops under 2 tons by 2050. That would require a big change from today’s global average of 4.8...

Three Times the Action: Build Your Own Triple Compost Bin

What’s a triple compost bin, and why might you need one? Good question. Most people don’t even have one compost bin. That’s according to a 2014 National Waste and Recycling Survey that found that 72 percent of Americans do not compost. More than 40 million tons of...

How the First Net-Zero Energy Communities in the U.S. Operate *

As with any brilliant innovation, net-zero energy communities were an idea first, and then came the hard work on making the idea a reality. Their goal was to operate without drawing any non-renewable energy from the local power grid. Making a single building net-zero...

U.S. Flood Risk Is 67% Higher Than Historic Projections *

Will your home face flooding due to climate change? A new study by the New York-based nonprofit First Street Foundation found that 67% more American homes than previously estimated face a high risk of flooding during the next 30 years. It could save your life and can...

Mowing the Lawn Without Pollution

The American lawn is an icon of homeownership, social gatherings, and family fun. Unfortunately, the perfect grass lawn is resource-intensive. Lawns must be irrigated, weeded, fertilized, and mowed in most climates. As lawn technology, including tools, fertilizers,...

4 Ways to Have the Greenest Christmas Tree

‘Tis the season to start looking for the perfect Christmas tree to light up your home for the holidays. Today, most people consider live trees to be a greener option than artificial trees, which are often manufactured with polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a...

Use Your Microwave Less, Reduce Your CO2 Emissions

Use your microwave 10 minutes less a day and reduce your CO2 emissions by up to 610 pounds a year, depending upon the source of your electricity. Data source: Quiz #88: Coal-fired Energy Reduction Challenge Print or share We Earthling posters to inspire others with...

We Earthlings: Recycle Your Disposable Gloves

Did you know that you can recycle disposable gloves? TerraCycle offers a variety of recycling solutions for hard-to-recycle items. Check out their Disposable Gloves Zero Waste Box and help save the planet while you’re protecting yourself! Print or share We Earthling...

Nothing Is Perfect and Everything Is Perfect P

Sustainability is a series of experiments. No one is perfect and too many people don’t try to help the Earth because they think they won’t make a difference. Author Alice Waters reminds us that every tree is beautiful and we can be, too, if we forget perfection and...

Dig Into the Roots of Environmental Nonfiction *

Half a century ago, we didn’t know the full impact of what we were doing to the environment. But even then there were people who knew our actions were unsustainable. Those prescient voices gave us warning, and now we know they were right. If you want to understand how...

Ditch Your Antiperspirant: 6 Natural Deodorants That Work P

Deodorant or antiperspirant is something most of us apply daily. We prefer to feel clean and fresh — not stinky. But many people are still unclear about the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant. Consequently, the majority of the populous is slapping,...

This Easy DIY Dry Shampoo Recipe Rinses Away Dirt

No matter whether you like a dry or wet shampoo, the objective remains the same — clean, fresh hair.  If dry shampoo is your thing, we have just the DIY recipe for you! Even if you’re skeptical, give it a try. In this episode of Earth911TV, we show you how easy it is...

Choosing Safer Food Storage Containers P

Many of us grew up in the Tupperware age. Our parents’ fridges were full of plastic food storage containers, and we even kept plastic margarine tubs for storing leftovers! A lot has changed since then, and more and more research is showing that plastic leaches...
7 of the Best Compostable Trash Bags

7 of the Best Compostable Trash Bags

Using compostable trash bags will help you in your efforts to compost food. Food scraps don’t break down in landfills, so by composting them, you’re actually helping the environment. Compostable bags are designed to break down quickly in a compost. As someone who has...

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Why air conditioning is a vicious circle

Why air conditioning is a vicious circle

Pumping heat from our cars and buildings into the outside world adds to climate change, increasing the need to stay cool Air conditioning was a luxury 40 years ago, but the long hot summer of 1976 changed that. The scorching heat that summer lasted two months and most...

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What is Hemp Fabric and is it Sustainable?

What is Hemp Fabric and is it Sustainable?

As the fashion industry becomes increasingly interested in sustainable textiles, many eco-friendly alternatives have emerged. Designers and consumers are now more aware of the environmental impact of common fabrics like polyester. In response, they are turning to...

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How to Plant a Garden for the Birds

How to Plant a Garden for the Birds

Planting a Garden for the birds Birds are the most welcome wildlife in the landscape garden. They are beautiful, musical, interesting to watch. Unlike deer and other large visitors that eat plants, birds can even protect your garden by eating harmful bugs. There are...

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6 Simple DIY Green Cleaning Solution Recipes

6 Simple DIY Green Cleaning Solution Recipes

When you’re shopping for home cleaning solutions, the variety of available options can be overwhelming — even more so when you start reading the ingredients on the label. For example, does “natural” mean the product is nontoxic? What are the ingredients that make up...

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How Many Times Can That Be Recycled? *

How Many Times Can That Be Recycled? *

I used to think that plastic water bottles could be infinitely recycled, that every time I tossed one into the blue bin, it eventually came out to be another plastic bottle. As it turns out, that’s not the case. Some materials can be recycled infinitely, but plastic...

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The Ultimate Guide to Bulk Food Stores

The Ultimate Guide to Bulk Food Stores

It seems nothing, not even 2020, can hold back zero waste grocery shopping. There’s been a huge rise in co-ops, natural food shops, and farmers’ markets that allow you to use your own containers to buy fresh produce by the pound and help you reduce single use...

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Developing Habits for a Sustainable Life *

Developing Habits for a Sustainable Life *

It takes practice to live sustainably and it doesn’t happen overnight. Over time, small daily actions can become habits. But where should we start? By identifying the values that drive us, we can focus on actions that support those values. Sustainable habits that...

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Easy DIY Projects to Weatherize Your Home *

Heating and cooling account for nearly half of all U.S. energy use. One of the best ways to save energy and reduce utility bills is to do a few simple weatherization projects. Although some, such as insulating the attic or installing a new HVAC system are quite...

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Succession Planting for a Successful Garden *

Succession Planting for a Successful Garden *

The combination of increased time at home and growing food insecurity — whether through lost income or the threat of supply chain disruptions — has a lot of people planting a vegetable garden for the first time this year. Most nongardeners imagine that planting a...

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Eco-Friendly Holiday Gift Guide for Kids *

Need some help making a list of eco-friendly holiday gifts for kids? We have some ideas for you. Kids are not hard to please. Parents though, especially environmentally focused ones, can be a tougher audience. Whether you’re giving gift suggestions to grandparents or...

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Dry Gardening for a Better Tasting Tomorrow *

Dry Gardening for a Better Tasting Tomorrow *

If your summer water bills – or your local government’s water use restrictions – have you doubting your future as a vegetable gardener, take hope. Farmers in dry climates have developed a suite of strategies to grow crops with little to no irrigation. Called dry...

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Should You Move Before Sea Levels Rise? *

Should You Move Before Sea Levels Rise? *

Humans are beginning to adapt in response to climate change, and sea level rise represents the biggest potential impact for the 94.7 million Americans who live along our coasts.  You may want to sell your coastal home now if you’re afraid of losing property value as...

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3 Ways To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint *

3 Ways To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint *

What we eat, the food we waste, and how we travel all contribute to global warming. Although we can’t stop eating or traveling completely, we can make simple changes that will make a big difference to our impact on the environment. Here are three impactful steps to...

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Explore the Wide World of Sustainable Wine *

Explore the Wide World of Sustainable Wine *

Even casual wine drinkers know there is no such thing as a typical bottle of wine; there are hundreds of kinds of wine, and even the same wine tastes subtly different from one bottle to the next. When every small decision made in wine production affects the final...

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Have Fun Riding Your Bike to a Better World *

Have Fun Riding Your Bike to a Better World *

With everything else that’s going on, you may not have even noticed that June 3 was World Bicycle Day. And who can blame you? No one could argue that celebrating the bicycle should draw attention away from the major issues of pandemic and institutional racism that are...

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Is Your Electricity Greenwashed? *

Is Your Electricity Greenwashed? *

Dozens of electrical utility companies across the country have pledged to become “carbon neutral” by 2050. But recent Sierra Club research shows that hardly any of them are making significant changes to move toward clean energy. Are they greenwashing our electricity?...

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How To Create a Rain Garden *

How To Create a Rain Garden *

In natural landscapes, rainwater and snowmelt filter down into the ground slowly. This slow infiltration recharges groundwater and filters out contaminants, promoting water quality. A rain garden in your yard can capture and keep vital moisture available for your...

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How can we reduce our metal waste? *

How can we reduce our metal waste? *

Metal is the fifth most common material in household garbage, after paper, food, plastic, and yard waste. Unlike the other top items, metal is inert in a landfill and cannot be burned. Mining metal is among the world’s most environmentally damaging industries....

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Tips for an Eco-Friendly Pregnancy *

You’re pregnant. Congratulations! This exciting time will require a lot of preparation. There’s about to be a new addition to your family, and you need to get ready. While you have lots to think about, you don’t have to abandon your sustainability goals. With a bit of...

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How To Get Kids Involved in Gardening *

How To Get Kids Involved in Gardening *

Spring is already pushing its way out whether you are ready for it or not! I am definitely ready to welcome the birds, the buds, and the scent of freshly turned earth back again. And if you’re like me, you’re anxious to get your garden started. This year, is it time...

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Shopping for the Best Solar Panels *

Shopping for the Best Solar Panels *

Technological advances have transformed the solar energy industry in recent years. Solar panels are significantly more efficient, producing more power in the same amount of space. Meanwhile, prices continue to fall, reducing the cost of solar electricity. But with the...

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Can We Break Free From Plastic Pollution? *

Can We Break Free From Plastic Pollution? *

In a world where plastic manufacturing is ever-increasing and single-use plastic items are the norm, it’s not surprising that plastic pollution is a major environmental issue. Instead of being the country with the highest per capita rate of plastic waste generation,...

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Finding the Real Green Thing *

Finding the Real Green Thing *

Most Americans want to buy sustainable products. But it isn’t easy to separate the green from the greenwashed. Even though marketing studies show that 78% of Americans believe companies should be environmentally responsible and 64% say they feel happy when buying...

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How to Make Your Own Natural Bee Repellent *

How to Make Your Own Natural Bee Repellent *

As the weather warms and you start thinking of picnics and barbecues, your thoughts may also go to typical outdoor summer pests. The last thing anyone wants to see once the grill is fired up is bees and wasps buzzing around your guests. The problem is that commercial...

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Zero-Waste Cleaning and Laundry Tips *

Zero-Waste Cleaning and Laundry Tips *

Similar to a forest ecosystem, zero-waste cleaning systems produce nothing that can’t be reused and repurposed. Waste to one system is food for another. This concept is inspiring to many people wishing to make their lives more sustainable and is gaining in popularity....

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Green Business Practices

Sustainability International Partners green practices through the use of sustainable purchasing, electronics stewardship, transportation, waste diversion, and pollution prevention help in creating the harmony between business and nature necessary to protect our environment.

Sustainability International Partner’s Green Initiatives


  • Recycle & Reduce Wastes:  Use of highly visible and well marked recycling containers in all visitor areas to recycle glass, metal, and paper.
  • Efficient Water Use:  Have a plan for conserving water.
  • Efficient Energy Use:  Have a plan for reducing energy consumption.
  • Support Green Events:  Offer a Green environmentally friendly package for all events.
  • Minimize use of Disposable Products:  Use products made from bio-based or renewable resources and recycle or compost these items.
  • Minimize Chemical Use:  Have a plan to minimize the use of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and fertilizers.
  • Recycle Grease:  Dispose of grease in an environmentally friendly manner.
  • Promote Green Practices:  Use unique opportunities to educate guests about their environment and how they interact with the environment.
  • Promote Green Partners:  Feature your green partners and promote their environmental sensitivity to your guests.
  • Minimize Printed Materials:  Use digital marketing and web presence to spread your message.

Why Should My Business Become A Sustainability International Partner?

Sustainability International Partnership shows potential customers that your business has a commitment to helping keep our environment clean.  

By adopting our voluntary Green Initiatives as your business practices, your business signals your commitment to a sustainable and green environment.


Become A Sustainability International Partner

Sustainability International Partners understand the importance of conducting their business in an environmentally sensitive and sustainable manner.  

Your customers are searching for businesses who embrace sustainability, and green initiatives and there is nothing more important to your business than connecting to every customer possible.  

The partnership is FREE, learn how easy it is to become a Sustainability International Partner and enjoy the benefits of being a Sustainability International Partner.



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