Sustainability International

Helping your business grow by embracing sustainable practices and green initiatives...

Sustainability is harmony between humans and nature.

Sustainability is based on a simple premise that everything we need for our well being depends on our natural environment.  Pursuing sustainability is to create conditions which make it possible for humans and nature to exist in harmony.

As a business owner each day is a constant balancing act to bring profitability to your business, while finding ways to operate your business in an environmentally sensitive way.  Moving toward sustainability is a challenge when considering how we affect our environment, through our lifestyles, living conditions, energy use, travel and work methods and practices.


Become A Sustainability International Partner

Sustainability International Partners understand the importance of conducting their business in an environmentally sensitive and sustainable manner.  

Your customers are searching for businesses who embrace sustainability, and green initiatives and there is nothing more important to your business than connecting to every customer possible.  

The partnership is FREE, learn how easy it is to become a Sustainability International Partner and enjoy the benefits of being a Sustainability International Partner.



Support Sustainability and protecting our environment, subscribe today for your FREE membership to Sustainability International.



Recycle & Reduce Waste

Use of highly visible and well marked recycling containers in all visitor areas to recycle glass, metal, and paper.

Water Management

By the use of water conservation, storm water management and environmentally friendly landscaping practices Sustainability International Partners can save and lessen the negative impact of water usage on our lives and the environment.

Green Buildings

By using modern construction and renovation practices, Sustainability International Partners high performance building practices can help to decrease adverse effects upon the environment from our buildings.

Energy and Emissions

By embracing energy efficiency standards and renewable energy use, Sustainability International Partners energy use and greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced helping to protect our environment.

EV Charging Stations

Sustainability International Partners can assist more and more travelers who are looking for the convenience of Electric Vehicle charging stations by installing stations onsite.


Recycling Mystery: Meat Packaging

If you buy meat in a grocery store, it likely comes in a plastic foam tray, on top of a plastic pad, wrapped in plastic wrap. Meat packaging produces a lot of plastic waste. Can it be recycled? Not all of it, but here’s what you can do. We know how you feel. Walking...

Maven Moment: Icebox Cake *

My grandmother’s “icebox cake” was one of my favorite desserts growing up. She made it by layering graham crackers and warm pudding in a pan and setting the pan in the refrigerator so the mixture could set up. After a few hours, the cracker layers had absorbed some of...

Action! The Final Step to Employee Sustainability Engagement *

Action!  The Final Step to Employee Sustainability Engagement   Note: This is the fourth installment in a five-part series on engaging employees around sustainability. The first part introduces the four stages of employee engagement; the second...

Home “Eco”nomics — Green Choices That Always Make Sense *

It’s an old complaint that environmentally friendly products cost more. Plus, it can be hard to tell the difference between green products and greenwashing. Research usually reveals complex tradeoffs that make it hard to determine the greenest choice. Add to that the...

Entrepreneurs Embracing Sustainability Become Ecopreneurs *

Is Sustainability A Good Choice For Your Business?   Beginning in the 1980's eco-awareness grew from the growth in pollution during the 1960's.  Today growing consumer demand has brought sustainability into the main stream in business practices....

Do Your Appliances Use Refrigerants the UN Wants To Ban?

A recent UN report suggests solutions to one of the most challenging problems facing the planet, how we keep our homes cool. The report found that the cooling sector — air conditioning and refrigerants — produces about 8 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions per...

Thrift and Vintage: 12 of the BEST Secondhand Shops Online P

Did you catch my last post how to master second hand shopping? Be sure to check it out because #4 is extra important when it comes to shopping with online thrift stores. I know a lot of people lack access to quality thrift stores or the time to search through hundreds...

Can Committed Recycling Make You An Environmentalist? *

How to be Green If You Reduce, Reuse, Recycle? When it comes to Environmentalism, the first thing that everyone latches on to is recycling.  We all hope and want to project an image of being green to our peers.  The last thing we want, is to be accused of...

How Does Your Business Litter Factor Affect The Environment? *

Your Latte Factor Equates Your Litter Factor   Have you heard of the Latte Factor?  It's a phrase that was created as a metaphor for all the little things we spend money on during the course of a typical day.  These purchases are usually done with little thought...

How To Donate Container Deposit Refunds to Worthy Causes P

Looking for a way to raise money for your favorite nonprofit or charity — without asking donors for money? If you live in one of the roughly 60 states, provinces, or countries that collect container deposits on beverage cans and bottles, consider collecting and...

We Earthlings: Precycling Is Thinking Before You Buy!

What connects us all? Nature and our shared relationships through nature. Share We Earthling posters to inspire others with your stories (click the image for a larger, high-resolution poster). This post was originally published on July 3, 2019.   The post We...

How To Avoid ‘Revenge Pollution’ While Reviving the Economy P

As the economy reopens and we venture out into the world we once knew, it is tempting to try to make up for lost time — that time we could have spent traveling, shopping, and restaurant and bar hopping. Perhaps you have already made a list of things you wish you had...

5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Use Homemade Laundry Detergent

I recently received an email from a journalist asking if I had a good recipe for homemade laundry detergent. If you’ve visited before you know that I have a fairly extensive list of effective and easy homemade cleaning recipes and even more featured...

Have You Thought About Joining a Community Garden?

If you live in an apartment building or have a shaded yard, growing some of your own food might seem nearly impossible. However, there might be a great solution – joining a community garden. These shared spaces are a simple solution to promote local food production...

6 Steps Your Business Takes to Embrace Sustainability! *

6 Steps to Business Sustainability! Most business sustainability programs are started to encourage employees and customers to embrace green initiatives.  The reasons to do so can include improve company culture, encourage employees to work green and to...

We Earthlings: Gas-Powered Yard Tool CO2 Emissions

Did you know that a gas-powered lawnmower emits 88 pounds of CO2 annually? The other gas-powered two-stroke engines used in yard tools such as blowers and trimmers contribute more CO2. Gas-powered lawn and garden tools contributed between 24 percent and 45 percent of...

Five DIY Baby Skin Care Recipes to Make Babies Life Better

There’s nothing more immaculate than baby skin, and for new parents, figuring out how to take care of it properly can be overwhelming. Confronted with shelves upon shelves of baby-care products, how do you know which choice will be safe, effective, and good for your...

Will New BioPlastics Destroy Sustainability Growth? *

Bioplastics are plastics made from renewable biological sources, whereas traditional plastics are made from fossil fuels.    Are Plant Based Plastics Our Environmental Answer?   Since about 40 percent of the plastic produced is used in disposable...

Inspiration: Every Green Tree — Martin Luther King Jr P

This week’s quote is from Martin Luther King, Jr.: “For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share your desire to help people think of...

Skip the Plastic Wrap: 4 Food Wrap Alternatives

Food wrap choices have long focused on petroleum-based options, but you can do better. Cling wrap is the sticky, thin plastic film handy for covering food dishes that you often see at potlucks and in fridges full of leftovers. You might know it as Saran Wrap, a...

Green Giving: 5 Nonprofits Clobbering Climate Change P

Thinking about year-end donations to nonprofits focused on issues related to climate change? A lot of organizations are working in this area and evaluating them is tough. How do you measure carbon not produced? Which nonprofits should you support? From pillars of the...

Skip These Foods and Reduce Your Carbon Impact

The average American life produces 34,162 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually. If you consume any of the foods shown in the image below daily, drop it from lunch all year to reduce your carbon footprint by the percentage indicated compared to the national average....

Careers in Solar Energy P

The solar energy industry is expanding across the United States and beyond as more countries transition to renewable energy. In the U.S., 855,000 people were employed in the renewable energy industry either directly or indirectly in 2018. Over 240,000 of these people...

Easy DIY Projects to Weatherize Your Home *

Heating and cooling account for nearly half of all U.S. energy use. One of the best ways to save energy and reduce utility bills is to do a few simple weatherization projects. Although some, such as insulating the attic or installing a new HVAC system are quite...

Start Thinking About Your Spring Garden Now

The common practice of cleaning gardens in fall and planting them spring has more to do with psychology than sound horticultural practice. Many common fall garden chores do not benefit plants. However, you can do a lot in the fall to prepare your garden for the best...

Largest Solar Project in US Underway in Texas P

U.S. solar generation capacity is soaring. Construction began recnetly on the Samson Solar Energy Center, the largest planned solar energy farm in the United States. When completed, the solar farm will have 1,013 megawatts of generating capacity. This solar farm will...

Mosquitos Driving You Nuts? Attract a Bat Colony *

Is your yard swarming with mosquitos? An excellent way to keep flying insects at bay without harmful chemicals is to recruit bats to eat them. Providing bats with the right habitat encourages them to take up residence nearby. Bats like to live in tight crevices in...

Smart Ways To Make Your Wardrobe Sustainable P

Reducing the environmental impact of your wardrobe can be really complicated. Choosing the greenest fabric is a frustrating exercise full of unknowns and tradeoffs. Lifecycle analyses of most natural and synthetic fibers are rare, and supply chains in the fashion...

How to Recycle Your Porcelain Bathroom Fixtures

If you’ve ever renovated a bathroom, you’ve probably faced the challenge of recycling porcelain fixtures. Whether it’s a toilet, sink, or even porcelain tile, recycling these items can prove problematic. Because most individuals don’t generate a steady stream of...

Maven Moment: Cooling Off in the Kiddie Pool *

One way that my sister and I beat the summer heat when we were little was to cool off in the kiddie pool in the back yard. I remember the feeling of never wanting to come out — even when I got “prune fingers”! Once in a while, our cousin came along to join in the fun....

Do Consumers Understand What the ‘Circular Economy’ Is? *

Circularity is a Hot Topic   Circularity is a hot topic today, it’s almost impossible to avoid.  Just look at all the Loop articles and ads you’ve seen in recent months about the circularity of consumer goods.  It practically flooded newsfeeds on...

Essential Sustainability News And Actions You Can Take

Start your environmental and sustainability reading with us! We read a lot so you don’t have to. Every week, Earth911 Reader delivers the must-read articles around the web you should read to be up-to-date on stories that share our understanding of recycling,...

Can Wet Wipes Be Recycled? *

Baby wipes, moist towelettes, wet naps — whatever you call them, they all serve essentially the same purpose. Wet wipes are single-use, moist, sanitary paper products used for personal hygiene or household cleaning. These handy inventions are often used to clean up...

Beverage Container Showdown: Plastic vs. Glass vs. Aluminum

When you’re shopping for beverages, what kind of container do you choose? You have a few options: plastic bottles, glass bottles, or aluminum cans. What to choose? The decision can be daunting for environmentalists. We’re here to give you the lowdown on which of these...

The U.S. Recycles Only 34.6% of Its Waste P

The U.S. recycles only 34.6% of its waste. If recycling were an Olympic sport, we would come in 25th. Germany, the world’s leader in recycling, recycles 66.1% of their waste. Let’s go for the gold and catch them by 2030. Data source: Recycling – Who Really Leads the...

You Can Recycle Cigarette Butts!

Did you know cigarette butts are not fully biodegradable? TerraCycle, the company that strives to find a way to recycle everything, offers a free Cigarette Waste Recycling Program. Just sign up with TerraCycle, collect the waste, and ship it to them for recycling....

Earth911 Inspiration: Add to the Sum of Accurate Information

Today’s Earth911 inspiration is from American anthropologist Margaret Mead. She said, “I was brought up to believe that the only thing worth doing was to add to the sum of accurate information in this world.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share your desire to help...

Small Business Boosted Green Product Sales During Recession

Small Business Boosts Green Products Sales Rainforest Alliance logo on cup image by Alpha via Flickr In the first major survey to look at the green economy from the perspective of small business owners, 75 percent say sales of green products actually rose...

Maven Moment: Safe and Natural Baby Products

My mother-in-law Lucy had four children. They were born in the 1950s and the early 1960s. Like many mothers during that time in the U.S., she fed her children formula or condensed milk and she used cloth diapers and products like Johnson’s Baby Shampoo for their hair....

Energy Apps To Help You Go Green and Save Money P

Maintaining a comfortable home is important. No one wants to freeze in the wintertime or melt in the summertime. Yet, the cost — both for your bank account and the environment — of heating and cooling a home can be high. Luckily, there are simple ways to limit energy...

Consumer sustainability trends 2021: What trends to watch

A deep dive into consumer sustainability trends 2021. The events of 2020 accelerated consumer sustainability trends that had already been starting to emerge across many different markets. Despite being one of the most unpredictable years ever, it helped create greater...

The Complicated Choices in a Cup of Coffee P

Coffee can be complicated, and I’m not even talking about the heated debates over cold-brew versus percolator. Coffee is made from the beans of a tropical tree that may be grown in small family farms or vast monoculture plantations. Your coffee beans pass from farmers...

Embrace Being Green, Plastic Is Out, Sustainability Is In *

Plastic Is Out, Sustainability Is In   The days of single-use plastics are numbered.  Seattle, in 2018 became the first US city to ban single-use plastic cutlery.  Starbucks joined them adopting a plan to eliminate plastic straws by 2020.  Several...

Earth911 Inspiration: Nature Has the Power

Today’s inspiration is another quote from Helen Keller’s 1933 article, “Nature’s Storehouse of Health.” She wrote, “I have always the feeling that nature has the power to renew and refresh our minds, our bodies, and our spirits.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them,...

Finding the Real Green Thing *

Most Americans want to buy sustainable products. But it isn’t easy to separate the green from the greenwashed. Even though marketing studies show that 78% of Americans believe companies should be environmentally responsible and 64% say they feel happy when buying...

Can We Innovate Our Way Out of Our Environmental Mess? *

Can Innovation Solve Our Problems? Innovation is an abused business buzzword that is often applied to the topic of sustainability.  Online literature is full of articles and reports on sustainability and innovation, sometimes converged into "sustainable...

20 Staggering E-Waste Facts in 2021 P

It feels as if electronics were made to be thrown out every year, right? From mobile phones that just happen to die right when your contract is over to televisions that become obsolete as soon as a larger, thinner version debuts. While every generation of electronics...

5 Easy EEK-o-Friendly Halloween Decorations

Unfortunately, many of our holidays have become an opportunity to buy stuff that is used once and then tossed in the garbage. Halloween is an especially hyper-commercialized celebration with individually wrapped candies, disposable costumes, plastic accessories, and...

Replace Disposable Batteries With These Rechargeable Ones

In the United States, we purchase nearly 3 billion single-use dry-cell batteries a year. Many of these wind up in the landfill despite the fact that they can leach toxic metals, such as lead and mercury. People could recycle them, but the ideal solution is to abandon...

Inspiration: The Advertiser’s Business — Madeleine L’Engle

American author Madeleine L’Engle provides today’s Earth911 Inspiration. In her memoir, A Circle of Quiet, she wrote, “A pitch to make us buy a new car or a new stove when our old one is perfectly good, so that we’ll have a better ‘image’ of ourselves, doesn’t make...

Plant-based Recipes: Sustainable Meals for Healthy Kids

This year has been a wild one, and when life gets busy, it can be hard to put your focus on what you are feeding your family. Eating plant-based meals is not only beneficial for long-term health — it’s also a much more sustainable way to eat for the health of our...

The Biggest Pros and Cons of Electric Vehicles P

Electric vehicles (EVs) have made huge technological strides since they were first introduced, and they’re more popular than ever before. Yet some drivers are still hesitant to make the switch from traditional gas-powered cars, in large part due to misconceptions that...

Electric Vehicles and Power Outages P

The planned power outages of 2019 to prevent wildfires in Northern California highlighted a critical issue for electric vehicle (EV) owners. An unstable power grid makes it difficult to charge vehicles. Given that nearly half of U.S. EVs are in California, the issue...

Earth911 Inspiration: E. O. Wilson on the Act of Discovery

This week’s quote is from American biologist and naturalist Edward O. Wilson. In his book, The Origins of Creativity, Wilson wrote, “The act of discovery is completely a human story. Its telling is a human achievement. Scientific knowledge is the idiosyncratic,...

Earth911 Quiz #56: Does This Go in the Blue Bin?

Editor’s note: “Does This Go in the Blue Bin” is one of our most-popular quizzes. We’re giving you another chance to challenge your knowledge of good recycling decisions. Across the U.S., one of the biggest influences on recycling success is your decision about what...

Playing at the Park *

When my siblings and I were kids, one of our favorite places to go was the nearby park. Accompanied by our cousins on many of those visits, we had plenty to keep us occupied playing at the park. Although the park was a woodland area and a reservoir, we stayed mostly...

5 Sustainable Fashion Lines for Women P

Fashion carries a heavy environmental price, but it does not have to. With spring and summer coming, you may be thinking about refreshing your wardrobe. But before you shop, consider these five fashion lines that have increasingly sustainable approaches to making and...

How Do I Identify Sustainable Travel Lodging? *

Are you a globe trotter, but you want to have a small footprint? You aren’t alone. According to a study by, 83% of global travelers think sustainability is vital. Green accommodations are an essential element of a more sustainable approach to travel....

Good, Better, Best: The Climate Impacts of Milks *

Milk may do a body good, but it’s not so kind to the planet. Milk’s ethical and environmental drawbacks have led many people to look for alternatives. And although these are not the only factors, dairy milk sales have dropped 13% in the last decade. The dozens of milk...

U.S. Flood Risk Is 67% Higher Than Historic Projections *

Will your home face flooding due to climate change? A new study by the New York-based nonprofit First Street Foundation found that 67% more American homes than previously estimated face a high risk of flooding during the next 30 years. It could save your life and can...

4 Zero-waste Indoor Plant Fertilizers *

Plants vitalize our homes and offices. They filter toxins from the air we breathe and even help boost our mood and reduce stress. Impressively, plants can even help us minimize waste in the kitchen when we apply these zero-waste plant fertilizers. Mulch With Coffee...

Does Your Business Embrace the Worst Sustainable Practices *

Your Worst Sustainable Business Practices   Following are several ways that businesses fail when they are attempting to conduct their business in a sustainable manner.  After reading my list, can you think of any other ways that a business fails to...

6 Easy Eco-Actions That Your Kids Will Love

When you think about moving toward a greener lifestyle, recycling often tops the list — and for good reason. However, there are many more ways to incorporate eco-friendly actions into your family life. Below are six easy, kid-friendly activities you may not have...

Which Vegetarian Protein is Good, Better, Best

Becoming vegan is one of the most impactful things an American can do to reduce their environmental footprint, because meat, especially beef, is so carbon-intensive. Many highly processed and luxury items like wine and chocolate generate emissions comparable to some...

The Best Electric Vehicles on the Market P

Thinking of abandoning your internal combustion engine for an EV? There are more electric vehicles on the market than ever before. After almost a decade during which Tesla made almost all the EV options, you have many body styles and features to choose from. Advances...

4 Natural Ways To Tackle Carpet Stains P

You can’t always avoid it. Your beautiful carpet is likely to get stains, no matter how much care you put into it. But can you remove carpet stains naturally, without exposing your family to harsh cleaning chemicals? Removing carpet stains can be a difficult task. If...

The End of King Coal, Fuels From Plants and Carbon Capture

The Earth911 Reader collects and comments on useful news about science, business, sustainability, and recycling to save you time and keep you informed about the trends in environmental issues. IN SCIENCE EU Introduces Digital Earth Model to Support Climate...

How To Build a Gardening Cold Frame P

Autumn may be here, but the change in seasons doesn’t require a complete halt to your gardening. By installing a cold frame in your garden, you can extend your growing season and grow seasonal plants in cooler weather. What Is a Cold Frame? A cold frame consists of a...

Climate Migration, 2,700 EV Charging Stations, and ESG Investing *

Welcome to Earth911’s climate, sustainability, and recycling reader, a collection of articles worth your attention today. U.S. Government Account Office: Climate Migration Is Inevitable Even if the current administration dismisses the consequences of environmental...

Why Your Business Should Openly Embrace Sustainability! *

Sustainability Programs Encourage Green Choices   Visitors to your business, whether online or to your physical location all arrive with their own set of values.  When we shop, each of us applies our personal values as part of the equation that determines who...

How To Make Less Trash the Simple Way

What the heck does it mean to live a zero waste lifestyle? Can I really not make any trash? Don’t let the term fool you. Zero waste is an industrial term referring to a circular economy in which all processes of design (the plan for how it’ll be made), manufacturing...

Earth911 Inspiration: Waste Can End With You P

This week’s inspiration: “Waste starts with people and can end with you.” We can make changes to reduce our waste by precycling when we shop, reducing what we purchase, reusing items to get the most use out of them, and recycling when possible. But when we have items...

We Earthlings: Don’t Be a Hoarder, Reduce Food Waste *

Did you know that Americans waste more than 40% of the food produced annually? And stockpiling food, as many have done during the pandemic, often results in more food wasted. Don’t be a hoarder; buy only foods that you are sure you will use. Find tips about how to...

7 Places to Resell Your Clothes Online

Looking to clean out your closet? Don’t just donate – resell! Here are 7 of best places to sell your clothes online. Yes, you can do it from the comfort of your own home via the internet making this an easy way to earn some extra cash and prevent textile waste from...

Earth911 Inspiration: The First Rule of Sustainability

Today’s inspiration is from environmentalist, entrepreneur, and author Paul Hawken: “The first rule of sustainability is to align with natural forces, or at least not to try to defy them.” Hawken is the founder of Project Drawdown, a nonprofit with the mission to...

Fun Ways to Reuse Wine Bottles and Corks P

Hey, wine lovers! Curious about what you can do with your empty bottles and corks? Surprisingly, there are loads of things you can make — from upcycled glassware to home décor. Before you peruse our list, note that some of these bottle projects are not for the faint...

Wow, You Can Recycle That?

We hear all the time about recycling plastic bottles and aluminum cans, but what about some of the lesser mentioned items? In response to reader queries, we’ve assembled a list of some odd items that may have you saying, “Wow, you can recycle that?” Blue Jeans You...

4 Ways to Have the Greenest Christmas Tree

‘Tis the season to start looking for the perfect Christmas tree to light up your home for the holidays. Today, most people consider live trees to be a greener option than artificial trees, which are often manufactured with polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a...

Predicting 2021’s Environmental Trends P

For the past couple of years, Earth911 has made predictions about the biggest environmental trends in the New Year. Some of our predictions have been accurate. Beyond Meat stocks are up more than 80% over last year, while electric vehicle sales increased 91%. But as...

There’s No Free Lunch in Nature P

Earth911 inspirations. Print them, post them, share your desire to help people think of the planet first, every day. This poster was originally published on May 10, 2019.     The post Earth911 Inspiration: There’s No Free Lunch in Nature appeared first on...

Easy Carbon Sequestration You Can Do Yourself P

As any sci-fi fan can tell you, human survival depends upon an Earth-like atmosphere that’s 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon, and 0.03% carbon dioxide with traces of other elements. There is some wiggle room in the tiny percentage of carbon in the air. There were...

Jiminy’s Cricket-based Treats Reduce Your Dog’s Carbon Footprint P

We first discovered Jiminy’s cricket protein-based dog food and treats last year and recently tried a variety of their snacks with our dogs, Lizzie and Miriam. There are not many choices we can make when shopping that produce a bigger change in environmental impacts...

Learn the Secrets of Measuring Employee Green Engagement *

Why do Companies Brag About Sustainability Note: This is the fifth installment in a five-part series on engaging employees around sustainability. The first part introduces the four stages of employee engagement; the second part discusses raising employee...

Sustainability at Home — Food, Detergents, and Reuse Projects

The Earth911 team is talking about the sustainable household decisions and projects to think about if you have some extra coronavirus-isolation time on your hands. We look at four kinds of laundry detergent, including powdered, liquid, pod, and sheet detergents that...

12 Eco-Friendly Gifts for Babies and New Parents P

Let’s be real – being a parent is tough work. If you’re about to have a baby or know someone who is, I wanted to round up a few eco-friendly gift ideas for babies and new parents! I hope these gifts will make a sustainable lifestyle a little bit easier all while...

Cargotecture: Another Future Path for Modern Architecture P

The world is heading towards sustainability, which includes making the old new again to extend the useful life of manufactured materials. From fashion to industrial manufacturing and even agricultural technology, sustainable designs are gaining more popularity and are...

Are You Inhaling Toxic Laundry Product Fumes? P

The widespread use of face masks is an effective way to slow the spread of COVID-19. Many people are now wearing cloth face masks daily. Thus, they require regular laundering. Be mindful of how you wash your face covering to promote optimum health and sustainability....

Coronavirus Environmental Impacts and Opportunities *

How is the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, reshaping humanity’s environmental impact? In this Earth911 Quiz, you’ll be challenged with questions about how consumption and pollution are changing in response to the pandemic, as well as how it may point to humans’ ability...

Healthy Wines: What the Labels Really Mean P

Fellow wine lovers, I have good news and bad news. Here’s the bad: Two-thirds of all wine production originates in Europe where grapes receive higher doses of synthetic pesticides than virtually any other type of crop. Since the U.S. is currently first in the world...

Changing the Economy With Sustainable Investments P

Daily, you make decisions that influence humanity’s impact on the Earth’s environment. Those choices may feel small, but combined with others’ decisions, they ultimately determine the strategies selected by companies. In previous quizzes, we’ve explored the positive...

What Oatly’s investors tells us about conscious consumerism

Controversial news has come to light in the sustainability community this week which again highlights the need for systemic change vs ‘conscious consumerism’ and individual action. Back in July 2020, Swedish alt-milk brand Oatly sold a minority $200m stake to a group...

Embrace Being Green With These Practical Energy Saving Tips

Adopt Energy Saving Tips for Your Home and Business   We all understand that we have an impact on our environment and the costs involved.  It's natural to seek ways that you can save money.  In this article I'm going to talk about several simple and...

Tips for Starting Your Garden From Scratch P

As the spring flowers start to appear and the days get longer, my inspiration for gardening returns. You don’t have to wait for warmer weather to get your hands dirty. Starting plants from seed is a great way to extend your relationship with your garden, have more...

Earth911 Inspiration: We Must Decide

Today’s quote is from American author Barry Lopez: “The land gets inside of us; and we must decide one way or another what this means, what we will do about it.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share your desire to help people think of the planet first, every day....

Cannabis Industry’s Eco-Friendly Hemp Packaging Alternative *

Hemp packaging may provide an eco-friendly packaging alternative Today, marijuana is legal for some or all adults in more than half of U.S. states.  The cannabis industry has the potential to deliver a product with minimal environmental impact.  Hemp packaging may...

How To Care for Cast-Iron Cookware P

Are you considering making the switch to a cast-iron skillet or other cookware? Extremely durable and virtually indestructible, this cookware lasts decades with proper care. But some people may avoid cast iron because they’re not sure how to care for it. Is it hard to...

Recycling Plastic Clamshells and Bottles, the Same but Not P

You’ve probably seen the #1 recycling symbol on various plastic containers when you’re sorting your recycling. Those containers are made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), also known as polyester. Because PET is strong, lightweight, and easily molded, it is a...

Maven Moment: Good Old-fashioned Bar Soap

Grandma Jennie used bar soap all of her life. When she was young, there was a bar of soap that was used for laundry and household purposes. She used a bar of Castile soap for her hair and body. I’ve seen pictures of Grandma when she was young and she had the most...

How To Finance Your Energy Efficiency Upgrades for Free

As many environmentalists know, the falling price of renewables and energy-efficient appliances has made it possible to reduce your carbon footprint and save money too. According to the Department of Energy, the average homeowner can save $200 to $400 per year on...

We Earthlings: The CO2 Impact of Soda Pop Consumption

What connects us all? Nature and our shared relationships through nature. Share the carbon dioxide impact of soda pop consumption. One 20-ounce bottle contributes 3.3 ounces of CO2 and all Americans’ soda drinking contributes 19.5 billion pounds of CO2 a year. Know...

12 Ways to Connect With Nature This Summer *

I think the the great outdoors is going through a modern renaissance so I wanted to inspire you with 12 ways you can connect more deeply with nature this summer. The great outdoors have had a revival in the last few years but it’s been full of showmanship – think...

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Amazing Facts About the Earth and Nature *

Amazing Facts About the Earth and Nature *

The Earth is a remarkable place, full of surprises and value that must be preserved to help humanity’s development while reducing poverty and providing sufficient food for all. In this Earth911 Quiz, we look at recent scientific discoveries that make us marvel at the...

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10 Easy Ways to Reduce Food Waste at Home *

10 Easy Ways to Reduce Food Waste at Home *

Food is too good to waste, and yet one third of food produced for human consumption is wasted or lost globally. In the US, we waste 40% of all our food – that’s nuts! Food waste might seem like something small, but it adds up to a massive… and I mean MASSIVE impact....

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3 Simple Earth-Friendly Summer Recipes *

3 Simple Earth-Friendly Summer Recipes *

One of my favorite things about summer is the recipes it inspires with the bounty of fresh fruits that Mother Nature provides. So, I’d like to share some great summer recipes that take advantage of that bounty. These nutritionally dense summer recipes can be made in...

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10 Essential Oil Diffuser Blends for Summer *

Summer is finally here. That means road trips, days at the pool, and tons of sun. Summer also means lots of amazing scents filling the air. Essential oils and a good diffuser are a great way to bring those wonderful scents indoors. Essential Oil Diffusers If you’ve...

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Green Business Practices

Sustainability International Partners green practices through the use of sustainable purchasing, electronics stewardship, transportation, waste diversion, and pollution prevention help in creating the harmony between business and nature necessary to protect our environment.

Sustainability International Partner’s Green Initiatives


  • Recycle & Reduce Wastes:  Use of highly visible and well marked recycling containers in all visitor areas to recycle glass, metal, and paper.
  • Efficient Water Use:  Have a plan for conserving water.
  • Efficient Energy Use:  Have a plan for reducing energy consumption.
  • Support Green Events:  Offer a Green environmentally friendly package for all events.
  • Minimize use of Disposable Products:  Use products made from bio-based or renewable resources and recycle or compost these items.
  • Minimize Chemical Use:  Have a plan to minimize the use of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and fertilizers.
  • Recycle Grease:  Dispose of grease in an environmentally friendly manner.
  • Promote Green Practices:  Use unique opportunities to educate guests about their environment and how they interact with the environment.
  • Promote Green Partners:  Feature your green partners and promote their environmental sensitivity to your guests.
  • Minimize Printed Materials:  Use digital marketing and web presence to spread your message.

Why Should My Business Become A Sustainability International Partner?

Sustainability International Partnership shows potential customers that your business has a commitment to helping keep our environment clean.  

By adopting our voluntary Green Initiatives as your business practices, your business signals your commitment to a sustainable and green environment.


Become A Sustainability International Partner

Sustainability International Partners understand the importance of conducting their business in an environmentally sensitive and sustainable manner.  

Your customers are searching for businesses who embrace sustainability, and green initiatives and there is nothing more important to your business than connecting to every customer possible.  

The partnership is FREE, learn how easy it is to become a Sustainability International Partner and enjoy the benefits of being a Sustainability International Partner.



Support Sustainability and protecting our environment, subscribe today for your FREE membership to Sustainability International.



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