
Sustainability International

Helping your business grow by embracing sustainable practices and green initiatives...

Sustainability is harmony between humans and nature.

Sustainability is based on a simple premise that everything we need for our well being depends on our natural environment.  Pursuing sustainability is to create conditions which make it possible for humans and nature to exist in harmony.

As a business owner each day is a constant balancing act to bring profitability to your business, while finding ways to operate your business in an environmentally sensitive way.  Moving toward sustainability is a challenge when considering how we affect our environment, through our lifestyles, living conditions, energy use, travel and work methods and practices.


Become A Sustainability International Partner

Sustainability International Partners understand the importance of conducting their business in an environmentally sensitive and sustainable manner.  

Your customers are searching for businesses who embrace sustainability, and green initiatives and there is nothing more important to your business than connecting to every customer possible.  

The partnership is FREE, learn how easy it is to become a Sustainability International Partner and enjoy the benefits of being a Sustainability International Partner.



Support Sustainability and protecting our environment, subscribe today for your FREE membership to Sustainability International.



Recycle & Reduce Waste

Use of highly visible and well marked recycling containers in all visitor areas to recycle glass, metal, and paper.

Water Management

By the use of water conservation, storm water management and environmentally friendly landscaping practices Sustainability International Partners can save and lessen the negative impact of water usage on our lives and the environment.

Green Buildings

By using modern construction and renovation practices, Sustainability International Partners high performance building practices can help to decrease adverse effects upon the environment from our buildings.

Energy and Emissions

By embracing energy efficiency standards and renewable energy use, Sustainability International Partners energy use and greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced helping to protect our environment.

EV Charging Stations

Sustainability International Partners can assist more and more travelers who are looking for the convenience of Electric Vehicle charging stations by installing stations onsite.


Earth911 Inspiration: The Choice To Use This Gift

Today’s quote is from scientist Jane Goodall: “We have the choice to use the gift of our life to make the world a better place — or not to bother.” How will you use your gift? Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share your desire to help people think of the planet...

Does Your Business Embrace the Worst Sustainable Practices *

Your Worst Sustainable Business Practices   Following are several ways that businesses fail when they are attempting to conduct their business in a sustainable manner.  After reading my list, can you think of any other ways that a business fails to...

Maven Moment: Lentils, a Frugal and Tasty Meat Substitute P

Lentils were always a staple in our house, especially during the cooler months of the year. My favorite is Mom’s lentil soup. She made it with diced carrot and onion and served it with tiny pasta like orzo or ditalini. It made a warm, filling meal on a cold day and a...

Maven Moment: School Bags

My sister and I went to a Catholic elementary school, so instead of getting new outfits for the school year, we had school uniforms. But we could get a new school bag to start the year! In those days, we didn’t have backpacks. Instead, we used colorful briefcase-style...

Is your tree planting scheme really green? P

Could you be accidentally greenwashing by promoting a tree planting scheme? Tree planting can feel like a “quick win” when it comes to Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability – especially with so many charities now making it accessible for individuals and...

The Problem With That Wood Smoke Smell P

Nearly everyone loves the smell of wood smoke. It evokes carefree summer nights under the stars and cozy winter evenings relaxing in front of the fireplace. But the smoke storms caused by extreme wildfire seasons in recent years have been a stark reminder that there...

Inspiration: The Advertiser’s Business — Madeleine L’Engle

American author Madeleine L’Engle provides today’s Earth911 Inspiration. In her memoir, A Circle of Quiet, she wrote, “A pitch to make us buy a new car or a new stove when our old one is perfectly good, so that we’ll have a better ‘image’ of ourselves, doesn’t make...

Deterra’s Nancy Devine Talks About Safe Drug Disposal

Pharmaceuticals represent a growing source of pollution that impacts the water in our streams and can eventually make its way into the bodies of animals, fish, and humans. Earth911 talks with Nancy Devine, chief operating officer of Deterra, a Verde Environmental...

Be a Good Environmental Steward When You Travel P

The pandemic means added safety precautions at home and when we travel. Some of these precautions generate waste, yet it’s more important than ever to reduce our waste and dispose of it properly. When you have the opportunity to travel again, plan to be a good steward...

10 Ways to Make Your Home More Sustainable P

Making your home more energy and water efficient is one of the best ways you can have a positive impact on the environment so I wanted to round up a few ways you can make your home more sustainable and eco-friendly. 2020 has me dreaming of a little house to call my...

3 Simple Earth-Friendly Summer Recipes *

One of my favorite things about summer is the recipes it inspires with the bounty of fresh fruits that Mother Nature provides. So, I’d like to share some great summer recipes that take advantage of that bounty. These nutritionally dense summer recipes can be made in...

Maven Moment: Icebox Cake *

My grandmother’s “icebox cake” was one of my favorite desserts growing up. She made it by layering graham crackers and warm pudding in a pan and setting the pan in the refrigerator so the mixture could set up. After a few hours, the cracker layers had absorbed some of...

The Plastic Straw Problem, Bans Ignore Accessibility Issues *

The Plastic Straw Ban Problem Ignores Accessibility   For many, plastic straw bans are representative of the progress in the movement against single-use plastics.  However, the bans have drawn criticism for their negative impact on individuals with...

Green Giving: 5 Nonprofits Clobbering Climate Change P

Thinking about year-end donations to nonprofits focused on issues related to climate change? A lot of organizations are working in this area and evaluating them is tough. How do you measure carbon not produced? Which nonprofits should you support? From pillars of the...

Fall Farm-to-Table Brunch Recipes P

Depending on where you call home, autumn may seem like a tricky time to find seasonal fruits and vegetables that are native to your area. But despite chilly temperatures, there’s still plenty of tasty, in-season produce that’s ripe for the picking. To get better...

3 Ways To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint *

What we eat, the food we waste, and how we travel all contribute to global warming. Although we can’t stop eating or traveling completely, we can make simple changes that will make a big difference to our impact on the environment. Here are three impactful steps to...

Mowing the Lawn Without Pollution

The American lawn is an icon of homeownership, social gatherings, and family fun. Unfortunately, the perfect grass lawn is resource-intensive. Lawns must be irrigated, weeded, fertilized, and mowed in most climates. As lawn technology, including tools, fertilizers,...

Oxgut Hose Co.: Upcycled Products With a Heroic Past

It seems that every day, someone is figuring out how to upcycle another product that would otherwise get thrown away. For the Oxgut Hose Company, that product is old fire hoses. Fire departments can dispose of many thousands of fire hoses every year depending upon...

Earth911 Inspiration: Trustees of the Earth

Today’s Earth911 inspiration is from J. Sterling Morton, founder of Arbor Day: “Each generation takes the earth as trustees.” As trustees of the earth, what can we do to ensure future generations can enjoy the many benefits of this beautiful planet? Earth911...

Inspiration: Every Green Tree — Martin Luther King Jr P

This week’s quote is from Martin Luther King, Jr.: “For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share your desire to help people think of...

Unleash Kids’ Creativity With These Natural Craft Ideas

One of the most universal truths in the world is that children love crafts. Virtually nothing on this earth beats sitting down and creating a masterpiece with paint and pompoms, scissors, and glue. Scribbling and cutting and pasting and then giving the whole thing a...

Big Oil’s marketing tactics are taken from Big Tobacco P

In the 1950s, cigarette companies began to learn that their product is a killer.  For decades, Big Tobacco denied the harmful effects of their products, minimising the link between smoking in pregnancy and smaller birth weights, concealing evidence that nicotine is...

10 Easy Swaps for a Zero Waste Kitchen

I’ve been in the kitchen a lot more these past few weeks, and I wanted to share with you a few of my favorite swaps for a zero waste kitchen. But, first, a teeny-tiny celebration. If you’ve been following along with me for a while then you know that I’ve been working...

Maven Moment: Donations to Veterans’ Organizations P

Mom’s friend Hannah (who was of the same generation as Grandma Jennie) was very patriotic. Hannah’s husband Fred served in the Pacific during World War II, and although she didn’t regularly donate to charities, she had a soft spot for veterans. She always sent them...

Rising CO2 Shortens Growing Seasons and; More News

We keep an eye on the news for useful information about science, business, sustainability, and recycling to save you time. This week, the Earth911 Reader summarizes the effect of rising CO2 levels on growing seasons, promised recyclable toothpaste tubes, the risks of...

How to Break the Paper Towel Habit

In almost every American kitchen, you’ll find a roll of paper towels. They have the coolest commercials, and I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say every girl had a crush on the Brawny man at some point. But why do we have them? Why are they viewed as a necessity?...

10 Ways To Reuse Coffee Grounds and Tea Bags

Do you like to start the day with a cup or two of coffee or tea? But what to do with all those spent coffee grounds and tea bags? Sure, you can compost these common morning leftovers, but why not find a few clever ways to reuse them first? From cleaning your furniture...

Sustainable Parenting: 15 Eco-Friendly Moms and Dads You Should Follow

With sustainable parenting, there’s an emphasis on teaching children to be eco-conscious as well as making mindful decisions based on environmental impact. Basically, you seek to raise kids that love and care about the environment which can be done in a number of...

6 Steps Your Business Takes to Embrace Sustainability! *

6 Steps to Business Sustainability! Most business sustainability programs are started to encourage employees and customers to embrace green initiatives.  The reasons to do so can include improve company culture, encourage employees to work green and to...

How Many Times Can That Be Recycled? *

I used to think that plastic water bottles could be infinitely recycled, that every time I tossed one into the blue bin, it eventually came out to be another plastic bottle. As it turns out, that’s not the case. Some materials can be recycled infinitely, but plastic...

Sustainability Conversation With Space of Never Not Nothing

Earth911 talks with Space, keyboardist and guitarist of Never Not Nothing, (“NNN”) a rising British duo that takes sustainability seriously. Space discusses the band’s philosophy of positive nihilism and how they contribute to sustainable culture through direct...

10 Relief Remedies Using Essential Oils

All across the globe, people suffer from ailments such as headaches, anxiety, insomnia, nail fungus, minor cuts and more. Relief usually comes in the form of pharmaceuticals or, alternatively, essential oils. Derived from Mother Earth, essential oils can provide...

10 Tips for Naturally Improving Your Quality of Sleep P

Has the last year thrown off your sleep schedule or is it just me? I find myself consistently resisting bedtime, and I’ve fallen into a slew of bad habits. One of my goals this year is to create a healthier night time routine so I can sleep better.  I also want to...

5 of Grandma’s Natural Cold Remedies P

It’s that time of year – cold and flu season. People across the country are scrambling to keep their immune systems strong and find ways to battle colds naturally. But, just how do you do that? Are there natural remedies for colds that actually work? Like a loud,...

Good, Better, Best: Leather and Leather Alternatives P

Leather has a tremendous environmental impact, not to mention the ethical concerns surrounding animal agriculture. But it’s hard to replace this durable and versatile material – just try shopping for a pair of vegan work boots. Unfortunately, “vegan leather” is not...

Skip These Foods and Reduce Your Carbon Impact

The average American life produces 34,162 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually. If you consume any of the foods shown in the image below daily, drop it from lunch all year to reduce your carbon footprint by the percentage indicated compared to the national average....

Earth911 Quiz #54: Are You a Mobile Phone Recycling Expert?

The mobile phone has become an indispensable tool of modern life, and new models appear every year like automobiles in the 20th century. Old phones can pile up in the home or be recycled for cash, traded in on another phone, and sent through a variety of recycling...

5 Easy EEK-o-Friendly Halloween Decorations

Unfortunately, many of our holidays have become an opportunity to buy stuff that is used once and then tossed in the garbage. Halloween is an especially hyper-commercialized celebration with individually wrapped candies, disposable costumes, plastic accessories, and...

Eco-friendly Experience Gifts for the Quarantines

From Black Friday to Super Saturday, advertisers bombard us with messages to buy a seemingly endless stream of items for the holidays — particularly gifts. And while buying less stuff helps curb your consumer carbon footprint, it’s easy to give in to the pressures of...

15 Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products *

  Cleaning. I’m doing a lot more of it and I’m sure I’m not the only one. I know that not everyone is into the idea of DIYing everything so I wanted to round up a few of the best all-natural and eco-friendly cleaning products on the market.     You can...

What Makes a Product Sustainable and Why Should We Care? *

What is Sustainability, and Why is it Important?   We talk a lot about the importance of sustainability and making sure the products we purchase are sustainable. But what is it, exactly, that makes a product sustainable? As you might suspect, “sustainable” can...

Earth911 Quiz #65: Know Your American Environmental History P

While the nation is ideologically divided on climate change, people throughout our history have acted to protect the land, wildlife, and humans from pollution. In this Earth911 Quiz, you’ll test your knowledge of the U.S. environmental leaders who have helped the...

Maven Moment: the Old Coffee Pot P

A good cup of coffee to start your day … what could be better? Mom always made Dad a nice cup of espresso every morning in her little stovetop pot. The top and bottom of the pot screwed together with a coffee filter (a metal funnel) with coffee grounds between the two...

Can We Innovate Our Way Out of Our Environmental Mess? *

Can Innovation Solve Our Problems? Innovation is an abused business buzzword that is often applied to the topic of sustainability.  Online literature is full of articles and reports on sustainability and innovation, sometimes converged into "sustainable...

How Will We Ever Control Our Growing Waste Problem? *

Why Do We Create So Much Waste?   Waste is not a new phenomenon.  Throughout our history as our societies developed and matured we have created increasing amounts of waste for disposal.  Examining what we dispose, is actually a good method for...

Mosquitos Driving You Nuts? Attract a Bat Colony *

Is your yard swarming with mosquitos? An excellent way to keep flying insects at bay without harmful chemicals is to recruit bats to eat them. Providing bats with the right habitat encourages them to take up residence nearby. Bats like to live in tight crevices in...

Earth911 Inspiration: Choose a Green Future

Today’s quote is from Australian philosopher Toby Ord. In his book, The Precipice: Existential Risk and the Future of Humanity, he wrote, “We have seen how the long arc of human history has brought us to a uniquely important time in our story — a period where our...

8 Cool Brands Offering Sustainability With Style

Old-school environmentalists, with their emphasis on function over form, have a certain aesthetic that can read as virtue-signaling – or worse, frumpy – outside of the environmental movement. There is an inherent benefit in buying less, but you can care about the...

Recycling, Sustainability, and Science Stories You Should Read

We read a lot so you don’t have to comb for useful information. Keep ahead of the crowd with Earth911 Reader, a curated collection of must-read articles about sustainability, recycling, and the sciences of climate, materials, and more. Here are the stories worth your...

You Can Start a Green Team in Your Child’s School

Our children care deeply about the environment.  You can see this even in young children.  Ask a first grader to tell you about their favorite animals. They’ll undoubtedly tell you that those animals — whales, elephants, wolves, butterflies, turtles — are endangered...

GreenerCars Ranks the Greenest Vehicles for 2021 P

Released annually by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), the GreenerCars ratings for 2021 are now available. And it probably won’t surprise you to learn that the highest-ranking (“greenest”) vehicle is electric and the lowest-ranking...

We Earthlings: The CO2 Impact of Streaming Video P

Video streaming has become a part of many people’s everyday lives and we’re here to help you learn about what that means for the environment. Every hour of video you stream emits 0.88 pounds of CO2. If you watch an average of six hours a day, your annual video carbon...

This Air Duster Is a Better Alternative to That Canned Stuff

We live in a world where it’s very easy to create waste but very hard to get rid of it. Unfortunately, so many of our home, office, and now home office needs often require us to use products that can contain pollutants and that we can’t easily dispose of—like canned...

How Does Your Business Litter Factor Affect The Environment? *

Your Latte Factor Equates Your Litter Factor   Have you heard of the Latte Factor?  It's a phrase that was created as a metaphor for all the little things we spend money on during the course of a typical day.  These purchases are usually done with little thought...

We Earthlings: Recycle Your Motor Oil, Don’t Dump It P

What connects us all? Nature and our shared relationships through nature. Share We Earthling posters to help your friends think recycling first (click the image for a larger, high-resolution poster). This post was originally published on July 23, 2019.    ...

What Is Greenwashing? P

Most people make at least some effort to minimize their impact on the planet’s ecosystems. Recycling and saving energy are mainstream practices now, and most of us try to buy more sustainable products. Buying sustainable products does make a difference, but it’s...

How to Turn Your Yard Into a Pollinator Paradise

Did you know that almost all of the world’s plants need to be pollinated?  Bats, birds, beetles, bees, butterflies, wasps, and moths all play this essential role in ecosystems and are crucial in the reproduction of two-thirds of all crop species. Sadly, pollinators...

Why You Should Ditch Balloons if You Love the Environment *

After writing an article on traditions that are terrible for the environment, I received overwhelming feedback that balloon releases should have been included on the list. Never one to disappoint, I decided to do some research on the topic and what I found was...

Combatting Desertification

The United Nations designates days of observance as educational tools to raise awareness of global issues, and if there’s one issue that needs more attention, it’s desertification. You can be forgiven if the word “desertification” brings to mind sweet treats; despite...

Is Your Electricity Greenwashed? *

Dozens of electrical utility companies across the country have pledged to become “carbon neutral” by 2050. But recent Sierra Club research shows that hardly any of them are making significant changes to move toward clean energy. Are they greenwashing our electricity?...

Savor this Recipe of the Ultimate Vegetarian Chili

This vegetarian chili is based off My dad’s famous chili recipe. Seriously, he makes the best chili! Now, I know everyone thinks their dad makes the best chili, but I’m just going to unequivocally say that my dad’s is definitely up there and you know why…. I don’t...

Tips for an Eco-Friendly Pregnancy *

You’re pregnant. Congratulations! This exciting time will require a lot of preparation. There’s about to be a new addition to your family, and you need to get ready. While you have lots to think about, you don’t have to abandon your sustainability goals. With a bit of...

Ensure That Sustainability is Part of Your Business Plan *

Inject Sustainability into Your Business Plan   Sustainability will be handled differently for different companies.  Whether your company is a startup or an established company reevaluating your business plans matters.  You need to identify what the source...

With How Little Nature Will Be Satisfied P

This week’s quote is from French writer and philosopher, Michel de Montaigne: “It is wonderful to see with how little nature will be satisfied.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share your desire to help people think of the planet first, every day. Click to get a...

How To Recycle a Broken Treadmill

If you have a home gym, it’s likely you own a treadmill. Too often, this kind of gym equipment goes unrecycled. Whether you use it regularly or not, your treadmill will eventually stop working. When mine was beyond repair, I was determined to recycle every part of the...

Bad, Better, Best: The Climate Impact of Meat

The average American eats 220.9 pounds of meat per year. Food accounts for 14% of our household carbon emissions, and meat accounts for more than half of that. Although a vegan diet may be the single most effective way for individuals to minimize their environmental...

Sustainable Stocking Stuffers

If you are determined to be eco-friendly in all your gift-giving this year, start with creative, sustainable stocking stuffers. “The holidays are one of the hardest times to reduce waste because of traditions, feeling overwhelmed, and not being aware of other...

Eco-Friendly Holiday Gift Guide for Kids *

Need some help making a list of eco-friendly holiday gifts for kids? We have some ideas for you. Kids are not hard to please. Parents though, especially environmentally focused ones, can be a tougher audience. Whether you’re giving gift suggestions to grandparents or...

This Week’s Essential Sustainability, and Recycling News

Start your environmental and sustainability reading with us! We read a lot so you don’t have to. Every week, Earth911 Reader delivers the must-read articles around the web you should read to be up-to-date on stories that share our understanding of the issues. This...

Maven Moment: Community Action

One of the activities that I miss most during this time of COVID-19 is volunteering. Before the pandemic, at least one weekend a month I had the opportunity to participate in a park, beach, or forest cleanup project. It was at these events that I began to meet my...

The Best Electric Vehicles on the Market P

Thinking of abandoning your internal combustion engine for an EV? There are more electric vehicles on the market than ever before. After almost a decade during which Tesla made almost all the EV options, you have many body styles and features to choose from. Advances...

What Happens to E-Waste When It Gets Recycled? *

You Need to Know How Much E-Waste Gets Recycled?   Worldwide, electronic waste makes up more than 5 percent of all municipal solid waste. Commonly called “e-waste,” these discarded electronic products often end up in the landfill — but they shouldn’t. Some of...

This Week’s Sustainability, Business and Science News

The Earth911 team combs news and research for interesting ideas and stories about the challenges of creating a sustainable world. We call it the Earth911 Reader and we hope you find it useful. IN SCIENCE EU’s Green Deal Sends Environmental Impacts To Energy Nations...

Will New BioPlastics Destroy Sustainability Growth? *

Bioplastics are plastics made from renewable biological sources, whereas traditional plastics are made from fossil fuels.    Are Plant Based Plastics Our Environmental Answer?   Since about 40 percent of the plastic produced is used in disposable...

Hacks to Stay Cool: Beat the Heat Using Less Energy *

According to a study from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), air conditioners account for a full 6% of U.S. energy consumption. It’s a huge number, and a large issue for those concerned with global warming. This massive consumption is compounded by the...

U.S. Flood Risk Is 67% Higher Than Historic Projections *

Will your home face flooding due to climate change? A new study by the New York-based nonprofit First Street Foundation found that 67% more American homes than previously estimated face a high risk of flooding during the next 30 years. It could save your life and can...

Clear the Clutter: Stop Organizing and Just Have Less Stuff

If you’re a Pinterest person, as I am, then no doubt you have read hundreds of intricately detailed tips about how to organize your stuff. These run the gamut from color-coded bins and meticulously organized junk drawers to hidden shelving units tucked neatly into the...

5 Captivating Recycling Books for Kids 5 and Under

The idea of recycling or repurposing things comes naturally to young children, as most are very crafty and resourceful. Capitalize on that interest by reading them books with a recycling theme — these five present this all-important topic in a fun, colorful manner....

3 Simple, Natural DIY Recipes To Repel Bugs *

Summer is here, bringing along a slew of insects and bugs. To keep these pests at bay, you need look no further than these three simple DIY recipes — for people, pets, and the home — courtesy of this episode of Earth911TV. DIY Recipes To Repel Bugs This article...

Predicting 2021’s Environmental Trends P

For the past couple of years, Earth911 has made predictions about the biggest environmental trends in the New Year. Some of our predictions have been accurate. Beyond Meat stocks are up more than 80% over last year, while electric vehicle sales increased 91%. But as...

Zero Waste Gifts: 20 Ideas for Conscious Consumers P

Welcome to the 2020 Going Zero Waste gifts guide! Creating gift guides every year is one of my favorite blog posts to write. Both my mother and I have the love language of gifts, and I’ve worked to reconcile that with adopting a more minimal and low-waste lifestyle....

How To Plan Home Energy Upgrades Based on an Energy Audit P

Did you know that homes and businesses use 40% of the total energy consumed in the United States? Does your home have high energy bills, cold floors, or drafts? If so, a home energy audit is the first step in improving home comfort, cutting your energy bills, and...

Good, Better, Best: The Environmental Impact of Seafood

A vegan diet may be the single most effective way for individuals to minimize their environmental impact, but giving up meat is a huge challenge for many people. A pescatarian diet — that means eating fish and other seafood but no other meats — can be a practical step...

Tips for Starting Your Garden From Scratch P

As the spring flowers start to appear and the days get longer, my inspiration for gardening returns. You don’t have to wait for warmer weather to get your hands dirty. Starting plants from seed is a great way to extend your relationship with your garden, have more...

Which Vegetarian Protein is Good, Better, Best

Becoming vegan is one of the most impactful things an American can do to reduce their environmental footprint, because meat, especially beef, is so carbon-intensive. Many highly processed and luxury items like wine and chocolate generate emissions comparable to some...

Unilever To Add Carbon Footprint Information on Packaging *

Unilever, the industrial giant behind the Seventh Generation, Dove, Ben & Jerry’s, Lipton, and dozens of other familiar brands, will add carbon footprint labels to its packaging. It’s an important change that will let you track the company’s progress toward its...

We Earthlings: Let’s Recycle More Aluminum

What connects us all? Nature and our shared relationships through nature. Mining the bauxite that we use to produce aluminum is harmful to the earth, plants, and animals. And the process of converting raw bauxite into aluminum consumes a lot of energy. Thankfully,...

PPE Use Protects Us Against Coronavirus, but It’s Harming the Oceans

Did you know that 91% of the plastic produced has never been recycled? Yet calls to eliminate single-use plastics have been lost in the panic of a new pandemic and the rush to secure personal protective equipment (PPE). And many of these items — including disposable...

7 Steps to Reducing Your Business Carbon Emissions *

Reducing Carbon Emissions is Good for Business   It's time for all of us to examine the roles that our homes and businesses play in the growing climate change crisis.  Our future doesn’t have to be bleak if we take action now. The first step to...

Sustainability at Home — Food, Detergents, and Reuse Projects

The Earth911 team is talking about the sustainable household decisions and projects to think about if you have some extra coronavirus-isolation time on your hands. We look at four kinds of laundry detergent, including powdered, liquid, pod, and sheet detergents that...

Will Your Next House Be a Tiny Home?

Although the American dream used to involve a white picket fence and a nice-sized home, some are opting for a pocket-sized alternative. As many people look to simplify their lives and rethink their priorities, living in a dramatically smaller home is appealing to an...

U.S. Flood Risk Is 67% Higher Than Historic Projections *

Will your home face flooding due to climate change? A new study by the New York-based nonprofit First Street Foundation found that 67% more American homes than previously estimated face a high risk of flooding during the next 30 years. It could save your life and can...

How the First Net-Zero Energy Communities in the U.S. Operate *

As with any brilliant innovation, net-zero energy communities were an idea first, and then came the hard work on making the idea a reality. Their goal was to operate without drawing any non-renewable energy from the local power grid. Making a single building net-zero...

We Earthlings: 91% of All Plastic Is Still Unrecycled P

Ninety-one percent of all plastic ever manufactured is still unrecycled. And how much have we manufactured? During the six decades that humans have been mass-producing plastic, we’ve created 8.3 billion tons of it. That number grows daily. We didn’t plan ahead for the...

Some U.S. metro areas could grow all needed food locally P

Some but not all U.S. metro areas could grow all the food they need locally, according to a new study estimating the degree to which the American food supply could be localized based on population, geography, and diet. The modeling study, led by Christian Peters at...

Q & A With Author: ‘No-Waste Kitchen Gardening’

When in the kitchen whipping up salads, soups, and stews, you typically pile up random scraps from freshly sliced veggies and fruits. Possibly, within that slurry of unwanted produce pieces, you have pits and seeds that could be the foundations for fresh new plants....

Maven Moment: Have Extra Stuff? Bring It to Work

Sometimes, when I was cleaning or decluttering, I found multiples of the same type of item. This might be anything from umbrellas to reusable takeout food containers to pens and note pads. What to do with the extras? Mom’s answer was simple and smart: “Bring it to...

International Young Eco-Heroes Inspire a Brighter Future

Young people around the world are powerful players in protecting the planet. These youthful eco-heroes promote fresh ideas for sustainability, such as “eco bricks” from discarded plastic. They work to protect pollinators, frogs, and other precious wildlife. They speak...

Apples vs. Almonds — Compare Water Use and Fiber Content

Water usage and what we get in return is a challenging issue to track when making a buying decision. Here, we compare the water use involved in producing a pound of apples and a pound of almonds. While the almonds require 10 times the water as apples do, they deliver...

Clever Reuse Ideas for Insulated Food Delivery Bags P

Perhaps you’ve placed an order and they’re standing right outside your front door. Shiny. Pretty. Insulated bags loaded with yummy items. Amazon Prime, which offers doorstep drop-offs from Whole Foods, uses silvery plastic padded bags when packing up refrigerated and...

12 Ways to Connect With Nature This Summer *

I think the the great outdoors is going through a modern renaissance so I wanted to inspire you with 12 ways you can connect more deeply with nature this summer. The great outdoors have had a revival in the last few years but it’s been full of showmanship – think...

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Amazing Facts About the Earth and Nature *

Amazing Facts About the Earth and Nature *

The Earth is a remarkable place, full of surprises and value that must be preserved to help humanity’s development while reducing poverty and providing sufficient food for all. In this Earth911 Quiz, we look at recent scientific discoveries that make us marvel at the...

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10 Easy Ways to Reduce Food Waste at Home *

10 Easy Ways to Reduce Food Waste at Home *

Food is too good to waste, and yet one third of food produced for human consumption is wasted or lost globally. In the US, we waste 40% of all our food – that’s nuts! Food waste might seem like something small, but it adds up to a massive… and I mean MASSIVE impact....

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3 Simple Earth-Friendly Summer Recipes *

3 Simple Earth-Friendly Summer Recipes *

One of my favorite things about summer is the recipes it inspires with the bounty of fresh fruits that Mother Nature provides. So, I’d like to share some great summer recipes that take advantage of that bounty. These nutritionally dense summer recipes can be made in...

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10 Essential Oil Diffuser Blends for Summer *

Summer is finally here. That means road trips, days at the pool, and tons of sun. Summer also means lots of amazing scents filling the air. Essential oils and a good diffuser are a great way to bring those wonderful scents indoors. Essential Oil Diffusers If you’ve...

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Green Business Practices

Sustainability International Partners green practices through the use of sustainable purchasing, electronics stewardship, transportation, waste diversion, and pollution prevention help in creating the harmony between business and nature necessary to protect our environment.

Sustainability International Partner’s Green Initiatives


  • Recycle & Reduce Wastes:  Use of highly visible and well marked recycling containers in all visitor areas to recycle glass, metal, and paper.
  • Efficient Water Use:  Have a plan for conserving water.
  • Efficient Energy Use:  Have a plan for reducing energy consumption.
  • Support Green Events:  Offer a Green environmentally friendly package for all events.
  • Minimize use of Disposable Products:  Use products made from bio-based or renewable resources and recycle or compost these items.
  • Minimize Chemical Use:  Have a plan to minimize the use of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and fertilizers.
  • Recycle Grease:  Dispose of grease in an environmentally friendly manner.
  • Promote Green Practices:  Use unique opportunities to educate guests about their environment and how they interact with the environment.
  • Promote Green Partners:  Feature your green partners and promote their environmental sensitivity to your guests.
  • Minimize Printed Materials:  Use digital marketing and web presence to spread your message.

Why Should My Business Become A Sustainability International Partner?

Sustainability International Partnership shows potential customers that your business has a commitment to helping keep our environment clean.  

By adopting our voluntary Green Initiatives as your business practices, your business signals your commitment to a sustainable and green environment.


Become A Sustainability International Partner

Sustainability International Partners understand the importance of conducting their business in an environmentally sensitive and sustainable manner.  

Your customers are searching for businesses who embrace sustainability, and green initiatives and there is nothing more important to your business than connecting to every customer possible.  

The partnership is FREE, learn how easy it is to become a Sustainability International Partner and enjoy the benefits of being a Sustainability International Partner.



Support Sustainability and protecting our environment, subscribe today for your FREE membership to Sustainability International.



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