
Sustainability International

Helping your business grow by embracing sustainable practices and green initiatives...

Sustainability is harmony between humans and nature.

Sustainability is based on a simple premise that everything we need for our well being depends on our natural environment.  Pursuing sustainability is to create conditions which make it possible for humans and nature to exist in harmony.

As a business owner each day is a constant balancing act to bring profitability to your business, while finding ways to operate your business in an environmentally sensitive way.  Moving toward sustainability is a challenge when considering how we affect our environment, through our lifestyles, living conditions, energy use, travel and work methods and practices.


Become A Sustainability International Partner

Sustainability International Partners understand the importance of conducting their business in an environmentally sensitive and sustainable manner.  

Your customers are searching for businesses who embrace sustainability, and green initiatives and there is nothing more important to your business than connecting to every customer possible.  

The partnership is FREE, learn how easy it is to become a Sustainability International Partner and enjoy the benefits of being a Sustainability International Partner.



Support Sustainability and protecting our environment, subscribe today for your FREE membership to Sustainability International.



Recycle & Reduce Waste

Use of highly visible and well marked recycling containers in all visitor areas to recycle glass, metal, and paper.

Water Management

By the use of water conservation, storm water management and environmentally friendly landscaping practices Sustainability International Partners can save and lessen the negative impact of water usage on our lives and the environment.

Green Buildings

By using modern construction and renovation practices, Sustainability International Partners high performance building practices can help to decrease adverse effects upon the environment from our buildings.

Energy and Emissions

By embracing energy efficiency standards and renewable energy use, Sustainability International Partners energy use and greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced helping to protect our environment.

EV Charging Stations

Sustainability International Partners can assist more and more travelers who are looking for the convenience of Electric Vehicle charging stations by installing stations onsite.


Plant-Based Soups — Super for You and the Planet P

Warm, rich, and hearty. Light and refreshing. Spicy and silken. The styles, flavors, and textures of soups are limitless. Even if you’re ditching dairy. Or blowing off beef. Lucious plant-based soup recipes are plentiful, from traditional favorites to enticing...

Native Plants: the Key to Eco-Friendly Gardening P

After a dreary winter, spring has finally arrived! It’s time to shed our winter coats, trade them in for a sun hat and a pair of gardening gloves, and go dig into the dirt. Spring is a time for growth, renewal, and, best of all, gardening. What will you plant this...

Maven Moment: Community Action

One of the activities that I miss most during this time of COVID-19 is volunteering. Before the pandemic, at least one weekend a month I had the opportunity to participate in a park, beach, or forest cleanup project. It was at these events that I began to meet my...

Do Consumers Understand What the ‘Circular Economy’ Is? *

Circularity is a Hot Topic   Circularity is a hot topic today, it’s almost impossible to avoid.  Just look at all the Loop articles and ads you’ve seen in recent months about the circularity of consumer goods.  It practically flooded newsfeeds on...

Infographic: How To Compost at Home

Are you composting at home yet? If not, you might want to consider it. We generate more than 267.8 million tons of trash annually in the U.S. and more than 40.6 million tons of this is food waste that could be composted. According to the Environmental Protection...

Earth911 Inspiration: Choose a Green Future

Today’s quote is from Australian philosopher Toby Ord. In his book, The Precipice: Existential Risk and the Future of Humanity, he wrote, “We have seen how the long arc of human history has brought us to a uniquely important time in our story — a period where our...

What Can You Do With Your Old Electrical Wires and Cables?

Do you have a box of old electrical wires and cables lying in a corner of your house? You’re not alone. Around the globe, human beings throw away around 40 million tons of electrical waste per year. Electrical construction material, including the types of wires and...

Earth911 Inspiration: The First Rule of Sustainability

Today’s inspiration is from environmentalist, entrepreneur, and author Paul Hawken: “The first rule of sustainability is to align with natural forces, or at least not to try to defy them.” Hawken is the founder of Project Drawdown, a nonprofit with the mission to...

5 Eco-Friendly Ideas for Your Home Office

As many of you know, Justin and I recently moved. In our old space, my office was a large, open concept area that was used for workouts, reading/lounging, and dancing – lots of dancing. Our new apartment is about the same size as the last place, but far less open...

Charge Your Electric Vehicle at Home — and on the Go P

If you don’t already own an electric vehicle (EV), you might soon. Most automakers are ramping up the development and production of electrified models, including SUVs and pick-up trucks. EV ownership is predicted to skyrocket in the next few years. Because these...

Earth911 Inspiration: We Must Decide

Today’s quote is from American author Barry Lopez: “The land gets inside of us; and we must decide one way or another what this means, what we will do about it.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share your desire to help people think of the planet first, every day....

What is the Carbon Impact of Shipping Apples P

Everything we eat has been transported to us, adding CO2 to the atmosphere. Each little contribution has added up to more CO2 in the atmosphere than at any time in the last 800,000 years. We thought it would be informative to look at a box of apples as an example....

Sustainable Business Practices is the Hottest New Trend *

Embrace Sustainable Business Practices   In a dramatic shift, the fastest growing environmental issue today is sustainable business practices.  While many issues are politically charged, including environmental matters, a major shift in public opinion...

Green Websites and Online Games for Kids *

Young people are spending more and more time on devices. Kids between the ages of eight and 12 spend nearly six hours online daily on average. Although this statistic seems quite high, it is important to consider what children are doing online. There are many...

We Earthlings: Recycle a Six-Pack of Aluminum Cans P

When you recycle a six-pack of aluminum cans, you save the amount of energy equal to running a 14-watt CFL bulb for 120 hours. Read to that light happily knowing that you did your bit for the planet. Print or share We Earthling posters to inspire others with your...

10 Surprising Ways to Have an Eco-Friendly Bathroom *

The bathroom might be the smallest room in your house but man-oh-man can it be wasteful! I’ve rounded up my best tips for you to create a more eco-friendly bathroom. The sheer amount of products that existed in my bathroom cabinets, under the sink, and in the shower,...

Not So Good, Better, Best: Synthetic Fabrics

Some people will argue that following fashion trends is shallow. But at least one aspect of fashion deserves everyone’s attention. The fashion industry is responsible for 10% of annual global carbon emissions. Whether you follow the trends or not, we suggest using...

Jiminy’s Cricket-based Treats Reduce Your Dog’s Carbon Footprint P

We first discovered Jiminy’s cricket protein-based dog food and treats last year and recently tried a variety of their snacks with our dogs, Lizzie and Miriam. There are not many choices we can make when shopping that produce a bigger change in environmental impacts...

Six Greener Alternatives to Plastic Trash Bags P

Are you on your way to a zero waste household? If you haul your trash to the curb every week in a plastic trash bag, figuring out a more sustainable alternative to that plastic bag can be challenging. We’ve rounded up a few greener trash bag alternatives for your...

Ditch Your Antiperspirant: 6 Natural Deodorants That Work P

Deodorant or antiperspirant is something most of us apply daily. We prefer to feel clean and fresh — not stinky. But many people are still unclear about the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant. Consequently, the majority of the populous is slapping,...

How Big a Difference Does Buying an Electric Vehicle Make?

More than 1.18 million electric vehicles were rolling along roads and highways in March 2019 and the major automakers have announced aggressive plans to introduce more EVs by 2025. Buying an EV has never been easier, though subsidies have begun to fall. In this...

20 Reef Safe Sunscreens to Keep You Protected *

All natural, organic, eco-friendly, low-waste, and reef safe sunscreens are becoming easier to find! *PRAISE* My mom harped on me wearing sunscreen as a kid, and I can count on two hands the amount of times I’ve been burned. She would always slather me in the stuff...

We Earthlings: The CO2 Impact of Soda Pop Consumption

What connects us all? Nature and our shared relationships through nature. Share the carbon dioxide impact of soda pop consumption. One 20-ounce bottle contributes 3.3 ounces of CO2 and all Americans’ soda drinking contributes 19.5 billion pounds of CO2 a year. Know...

Try a Little Tenderness Toward This World P

Thinking of the Earth first, with consideration and kindness, is what we need to make positive decisions about our relationship with the world. Author Charlotte Erickson reminds us to “Just try a little tenderness towards this world we’ve been lucky enough to build...

Tips for an Eco-Friendly Pregnancy *

You’re pregnant. Congratulations! This exciting time will require a lot of preparation. There’s about to be a new addition to your family, and you need to get ready. While you have lots to think about, you don’t have to abandon your sustainability goals. With a bit of...

How Will We Save Our Amazing Oceans and Wildlife? *

How Much Plastic Pollutes Our Ocean Environment   Every year, an estimated 8 million tons of plastic goes into our oceans. That's an awful statistic, but it's legacy is even worse.  Each year the scope of the problem grows with more plastic...

How To Make an Upcycled Jar Terrarium

Terrariums add variety, depth, and beauty to your plant collection. You can easily make one at home out of an upcycled container. Creating an upcycled jar terrarium is also a fun and educational project to do with your kids. Using materials that you already have on...

Inspiration: The Advertiser’s Business — Madeleine L’Engle

American author Madeleine L’Engle provides today’s Earth911 Inspiration. In her memoir, A Circle of Quiet, she wrote, “A pitch to make us buy a new car or a new stove when our old one is perfectly good, so that we’ll have a better ‘image’ of ourselves, doesn’t make...

The Week’s Sustainability, Recycling, Business and Science News

The Earth911 team combs news and research for interesting ideas and stories about the challenges of creating a sustainable world. We call it the Earth911 Reader and we hope you find it useful. IN SCIENCE Arctic Sea Ice Loss May Set Off Accelerated Global Warming...

How to Save Money on Your Kitchen Electric Bill

Saving money and the environment is what I’m all about right now. I started a series all around this topic covering how to save money on your electric bill, your water bill, and, of course, going zero waste. I’ve been taking each of these series room-by-room through...

Good, Better, Best: Home Heating Systems

There are a lot of ways to heat a home, and the chances are you haven’t thought too much about them. After all, unless you are building your own home, you probably never had much choice. But home heating and cooling generate 17% of Americans’ carbon footprint – more...

Infographic: 5 Ways To Go Zero Waste

Every day, the average American creates about 4.4 pounds of waste — adding up to 258 million tons in landfills yearly. Kathryn Kellogg, founder of Going Zero Waste, can fit all the trash she’s thrown away in the past two years in one Mason jar. Here are her tips for...

Are Floating Neighborhoods a Solution for Rising Sea Levels? *

As sea-level rise threatens cities throughout the world, some are looking at how humans can adapt. In North Amsterdam, a collaborative team created a floating neighborhood called Schoonschip on a canal. It consists of 46 dwellings, more than 100 new residents, and...

PPE Use Protects Us Against Coronavirus, but It’s Harming the Oceans

Did you know that 91% of the plastic produced has never been recycled? Yet calls to eliminate single-use plastics have been lost in the panic of a new pandemic and the rush to secure personal protective equipment (PPE). And many of these items — including disposable...

Maven Moment: Cooling Off in the Kiddie Pool *

One way that my sister and I beat the summer heat when we were little was to cool off in the kiddie pool in the back yard. I remember the feeling of never wanting to come out — even when I got “prune fingers”! Once in a while, our cousin came along to join in the fun....

U.S. Flood Risk Is 67% Higher Than Historic Projections *

Will your home face flooding due to climate change? A new study by the New York-based nonprofit First Street Foundation found that 67% more American homes than previously estimated face a high risk of flooding during the next 30 years. It could save your life and can...

Fun Ways to Reuse Wine Bottles and Corks P

Hey, wine lovers! Curious about what you can do with your empty bottles and corks? Surprisingly, there are loads of things you can make — from upcycled glassware to home décor. Before you peruse our list, note that some of these bottle projects are not for the faint...

Earth911 Quiz #48: Ocean Plastics Solutions

Plastic pollution in our oceans is a serious challenge to our food supply, animal and human health, and the environment in general. With multiple gyres of trash that are hundreds of miles wide floating in the world’s seas, plastic threatens to outweigh fish by 2050....

Oxgut Hose Co.: Upcycled Products With a Heroic Past

It seems that every day, someone is figuring out how to upcycle another product that would otherwise get thrown away. For the Oxgut Hose Company, that product is old fire hoses. Fire departments can dispose of many thousands of fire hoses every year depending upon...

Buyers Guide: Choosing the Greenest Clothes Dryer P

People rarely shop for a clothes dryer by itself. It’s more common to buy washers and dryers as a pair. And usually, it’s the washer that gets more attention, even though dryers use more energy than any other home appliance. You could just get the dryer that matches...

12 Eco-Friendly, Organic and Reusable Face Masks *

Face masks are 2020s must have accessory. Justin and I were pretty lucky to have two reusable faces masks inside our eco-friendly emergency kit. Unfortunately… we lost both of them in the move. I wanted to order a few to have on hand because I think it would be best...

Recycling, Sustainability, and Science Stories You Should Read

We read a lot so you don’t have to comb for useful information. Keep ahead of the crowd with Earth911 Reader, a curated collection of must-read articles about sustainability, recycling, and the sciences of climate, materials, and more. Here are the stories worth your...

Which Car Brands Emit the Most Carbon Dioxide? *

Do you know how your car’s carbon dioxide emissions compare to those emitted by other cars? Are some car brands bigger CO2 emitters than others? And do all new car models really produce fewer emissions than the older models on the road? The world saw air quality and...

Earth911 Inspiration: For Future Generations

Today’s quote is from Senator Gaylord Nelson, Co-founder of Earth Day: “The ultimate test of man’s conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share...

U.S. Flood Risk Is 67% Higher Than Historic Projections *

Will your home face flooding due to climate change? A new study by the New York-based nonprofit First Street Foundation found that 67% more American homes than previously estimated face a high risk of flooding during the next 30 years. It could save your life and can...

Simple Steps To Recycle Your Own Paper P

Paper recycling might seem like the sort of thing best left to the recycling experts, but did you know you can recycle your own paper at home without too much trouble? You’ll be able to eliminate some household waste — like junk mail, used printer paper, or old...

Apples vs. Almonds — Compare Water Use and Fiber Content

Water usage and what we get in return is a challenging issue to track when making a buying decision. Here, we compare the water use involved in producing a pound of apples and a pound of almonds. While the almonds require 10 times the water as apples do, they deliver...

Five DIY Baby Skin Care Recipes to Make Babies Life Better

There’s nothing more immaculate than baby skin, and for new parents, figuring out how to take care of it properly can be overwhelming. Confronted with shelves upon shelves of baby-care products, how do you know which choice will be safe, effective, and good for your...

Quiz #87: Food Carbon Footprint Challenge

A few simple mental habits such as knowing how to quickly pick the foods with the least carbon impact, can help you make big strides in your personal sustainability. In this Earth911 Quiz, you’ll be presented a set of foods and asked to order them by their CO2...

5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Use Homemade Laundry Detergent

I recently received an email from a journalist asking if I had a good recipe for homemade laundry detergent. If you’ve visited goingzerowaste.com before you know that I have a fairly extensive list of effective and easy homemade cleaning recipes and even more featured...

What Is Greenwashing? P

Most people make at least some effort to minimize their impact on the planet’s ecosystems. Recycling and saving energy are mainstream practices now, and most of us try to buy more sustainable products. Buying sustainable products does make a difference, but it’s...

Let’s Restore the Forests To Remove CO2 P

Paul Hawken’s important book Drawdown is a blueprint for reducing humanity’s carbon footprint. Did you know that restoring 751 million acres of forest that have been cut down in the past few decades would remove 61.2 gigatons of CO2 from the atmosphere by 2050? This...

5 Fun Ways To Recycle Your Jeans

Clothing is probably one of the easiest things to avoid putting in the trash, yet Americans throw away more than 11 million tons of textiles annually, which is about 66% of the total textiles produced in a year. There’s no need for this. Next time you’re wondering...

Is Glass or Plastic a Better Choice For The Environment? *

How Come Glass is the Darling of the Zero Waste Community?   If you research zero waste, you'll see lots of pictures of glass jars gathered for recycling.  The ease of disposal of glass by recycling makes glass very popular with the zero waste...

The Plastic Straw Problem, Bans Ignore Accessibility Issues *

The Plastic Straw Ban Problem Ignores Accessibility   For many, plastic straw bans are representative of the progress in the movement against single-use plastics.  However, the bans have drawn criticism for their negative impact on individuals with...

Trump Administration Rewrites Environmental Protection Regulation

The Trump administration last week announced it will roll back key provisions of the 50-year-old National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) that require environmental impact reviews for construction and other development projects. The decision will have a negative...

Tips for Starting Your Garden From Scratch P

As the spring flowers start to appear and the days get longer, my inspiration for gardening returns. You don’t have to wait for warmer weather to get your hands dirty. Starting plants from seed is a great way to extend your relationship with your garden, have more...

Earth911 Inspiration: Add to the Sum of Accurate Information

Today’s Earth911 inspiration is from American anthropologist Margaret Mead. She said, “I was brought up to believe that the only thing worth doing was to add to the sum of accurate information in this world.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share your desire to help...

Give women a voice in the fight against climate change

In November 2021, The UK will host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow. The climate talks will bring together heads of state, climate experts and campaigners to agree coordinated action to tackle climate change. The UK will be...

Can Solar Farms Promote Food Security, Wildlife Habitat? P

A big concern with large-scale solar farms is the impact on land use. Solar developers often site projects on agricultural land that is taken out of production. Also, the vegetation around solar panels needs to be maintained to prevent shading. In some cases,...

Easy DIY Projects to Weatherize Your Home *

Heating and cooling account for nearly half of all U.S. energy use. One of the best ways to save energy and reduce utility bills is to do a few simple weatherization projects. Although some, such as insulating the attic or installing a new HVAC system are quite...

Medicine Disposal – National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

October 24, 2020, is the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency’s nineteenth National Rx Take Back Day, an opportunity for Americans to return unused drugs safely. During last year’s event, 882,919 pounds — 441.5 tons — of potentially dangerous expired, unused, and unwanted...

Will Your Next House Be a Tiny Home?

Although the American dream used to involve a white picket fence and a nice-sized home, some are opting for a pocket-sized alternative. As many people look to simplify their lives and rethink their priorities, living in a dramatically smaller home is appealing to an...

10 Sustainable Mattress Companies: Choosing Your Green Sleep P

Earth911 Mattress Ranking research is sponsored by Avocado Brands Sleep is bliss, but it isn’t always environmentally responsible. Many mattresses contain a toxic brew of chemicals — from flame-retardant chemicals like polybrominated diphenyl ethers to formaldehyde...

Quiz #86: Composting Challenge P

By composting, you can reduce the amount of waste in your garbage can and turn your food scraps and lawn clippings into a rich soil amendment for your garden. Do you know what goes in a home compost bin? Challenge your composting knowledge and learn new composting...

6 Easy Eco-Actions That Your Kids Will Love

When you think about moving toward a greener lifestyle, recycling often tops the list — and for good reason. However, there are many more ways to incorporate eco-friendly actions into your family life. Below are six easy, kid-friendly activities you may not have...

Sustainability, Recycling, and Science News, Summarized for You

The Earth911 Reader summarizes the week’s sustainability, recycling, and science news, making it easy for you to stay up-to-date. Be sure not to miss this week’s opportunities to support environmental and sustainability projects. IN SCIENCE Hotter Climates May Turn...

How Washing Your Hands Impacts the Environment

For something that you use to get clean, most hand soaps have a pretty nasty ingredient list. But no matter how negative their environmental impact, you can’t just avoid them the way you can other product categories. Handwashing is important for health and safety....

Earth911 Quiz #39: Wishful Recycling

The U.S. recycling system uses a “single-stream” model that focuses on the big blue curbside bin. Unfortunately, people throw all sorts of unrecyclable items into the bin in the hope that they will be recycled. Known as “wishful recycling,” this results in...

Good, Better, Best: Shopping for Natural Fibers P

The fashion industry is responsible for 10% of annual global carbon emissions. That means it is a productive target for personal changes that can make a significant contribution to lowering overall human carbon emissions. You can use thredUP’s fashion footprint...

Better Breathing: 6 of the Best Plants for Indoor Air Quality

The average American spends 90% of their time indoors. Unfortunately, indoor air quality ranks as one of the top threats to human health, according to the EPA. Indoor air is commonly 2 to 5 times more polluted (and sometimes worse), and is linked to a variety of...

Repurposing of Gift Cards, Credit Cards, and Rewards Cards

You’re probably sporting a few of them right now in your wallet. Or they’re stacked inside a random kitchen drawer. Flat and featherweight, these plastic rectangles pile up. You use them for shopping. For banking. Gifts. Earning rewards points. You may even receive...

3 Simple, Natural DIY Recipes To Repel Bugs *

Summer is here, bringing along a slew of insects and bugs. To keep these pests at bay, you need look no further than these three simple DIY recipes — for people, pets, and the home — courtesy of this episode of Earth911TV. DIY Recipes To Repel Bugs This article...

Why You Should Ditch Balloons if You Love the Environment *

After writing an article on traditions that are terrible for the environment, I received overwhelming feedback that balloon releases should have been included on the list. Never one to disappoint, I decided to do some research on the topic and what I found was...

Developing Habits for a Sustainable Life *

It takes practice to live sustainably and it doesn’t happen overnight. Over time, small daily actions can become habits. But where should we start? By identifying the values that drive us, we can focus on actions that support those values. Sustainable habits that...

Earth911 Inspiration: The Beauty of Art and Nature and Life P

This week’s quote is from American author and environmentalist, Edward Abbey: “All we have, it seems to me, is the beauty of art and nature and life, and the love which that beauty inspires.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share your desire to help people think of...

Paying for the Costs of Dealing With Pollution P

Today’s Earth911 inspiration is from economist Ha-Joon Chang: “People ‘over-produce’ pollution because they are not paying for the costs of dealing with it.” If we were charged fees to clean up the mess every time we polluted, would we pollute less? Earth911...

We Earthlings: Plant One Tree

Plant one tree and it will capture about 13 pounds of CO2 in its first year; when it matures, it will capture 48 pounds a year. That means by planting one young tree, you can offset the CO2 from shipping an average online shopping order. Or, if you plant 390 trees and...

Can Wet Wipes Be Recycled? *

Baby wipes, moist towelettes, wet naps — whatever you call them, they all serve essentially the same purpose. Wet wipes are single-use, moist, sanitary paper products used for personal hygiene or household cleaning. These handy inventions are often used to clean up...

Maven Moment: Donations to Veterans’ Organizations P

Mom’s friend Hannah (who was of the same generation as Grandma Jennie) was very patriotic. Hannah’s husband Fred served in the Pacific during World War II, and although she didn’t regularly donate to charities, she had a soft spot for veterans. She always sent them...

Recycling Mystery: Antifreeze P

Antifreeze: Wise car owners have some stored in the garage to keep their engines running properly in extreme cold (and hot) conditions. What if it’s been sitting there too long? Can you recycle leftover antifreeze? The good news is that antifreeze is recyclable. What...

Earth911 Quiz #54: Are You a Mobile Phone Recycling Expert?

The mobile phone has become an indispensable tool of modern life, and new models appear every year like automobiles in the 20th century. Old phones can pile up in the home or be recycled for cash, traded in on another phone, and sent through a variety of recycling...

Why Your Business Should Openly Embrace Sustainability! *

Sustainability Programs Encourage Green Choices   Visitors to your business, whether online or to your physical location all arrive with their own set of values.  When we shop, each of us applies our personal values as part of the equation that determines who...

How Does Your Business Litter Factor Affect The Environment? *

Your Latte Factor Equates Your Litter Factor   Have you heard of the Latte Factor?  It's a phrase that was created as a metaphor for all the little things we spend money on during the course of a typical day.  These purchases are usually done with little thought...

Home “Eco”nomics — Should You Buy a New Car?

Do you need a new car? Are you considering choosing an electric vehicle over a gas-powered car? It’s one of the most impactful environmental decisions you will make in your life — in fact, Americans buy an average of 9.4 vehicles during their lives. You have plenty of...

5 Sustainable Fashion Lines for Women P

Fashion carries a heavy environmental price, but it does not have to. With spring and summer coming, you may be thinking about refreshing your wardrobe. But before you shop, consider these five fashion lines that have increasingly sustainable approaches to making and...

Direct Solar America CEO Pablo Diaz on Solar Subsidies

Pablo Diaz, founder and CEO of Direct Solar America, joins Earth911 to talk about the current state of solar subsidies in the U.S. He was recently named one of CEO Magazine’s Top 20 Dynamic CEOs. Diaz founded the company as a solar installer but transitioned to...

Fall Farm-to-Table Brunch Recipes P

Depending on where you call home, autumn may seem like a tricky time to find seasonal fruits and vegetables that are native to your area. But despite chilly temperatures, there’s still plenty of tasty, in-season produce that’s ripe for the picking. To get better...

How Sustainable Is Lab-Grown Meat? P

Cultured meat is widely hailed for its potential to spare animal lives, cut greenhouse gas emissions, and help solve the global food crisis. It’s an advanced technology that offers an alternative to climate-warming meats, but is it sustainable? Lab-grown meat is a...

How To Turn a Photo Frame Into an Extraordinary Serving Tray

Turning a photo frame into a serving tray is a DIYer’s dream. You can you upcycle an unused frame into a unique piece of home decor, making use of an old item that might otherwise end up in the dump. Plus, you can use the serving tray for a variety of purposes. From a...

Entrepreneurs Embracing Sustainability Become Ecopreneurs *

Is Sustainability A Good Choice For Your Business?   Beginning in the 1980's eco-awareness grew from the growth in pollution during the 1960's.  Today growing consumer demand has brought sustainability into the main stream in business practices....

Earth911 Quiz #80: Electric Vehicle Efficiency and Challenges

Electric vehicles are becoming common on roads around the world. As these more environmentally friendly automobiles arrive on the scene, what are the things buyers need to think about? In this Earth911 Quiz, test your knowledge about how the source of your local...

Plant-based Recipes: Sustainable Meals for Healthy Kids

This year has been a wild one, and when life gets busy, it can be hard to put your focus on what you are feeding your family. Eating plant-based meals is not only beneficial for long-term health — it’s also a much more sustainable way to eat for the health of our...

10 Essential Oil Diffuser Blends for Summer *

Summer is finally here. That means road trips, days at the pool, and tons of sun. Summer also means lots of amazing scents filling the air. Essential oils and a good diffuser are a great way to bring those wonderful scents indoors. Essential Oil Diffusers If you’ve...

Consumer sustainability trends 2021: What trends to watch

A deep dive into consumer sustainability trends 2021. The events of 2020 accelerated consumer sustainability trends that had already been starting to emerge across many different markets. Despite being one of the most unpredictable years ever, it helped create greater...

Maven Moment: Holiday Gift Wrapping

It was so exciting to see the beautifully wrapped boxes under the tree when I was a child! I couldn’t wait until Christmas morning when I would tear them open and toss the gift wrapping aside. My family’s gift wrapping tradition started with a walk to our local shops....

This Eco-Friendly Lamp Can Add Art to Any Room

Every lamp’s purpose is to give us some light, but some go beyond that. The E.P. Eco-Friendly LED Desk Lamp is a prime example. For one, this lamp doesn’t even look like, well, a lamp. Its crystal design evokes the feeling of an ice cave or something out of a Jules...

Shine On: 5 Green Lighting Tips

Home lighting has a significant impact on interior design and home decoration. It shapes our mood — it even affects our perception of a space’s size and the colors within that space. Lighting also contributes to our mental performance and the ability to complete a...

How the First Net-Zero Energy Communities in the U.S. Operate *

As with any brilliant innovation, net-zero energy communities were an idea first, and then came the hard work on making the idea a reality. Their goal was to operate without drawing any non-renewable energy from the local power grid. Making a single building net-zero...

Embrace Being Green, Plastic Is Out, Sustainability Is In *

Plastic Is Out, Sustainability Is In   The days of single-use plastics are numbered.  Seattle, in 2018 became the first US city to ban single-use plastic cutlery.  Starbucks joined them adopting a plan to eliminate plastic straws by 2020.  Several...

7 Unexpected Things You Can Compost P

Composting is the best way to get rid of your kitchen scraps without sending them to the landfill. And if you’ve been composting for a while, you may have already started experimenting with composting other items you don’t usually see in a list of materials you can...

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Maven Moment: Rags and Textile Waste P

I still laugh when I remember the Easter when Grandma Jennie used rags to curl my sister’s and my hair. Using strips of fabric, she tied each strip at the end of a section of hair. Next, she twisted the hair, rolled it down to the scalp, and tied the rag tightly. Then...

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Greenwashing: The Lesser of Two Evils P

Greenwashing: The Lesser of Two Evils P

Most people have heard of greenwashing, the practice of marketing products using misleading environmental claims. By taking advantage of our good intentions and limited time, marketers use greenwashing to make us feel better about a product instead of making the...

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Try a Little Tenderness Toward This World P

Thinking of the Earth first, with consideration and kindness, is what we need to make positive decisions about our relationship with the world. Author Charlotte Erickson reminds us to “Just try a little tenderness towards this world we’ve been lucky enough to build...

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3 Upcycled Dog Toys You Can Make P

3 Upcycled Dog Toys You Can Make P

We all want the best for our dogs. And, when we go to the specialty store to buy the best organic and high quality dog food, we also see all of the latest dog toys that can help stimulate our dogs mentally and physically. But before you spend your money on a brand new...

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Recycling Mystery: Antifreeze P

Antifreeze: Wise car owners have some stored in the garage to keep their engines running properly in extreme cold (and hot) conditions. What if it’s been sitting there too long? Can you recycle leftover antifreeze? The good news is that antifreeze is recyclable. What...

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Choosing Safer Food Storage Containers P

Choosing Safer Food Storage Containers P

Many of us grew up in the Tupperware age. Our parents’ fridges were full of plastic food storage containers, and we even kept plastic margarine tubs for storing leftovers! A lot has changed since then, and more and more research is showing that plastic leaches...

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Eco-Friendly Ways To De-Ice Your Sidewalk P

Eco-Friendly Ways To De-Ice Your Sidewalk P

When the snow starts falling, it’s tempting to retreat into the house and hibernate until spring. But no matter how tempting, it is unfortunately not possible. Even if we didn’t have to go to work, regulations in most communities hold individuals responsible for...

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So, You’ve Audited Your Waste, Now What?

In part one, Conducting a Home Waste Audit, you learned to audit your household waste for a week. Now it’s time to analyze the waste and make changes. In my waste audit example, I categorized 150 items for disposal. Of those items, I could put 77 items in the...

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Teaching Kids to Recycle

All parents want to leave the world a better place for their children. While it sometimes feels like we don’t have much control over what happens down the line, one of the best ways to ensure that there will be a healthy planet for future generations is to teach...

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We Earthlings: Recycle Paper and Cardboard

On average, every American sends 1,646.15 pounds of solid waste to landfills every year. If that sounds like a lot, it’s because it is! If you don’t already recycle paper products, you can reduce your solid waste by 25 percent by recycling all of the paper and...

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What NOT to Put in the Recycling Bin

Ever wondered if that greasy paper plate could go in your recycling bin? Or would it really be a big deal if you threw in just one plastic bag? It may seem simple to determine what doesn’t go in a recycling bin based on an item’s labels or whether or not it shows a...

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Recycling Mystery: Meat Packaging

Recycling Mystery: Meat Packaging

If you buy meat in a grocery store, it likely comes in a plastic foam tray, on top of a plastic pad, wrapped in plastic wrap. Meat packaging produces a lot of plastic waste. Can it be recycled? Not all of it, but here’s what you can do. We know how you feel. Walking...

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Quiz #87: Food Carbon Footprint Challenge

Quiz #87: Food Carbon Footprint Challenge

A few simple mental habits such as knowing how to quickly pick the foods with the least carbon impact, can help you make big strides in your personal sustainability. In this Earth911 Quiz, you’ll be presented a set of foods and asked to order them by their CO2...

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Earth911 Quiz #48: Ocean Plastics Solutions

Earth911 Quiz #48: Ocean Plastics Solutions

Plastic pollution in our oceans is a serious challenge to our food supply, animal and human health, and the environment in general. With multiple gyres of trash that are hundreds of miles wide floating in the world’s seas, plastic threatens to outweigh fish by 2050....

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Start Thinking About Your Spring Garden Now

The common practice of cleaning gardens in fall and planting them spring has more to do with psychology than sound horticultural practice. Many common fall garden chores do not benefit plants. However, you can do a lot in the fall to prepare your garden for the best...

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4 Tips for Buying a Tiny Home Kit

Some Americans are rethinking how much money and resources they dedicate to housing. Tiny homes are becoming an increasingly appealing option to simplify life, reduce expenses, conserve energy, and reduce waste. It’s a growing trend. In Seattle, the City Council...

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Green Business Practices

Sustainability International Partners green practices through the use of sustainable purchasing, electronics stewardship, transportation, waste diversion, and pollution prevention help in creating the harmony between business and nature necessary to protect our environment.

Sustainability International Partner’s Green Initiatives


  • Recycle & Reduce Wastes:  Use of highly visible and well marked recycling containers in all visitor areas to recycle glass, metal, and paper.
  • Efficient Water Use:  Have a plan for conserving water.
  • Efficient Energy Use:  Have a plan for reducing energy consumption.
  • Support Green Events:  Offer a Green environmentally friendly package for all events.
  • Minimize use of Disposable Products:  Use products made from bio-based or renewable resources and recycle or compost these items.
  • Minimize Chemical Use:  Have a plan to minimize the use of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and fertilizers.
  • Recycle Grease:  Dispose of grease in an environmentally friendly manner.
  • Promote Green Practices:  Use unique opportunities to educate guests about their environment and how they interact with the environment.
  • Promote Green Partners:  Feature your green partners and promote their environmental sensitivity to your guests.
  • Minimize Printed Materials:  Use digital marketing and web presence to spread your message.

Why Should My Business Become A Sustainability International Partner?

Sustainability International Partnership shows potential customers that your business has a commitment to helping keep our environment clean.  

By adopting our voluntary Green Initiatives as your business practices, your business signals your commitment to a sustainable and green environment.


Become A Sustainability International Partner

Sustainability International Partners understand the importance of conducting their business in an environmentally sensitive and sustainable manner.  

Your customers are searching for businesses who embrace sustainability, and green initiatives and there is nothing more important to your business than connecting to every customer possible.  

The partnership is FREE, learn how easy it is to become a Sustainability International Partner and enjoy the benefits of being a Sustainability International Partner.



Support Sustainability and protecting our environment, subscribe today for your FREE membership to Sustainability International.



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