Sustainability International

Helping your business grow by embracing sustainable practices and green initiatives...

Sustainability is harmony between humans and nature.

Sustainability is based on a simple premise that everything we need for our well being depends on our natural environment.  Pursuing sustainability is to create conditions which make it possible for humans and nature to exist in harmony.

As a business owner each day is a constant balancing act to bring profitability to your business, while finding ways to operate your business in an environmentally sensitive way.  Moving toward sustainability is a challenge when considering how we affect our environment, through our lifestyles, living conditions, energy use, travel and work methods and practices.


Become A Sustainability International Partner

Sustainability International Partners understand the importance of conducting their business in an environmentally sensitive and sustainable manner.  

Your customers are searching for businesses who embrace sustainability, and green initiatives and there is nothing more important to your business than connecting to every customer possible.  

The partnership is FREE, learn how easy it is to become a Sustainability International Partner and enjoy the benefits of being a Sustainability International Partner.



Support Sustainability and protecting our environment, subscribe today for your FREE membership to Sustainability International.



Recycle & Reduce Waste

Use of highly visible and well marked recycling containers in all visitor areas to recycle glass, metal, and paper.

Water Management

By the use of water conservation, storm water management and environmentally friendly landscaping practices Sustainability International Partners can save and lessen the negative impact of water usage on our lives and the environment.

Green Buildings

By using modern construction and renovation practices, Sustainability International Partners high performance building practices can help to decrease adverse effects upon the environment from our buildings.

Energy and Emissions

By embracing energy efficiency standards and renewable energy use, Sustainability International Partners energy use and greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced helping to protect our environment.

EV Charging Stations

Sustainability International Partners can assist more and more travelers who are looking for the convenience of Electric Vehicle charging stations by installing stations onsite.


Thrift and Vintage: 12 of the BEST Secondhand Shops Online P

Did you catch my last post how to master second hand shopping? Be sure to check it out because #4 is extra important when it comes to shopping with online thrift stores. I know a lot of people lack access to quality thrift stores or the time to search through hundreds...

Careers in Solar Energy P

The solar energy industry is expanding across the United States and beyond as more countries transition to renewable energy. In the U.S., 855,000 people were employed in the renewable energy industry either directly or indirectly in 2018. Over 240,000 of these people...

Earth911 Inspiration: The First Rule of Sustainability

Today’s inspiration is from environmentalist, entrepreneur, and author Paul Hawken: “The first rule of sustainability is to align with natural forces, or at least not to try to defy them.” Hawken is the founder of Project Drawdown, a nonprofit with the mission to...

Wow, You Can Recycle That?

We hear all the time about recycling plastic bottles and aluminum cans, but what about some of the lesser mentioned items? In response to reader queries, we’ve assembled a list of some odd items that may have you saying, “Wow, you can recycle that?” Blue Jeans You...

How Sustainable Is Lab-Grown Meat? P

Cultured meat is widely hailed for its potential to spare animal lives, cut greenhouse gas emissions, and help solve the global food crisis. It’s an advanced technology that offers an alternative to climate-warming meats, but is it sustainable? Lab-grown meat is a...

Which Approach to Minimalism Is Right for You?

Minimalism, reducing one’s consumption to the essentials, is one way to reduce your resources consumption and limit your consumer spending. By reducing what you buy, what you consume, and what you ultimately throw away, you’ll waste fewer resources, reduce energy...

Fun (Really!) Alternatives to Halloween Candy

Halloween and candy. They go hand in hand, right? Well, over time, that surely has become the case. Did you know that we spend more than $2 billion on candy each and every Halloween in the United States? That’s a lot of money! How much candy does that $2 billion buy?...

Will Infinitely Recyclable Plastic Soon Be Available? P

A multidisciplinary team from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has created a plastic that can be disassembled at a molecular level using an acidic solution. Then, it can be reassembled with a new color, texture, and shape, again and again. Unlike...

With How Little Nature Will Be Satisfied P

This week’s quote is from French writer and philosopher, Michel de Montaigne: “It is wonderful to see with how little nature will be satisfied.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share your desire to help people think of the planet first, every day. Click to get a...

10 Surprising Ways to Have an Eco-Friendly Bathroom *

The bathroom might be the smallest room in your house but man-oh-man can it be wasteful! I’ve rounded up my best tips for you to create a more eco-friendly bathroom. The sheer amount of products that existed in my bathroom cabinets, under the sink, and in the shower,...

Have You Thought About Joining a Community Garden?

If you live in an apartment building or have a shaded yard, growing some of your own food might seem nearly impossible. However, there might be a great solution – joining a community garden. These shared spaces are a simple solution to promote local food production...

Eco-Friendly Ways To De-Ice Your Sidewalk P

When the snow starts falling, it’s tempting to retreat into the house and hibernate until spring. But no matter how tempting, it is unfortunately not possible. Even if we didn’t have to go to work, regulations in most communities hold individuals responsible for...

Why Aren’t My Hens Laying Eggs? Backyard Chicken Basics P

Keeping a small flock of backyard chickens has numerous benefits. These feathered friends make lively pets, are endlessly entertaining for children, and provide garden fertilizer. Having laying hens is an excellent way to boost local food production and is possible in...

Ensure That Sustainability is Part of Your Business Plan *

Inject Sustainability into Your Business Plan   Sustainability will be handled differently for different companies.  Whether your company is a startup or an established company reevaluating your business plans matters.  You need to identify what the source...

4 Ways to Have the Greenest Christmas Tree

‘Tis the season to start looking for the perfect Christmas tree to light up your home for the holidays. Today, most people consider live trees to be a greener option than artificial trees, which are often manufactured with polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a...

4 Natural Cleaning Recipes To Drive Away Dirty *

Many store-bought cleaning products contain toxins such as propylene glycol, ammonium hydroxide, and synthetic fragrances. They may smell good, but the odor could be harming you. Making your own cleaning products is an easy way to save money and reduce toxins in the...

Maven Moment: Rags and Textile Waste P

I still laugh when I remember the Easter when Grandma Jennie used rags to curl my sister’s and my hair. Using strips of fabric, she tied each strip at the end of a section of hair. Next, she twisted the hair, rolled it down to the scalp, and tied the rag tightly. Then...

Eco-Friendly Benefits of Buying or Repurposing Used Furniture P

Demand for furniture is rising in the United States and is expected to reach $68.8 billion in 2022. Although it’s convenient to purchase a brand new furniture item online, buying new furniture is detrimental to the environment. Although some companies are committing...

Energy Wasters: Scare Away Those Vampire Loads P

Have you heard about the slow drain on your electricity from appliances, known as “vampire loads,” “phantom loads” or “standby energy drain”? These are the oh-so-scary loads of electricity that our electronic devices and appliances suck out of outlets without our...

5 Fun Ways To Recycle Your Jeans

Clothing is probably one of the easiest things to avoid putting in the trash, yet Americans throw away more than 11 million tons of textiles annually, which is about 66% of the total textiles produced in a year. There’s no need for this. Next time you’re wondering...

10 Green Apps To Help You Live More Sustainably

Most of us strive to use less energy, consume fewer unnecessary products, reduce our contribution to pollution, and take care of our natural ecosystems. But it isn’t always easy. So, it’s nice to know that with the right mobile apps, you can get recommendations, track...

The Complicated Choices in a Cup of Coffee P

Coffee can be complicated, and I’m not even talking about the heated debates over cold-brew versus percolator. Coffee is made from the beans of a tropical tree that may be grown in small family farms or vast monoculture plantations. Your coffee beans pass from farmers...

We Earthlings: Let’s Recycle More Aluminum

What connects us all? Nature and our shared relationships through nature. Mining the bauxite that we use to produce aluminum is harmful to the earth, plants, and animals. And the process of converting raw bauxite into aluminum consumes a lot of energy. Thankfully,...

We Earthlings: The CO2 Impact of Streaming Video P

Video streaming has become a part of many people’s everyday lives and we’re here to help you learn about what that means for the environment. Every hour of video you stream emits 0.88 pounds of CO2. If you watch an average of six hours a day, your annual video carbon...

We Earthlings: Get the Plastic Out! P

The average American discards 17.7 pounds of PET (also known as PETE) plastic bottles each year. By eliminating your share of PET bottles, you can prevent 108.9 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions, reduce ocean plastic pollution that kills 1 million seabirds and...

Now, Is the Time To Start Thinking About Net Zero Homes *

Cities, counties, and states around the U.S. are committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and are implementing mandatory “zero” policies or codes regulating new construction, according to New Buildings Institute(NBI). This is a reasonable path for homeowners who...

Footprint by Footprint: Calculating Carbon P

Every day of your life, across everything you do and buy, you contribute to rising greenhouse gas emissions. Now, you can track the impact of all that activity — the stuff you buy, the places you go — to understand your carbon footprint. There are many carbon...

Climate Migration, 2,700 EV Charging Stations, and ESG Investing *

Welcome to Earth911’s climate, sustainability, and recycling reader, a collection of articles worth your attention today. U.S. Government Account Office: Climate Migration Is Inevitable Even if the current administration dismisses the consequences of environmental...

Maven Moment: Have Extra Stuff? Bring It to Work

Sometimes, when I was cleaning or decluttering, I found multiples of the same type of item. This might be anything from umbrellas to reusable takeout food containers to pens and note pads. What to do with the extras? Mom’s answer was simple and smart: “Bring it to...

Maven Moment: Icebox Cake *

My grandmother’s “icebox cake” was one of my favorite desserts growing up. She made it by layering graham crackers and warm pudding in a pan and setting the pan in the refrigerator so the mixture could set up. After a few hours, the cracker layers had absorbed some of...

12 Eco-Friendly, Organic and Reusable Face Masks *

Face masks are 2020s must have accessory. Justin and I were pretty lucky to have two reusable faces masks inside our eco-friendly emergency kit. Unfortunately… we lost both of them in the move. I wanted to order a few to have on hand because I think it would be best...

We Earthlings: Don’t Be a Hoarder, Reduce Food Waste *

Did you know that Americans waste more than 40% of the food produced annually? And stockpiling food, as many have done during the pandemic, often results in more food wasted. Don’t be a hoarder; buy only foods that you are sure you will use. Find tips about how to...

Earth911 Quiz #48: Ocean Plastics Solutions

Plastic pollution in our oceans is a serious challenge to our food supply, animal and human health, and the environment in general. With multiple gyres of trash that are hundreds of miles wide floating in the world’s seas, plastic threatens to outweigh fish by 2050....

How to Turn Your Yard Into a Pollinator Paradise

Did you know that almost all of the world’s plants need to be pollinated?  Bats, birds, beetles, bees, butterflies, wasps, and moths all play this essential role in ecosystems and are crucial in the reproduction of two-thirds of all crop species. Sadly, pollinators...

Sustainability Conversation With Space of Never Not Nothing

Earth911 talks with Space, keyboardist and guitarist of Never Not Nothing, (“NNN”) a rising British duo that takes sustainability seriously. Space discusses the band’s philosophy of positive nihilism and how they contribute to sustainable culture through direct...

9 Nontoxic Colognes That Don’t Stink!

Spritzing on your favorite cologne for a night out on the town shouldn’t require a degree in chemistry. The truth is, the majority of personal care products and synthetic fragrant potions are poisons that should be packaged with hazard symbols and come with a hazmat...

Mowing the Lawn Without Pollution

The American lawn is an icon of homeownership, social gatherings, and family fun. Unfortunately, the perfect grass lawn is resource-intensive. Lawns must be irrigated, weeded, fertilized, and mowed in most climates. As lawn technology, including tools, fertilizers,...

Why air conditioning is a vicious circle

Pumping heat from our cars and buildings into the outside world adds to climate change, increasing the need to stay cool Air conditioning was a luxury 40 years ago, but the long hot summer of 1976 changed that. The scorching heat that summer lasted two months and most...

World Toilet Day Is Something to Celebrate

At first glance, the idea of World Toilet Day might be bewildering. But if you’ve ever needed a plumber, you know a working toilet is something to celebrate. World Toilet Day exists to remind us that 4.2 billion people – more than half of all humans – do not have...

10 Ways To Reuse Coffee Grounds and Tea Bags

Do you like to start the day with a cup or two of coffee or tea? But what to do with all those spent coffee grounds and tea bags? Sure, you can compost these common morning leftovers, but why not find a few clever ways to reuse them first? From cleaning your furniture...

Building a Sustainable Business and Life * talks with Ford Seeman, founder of Forest Founders, a tree-planting subscription service working to integrated carbon responsibility in daily shopping and marketing programs, and Righteous Causes, a sustainable business incubator in New York. We talked...

What is Hemp Fabric and is it Sustainable?

As the fashion industry becomes increasingly interested in sustainable textiles, many eco-friendly alternatives have emerged. Designers and consumers are now more aware of the environmental impact of common fabrics like polyester. In response, they are turning to...

Predicting 2021’s Environmental Trends P

For the past couple of years, Earth911 has made predictions about the biggest environmental trends in the New Year. Some of our predictions have been accurate. Beyond Meat stocks are up more than 80% over last year, while electric vehicle sales increased 91%. But as...

Earth911 Podcast: Sustainable Home Shopping With Loop

Are you thinking about shopping with home delivery during the lockdown? You need to know Loop, the home grocery delivery service that picks up and recycles what you buy when you are done. Earth911 talks with Benjamin Weir, North American business development manager...

Tips for Buying and Enjoying Sustainable Coffee

Heading up coffee purchasing at Equator Coffees, a company focused on quality, sustainability, and social responsibility, I often field the question, “What coffee should I buy to ensure the farmers are getting a fair deal?” This sort of question could easily expand...

3 Simple, Natural DIY Recipes To Repel Bugs *

Summer is here, bringing along a slew of insects and bugs. To keep these pests at bay, you need look no further than these three simple DIY recipes — for people, pets, and the home — courtesy of this episode of Earth911TV. DIY Recipes To Repel Bugs This article...

Try a Little Tenderness Toward This World P

Thinking of the Earth first, with consideration and kindness, is what we need to make positive decisions about our relationship with the world. Author Charlotte Erickson reminds us to “Just try a little tenderness towards this world we’ve been lucky enough to build...

Glass Recycling Helps the Environment P

What connects us all? Nature and our shared relationships through nature. Share how you can help reduce air and water pollution by doing your part to recycle glass containers. Glass that’s produced from recycled glass reduces related air pollution by 20% and related...

Not So Good, Better, Best: Synthetic Fabrics

Some people will argue that following fashion trends is shallow. But at least one aspect of fashion deserves everyone’s attention. The fashion industry is responsible for 10% of annual global carbon emissions. Whether you follow the trends or not, we suggest using...

Backyard Chickens 101: Getting Started With Laying Hens *

Backyard chickens have skyrocketed in popularity. Keeping laying hens are an excellent way to fortify our relationship with our food and an ideal activity for people cooped up at home due to the pandemic. Laying hens make great companions for children, who will likely...

Easy Carbon Sequestration You Can Do Yourself P

As any sci-fi fan can tell you, human survival depends upon an Earth-like atmosphere that’s 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon, and 0.03% carbon dioxide with traces of other elements. There is some wiggle room in the tiny percentage of carbon in the air. There were...

Good, Better, Best: Shopping for Natural Fibers P

The fashion industry is responsible for 10% of annual global carbon emissions. That means it is a productive target for personal changes that can make a significant contribution to lowering overall human carbon emissions. You can use thredUP’s fashion footprint...

Where Does Environmental Justice Fit? *

The year 2020 has been dominated by the twin terrors of the COVID-19 pandemic and police violence. The first of these is a new natural threat. The second is as old as our nation, produced by the racism baked into our societal structures. But these issues are more...

Learn the Secrets of Measuring Employee Green Engagement *

Why do Companies Brag About Sustainability Note: This is the fifth installment in a five-part series on engaging employees around sustainability. The first part introduces the four stages of employee engagement; the second part discusses raising employee...

6 Durable Household Items Made From Recycled Plastic *

The ubiquity of plastic is a signature of the modern world, a polluting legacy we need to reverse by using fewer new plastic products and choosing recycled plastic for those household items we need. Half of all plastic produced is for single-use purposes, according to...

How to Plant a Garden for the Birds

Planting a Garden for the birds Birds are the most welcome wildlife in the landscape garden. They are beautiful, musical, interesting to watch. Unlike deer and other large visitors that eat plants, birds can even protect your garden by eating harmful bugs. There are...

What NOT to Put in the Recycling Bin

Ever wondered if that greasy paper plate could go in your recycling bin? Or would it really be a big deal if you threw in just one plastic bag? It may seem simple to determine what doesn’t go in a recycling bin based on an item’s labels or whether or not it shows a...

How Will We Ever Control Our Growing Waste Problem? *

Why Do We Create So Much Waste?   Waste is not a new phenomenon.  Throughout our history as our societies developed and matured we have created increasing amounts of waste for disposal.  Examining what we dispose, is actually a good method for...

Strategies for Waste-Free Gift Wrapping

It’s gift-giving season! With Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, winter solstice, New Year’s celebrations, and winter birthdays upon us, you’re likely thinking about finding the perfect gifts for your loved ones. And before you hand over your gift, you are probably going...

How to Bring Discipline to Your Sustainability Initiatives

Why Your Business Should Embrace Sustainability   Sustainability has become a part of life for many companies.  For many, it’s simply a matter of meeting demands from customers seeking socially responsible goods and services.  For others, it’s about...

Earth911 Inspiration: Invitation To Be What We Are P

This week’s quote is from American author Gretel Ehrlich: “Everything in nature invites us constantly to be what we are.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share your desire to help people think of the planet first, every day. Click to get a larger image.   The...

Largest Solar Project in US Underway in Texas P

U.S. solar generation capacity is soaring. Construction began recnetly on the Samson Solar Energy Center, the largest planned solar energy farm in the United States. When completed, the solar farm will have 1,013 megawatts of generating capacity. This solar farm will...

4 Tips for Buying a Tiny Home Kit

Some Americans are rethinking how much money and resources they dedicate to housing. Tiny homes are becoming an increasingly appealing option to simplify life, reduce expenses, conserve energy, and reduce waste. It’s a growing trend. In Seattle, the City Council...

What is the Carbon Impact of Shipping Apples P

Everything we eat has been transported to us, adding CO2 to the atmosphere. Each little contribution has added up to more CO2 in the atmosphere than at any time in the last 800,000 years. We thought it would be informative to look at a box of apples as an example....

Maven Moment: Community Action

One of the activities that I miss most during this time of COVID-19 is volunteering. Before the pandemic, at least one weekend a month I had the opportunity to participate in a park, beach, or forest cleanup project. It was at these events that I began to meet my...

Earth911 Quiz #66: The Social Cost of Carbon

The National Academies of Sciences recently released a comprehensive review of the current science related to the social cost of carbon. In this Earth911 Quiz, you’ll test your knowledge of the cost of a ton of carbon, the CO2 debt now looming over our children’s...

Earth911 Quiz #54: Are You a Mobile Phone Recycling Expert?

The mobile phone has become an indispensable tool of modern life, and new models appear every year like automobiles in the 20th century. Old phones can pile up in the home or be recycled for cash, traded in on another phone, and sent through a variety of recycling...

The Best Electric Vehicles on the Market P

Thinking of abandoning your internal combustion engine for an EV? There are more electric vehicles on the market than ever before. After almost a decade during which Tesla made almost all the EV options, you have many body styles and features to choose from. Advances...

Maven Moment: Summer’s Fresh String Beans — 3 Ways *

I love string beans and so did my Mom. She particularly liked to serve dishes that feature them in the summer when they are abundant, fresh, and sweet. They’re great when the weather is too hot for a heavy meal. I remember Mom pinching off the ends of the beans,...

Entrepreneurs Embracing Sustainability Become Ecopreneurs *

Is Sustainability A Good Choice For Your Business?   Beginning in the 1980's eco-awareness grew from the growth in pollution during the 1960's.  Today growing consumer demand has brought sustainability into the main stream in business practices....

Will Your Next House Be a Tiny Home?

Although the American dream used to involve a white picket fence and a nice-sized home, some are opting for a pocket-sized alternative. As many people look to simplify their lives and rethink their priorities, living in a dramatically smaller home is appealing to an...

Easy DIY Projects to Weatherize Your Home *

Heating and cooling account for nearly half of all U.S. energy use. One of the best ways to save energy and reduce utility bills is to do a few simple weatherization projects. Although some, such as insulating the attic or installing a new HVAC system are quite...

4 Things You Can Happily Live Without at Home

Do you buy things just to throw them away? Eco-friendly living is as much about what you don’t buy as what you do. Reducing your consumption, especially of one-time-use or plastic items, is vital to reducing your ecological footprint. It’s time to rethink disposables....

Rejoice! 4 Ways To Repurpose Old Christmas Cards

Ever feel a slight pang of guilt when throwing away a Christmas card? If you have a sentimental collection that desperately needs a new purpose, I have plenty of ideas that’ll keep you (and your kids) busy and give you peace of mind, too. Rather than tossing them in...

90 Companies Account for 2/3 of Global CO2 Emissions

Did you know only 90 companies account for two-thirds of the industrial CO2 (carbon dioxide) and CH4 (methane) emissions in the world? Ninety companies with billions of customers who can send a clear signal that they want responsibly zero-carbon products. Think about...

This Week’s Essential Sustainability, and Recycling News

Start your environmental and sustainability reading with us! We read a lot so you don’t have to. Every week, Earth911 Reader delivers the must-read articles around the web you should read to be up-to-date on stories that share our understanding of the issues. This...

Medicine Disposal – National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

October 24, 2020, is the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency’s nineteenth National Rx Take Back Day, an opportunity for Americans to return unused drugs safely. During last year’s event, 882,919 pounds — 441.5 tons — of potentially dangerous expired, unused, and unwanted...

We Earthlings: Substitute Chicken for Beef *

Did you know you can significantly reduce your meal’s carbon footprint with one easy swap? If you’re making a meat dish, just substitute chicken for beef. A 2019 study at the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine found that simple...

Embrace Being Green, Plastic Is Out, Sustainability Is In *

Plastic Is Out, Sustainability Is In   The days of single-use plastics are numbered.  Seattle, in 2018 became the first US city to ban single-use plastic cutlery.  Starbucks joined them adopting a plan to eliminate plastic straws by 2020.  Several...

International Young Eco-Heroes Inspire a Brighter Future

Young people around the world are powerful players in protecting the planet. These youthful eco-heroes promote fresh ideas for sustainability, such as “eco bricks” from discarded plastic. They work to protect pollinators, frogs, and other precious wildlife. They speak...

Goodbye Plastic Thanksgiving Tips

Did you know that turkey day is actually a very trashy day? Studies have shown that every year, Americans throw away 25% more trash between Thanksgiving and New Year’s than any other time of year. Too much plastic is needlessly purchased for the holidays. But it...

Plan Ahead To Reduce Food Waste

Nearly 40% of food is wasted from farm to landfill in the U.S. Yet, one in eight Americans is food insecure. Although some waste happens behind the scenes at farms and warehouses, much of it happens in our kitchens. Enormous resources are dedicated to growing,...

How to Build a Compost Bin | Easy and Cheap DIY

If you know me, then you know I am PASSIONATE about composting. We just moved, and are waiting for our apartment complex to finish their resident composting program. While I’m waiting, I didn’t want to put my food scraps in the landfill so I decided to build a compost...

How Washing Your Hands Impacts the Environment

For something that you use to get clean, most hand soaps have a pretty nasty ingredient list. But no matter how negative their environmental impact, you can’t just avoid them the way you can other product categories. Handwashing is important for health and safety....

Plastic Bag and Plastic Film Recycling for Beginners

Ideally, we should avoid single-use plastic bags and plastic film. Failing that, we should reuse them as much as possible. But not all bags are reusable. And most can be reused only so many times before they tear. Plus, plastic wrap and plastic film are...

Recycling Mystery: Meat Packaging

If you buy meat in a grocery store, it likely comes in a plastic foam tray, on top of a plastic pad, wrapped in plastic wrap. Meat packaging produces a lot of plastic waste. Can it be recycled? Not all of it, but here’s what you can do. We know how you feel. Walking...

10 Sustainable Mattress Companies: Choosing Your Green Sleep P

Earth911 Mattress Ranking research is sponsored by Avocado Brands Sleep is bliss, but it isn’t always environmentally responsible. Many mattresses contain a toxic brew of chemicals — from flame-retardant chemicals like polybrominated diphenyl ethers to formaldehyde...

Wildfire Prevention: Where Safety and Environmentalism Connect

In the past, every American could quote Smokey Bear, “Only you can prevent forest fires.” This message from U.S. Forest Service’s 76-year-old mascot is often lost in the digital noise today, but it is more relevant now than ever. In the first nine months of 2020 in...

20 Green Things You Can do in 20 Minutes

Think one person can’t make a difference? Think again. With every American producing 4.5 pounds of trash per day, the little things we do to reduce our impact can make a huge difference. Here are 20 little things you can do to help the environment and your world in...

10 Relief Remedies Using Essential Oils

All across the globe, people suffer from ailments such as headaches, anxiety, insomnia, nail fungus, minor cuts and more. Relief usually comes in the form of pharmaceuticals or, alternatively, essential oils. Derived from Mother Earth, essential oils can provide...

Why Use Recycled Paper? P

Making the case for recycled paper From protecting forests to curbing climate, recycled paper use is essential for sustainability. With the below reports produced by Green America and our allied organizations, we make the case for using recycled paper, including the...

12 Eco-Friendly Gifts for Babies and New Parents P

Let’s be real – being a parent is tough work. If you’re about to have a baby or know someone who is, I wanted to round up a few eco-friendly gift ideas for babies and new parents! I hope these gifts will make a sustainable lifestyle a little bit easier all while...

How to Embed Sustainability Within Your Company Culture *

Employee Sustainability Engagement Stage 1   Note: This is the second installment in a five-part series on engaging employees around sustainability. The first part introduced the four stages of employee engagement; the second part discussed raising...

7 of the Best Compostable Trash Bags

Using compostable trash bags will help you in your efforts to compost food. Food scraps don’t break down in landfills, so by composting them, you’re actually helping the environment. Compostable bags are designed to break down quickly in a compost. As someone who has...

Q & A With Author: ‘No-Waste Kitchen Gardening’

When in the kitchen whipping up salads, soups, and stews, you typically pile up random scraps from freshly sliced veggies and fruits. Possibly, within that slurry of unwanted produce pieces, you have pits and seeds that could be the foundations for fresh new plants....

Can Committed Recycling Make You An Environmentalist? *

How to be Green If You Reduce, Reuse, Recycle? When it comes to Environmentalism, the first thing that everyone latches on to is recycling.  We all hope and want to project an image of being green to our peers.  The last thing we want, is to be accused of...

Earth911 Quiz #50: The Circular Life of LED Bulbs

The light emitting diode, or LED, has roared into our lives after starting out as a telecommunications technology and curiosity. But these long-lasting lights present a future recycling challenge for which we must prepare. This week’s quiz will help you understand how...

Big Oil’s marketing tactics are taken from Big Tobacco P

In the 1950s, cigarette companies began to learn that their product is a killer.  For decades, Big Tobacco denied the harmful effects of their products, minimising the link between smoking in pregnancy and smaller birth weights, concealing evidence that nicotine is...

EV Savings, Cooling Clothing, Saving $50 Trillion Over 30 Years P

Start your environmental and sustainability reading with us! We read a lot so you don’t have to. Every week, Earth911 Reader delivers the must-read articles around the web you should know to be up-to-date on stories that share our understanding of the issues. This...

Can Going Green Improve Your Mental Health?

Spending time in green spaces is clinically proven to be good for your health. But what about going green at home, can it help to remedy the impact of stress in modern life? It’s not just knowledge about the effects of climate change on our planet that’s affecting...
Strategies for Waste-Free Gift Wrapping

Strategies for Waste-Free Gift Wrapping

It’s gift-giving season! With Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, winter solstice, New Year’s celebrations, and winter birthdays upon us, you’re likely thinking about finding the perfect gifts for your loved ones. And before you hand over your gift, you are probably going...

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How To Choose Eco-Friendly Fabrics

How To Choose Eco-Friendly Fabrics

How green are the clothes you are wearing? It can be challenging to discern this information, even from product labels. Yet a growing variety of environmentally friendly textiles are available for the choosy shopper. As a general rule, you can read the labels to find...

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Landscaping for Fire Resistance

Lately, it seems like every year is a bad year for wildfires. If you live in an area prone to wildfires — most of the American West — you naturally want to minimize that risk. And there are natural ways to do so. A wildfire-resistant landscape won’t necessarily...

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Home “Eco”nomics – Vegetable Gardens

Home “Eco”nomics – Vegetable Gardens

From the Victory Gardens of World War II to the back-to-the-land-movement of the ‘60s to the present day, a home vegetable garden has symbolized healthful and sustainable living. But gardeners are not guaranteed cheaper, more environmentally friendly vegetables. There...

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Cutting Carbon From Your Vegetarian Diet

Cutting Carbon From Your Vegetarian Diet

Eating your vegetables is one of the best things you can do for your body and for the environment. Our diets account for 14% of household carbon emissions, and meat is responsible for more than half of the average American’s foodprint – so any meal that emphasizes...

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Bad, Better, Best: The Climate Impact of Meat

Bad, Better, Best: The Climate Impact of Meat

The average American eats 220.9 pounds of meat per year. Food accounts for 14% of our household carbon emissions, and meat accounts for more than half of that. Although a vegan diet may be the single most effective way for individuals to minimize their environmental...

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DIY Eco-Friendly Shaving Cream Recipe

DIY Eco-Friendly Shaving Cream Recipe

Making my own cleaning products is something I began doing forever ago. It all started when I was pregnant with my first daughter and couldn’t stand the smell of any store-bought cleaners. At that time, I also began researching the ingredients in cleaning and personal...

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Maven Moment: Refreshing Drinks for Mom

Maven Moment: Refreshing Drinks for Mom

When I was a little girl, we didn’t worry about staying hydrated. We didn’t know the science of hydration. If you were thirsty, you drank a cool beverage. My mother kept a pitcher of tap water in the fridge and sometimes we had soda and, occasionally, lemonade. We...

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Infographic: How To Compost at Home

Infographic: How To Compost at Home

Are you composting at home yet? If not, you might want to consider it. We generate more than 267.8 million tons of trash annually in the U.S. and more than 40.6 million tons of this is food waste that could be composted. According to the Environmental Protection...

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Earth911 Quiz #66: The Social Cost of Carbon

Earth911 Quiz #66: The Social Cost of Carbon

The National Academies of Sciences recently released a comprehensive review of the current science related to the social cost of carbon. In this Earth911 Quiz, you’ll test your knowledge of the cost of a ton of carbon, the CO2 debt now looming over our children’s...

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What is Fast Fashion?

Fast. Faster. Fastest. I’m sure you’ve heard of fast food, but what about fast fashion? If you’ve been in the eco space for a while, then you’ve probably heard the term A LOT. If you’re new to the eco space, well, welcome! Check out my blog posts for beginners which...

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This Eco-Friendly Lamp Can Add Art to Any Room

This Eco-Friendly Lamp Can Add Art to Any Room

Every lamp’s purpose is to give us some light, but some go beyond that. The E.P. Eco-Friendly LED Desk Lamp is a prime example. For one, this lamp doesn’t even look like, well, a lamp. Its crystal design evokes the feeling of an ice cave or something out of a Jules...

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5 Eco-Friendly Ideas for Your Home Office

As many of you know, Justin and I recently moved. In our old space, my office was a large, open concept area that was used for workouts, reading/lounging, and dancing – lots of dancing. Our new apartment is about the same size as the last place, but far less open...

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You Can Recycle Cigarette Butts!

Did you know cigarette butts are not fully biodegradable? TerraCycle, the company that strives to find a way to recycle everything, offers a free Cigarette Waste Recycling Program. Just sign up with TerraCycle, collect the waste, and ship it to them for recycling....

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10 Ways To Reuse Coffee Grounds and Tea Bags

10 Ways To Reuse Coffee Grounds and Tea Bags

Do you like to start the day with a cup or two of coffee or tea? But what to do with all those spent coffee grounds and tea bags? Sure, you can compost these common morning leftovers, but why not find a few clever ways to reuse them first? From cleaning your furniture...

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Don’t Just Look at Nature, Live With Her

Today’s quote is from Irish poet and playwright, Oscar Wilde: “It seems to me that we all look at nature too much, and live with her too little.” Earth911 inspirations. Post them, share your desire to help people think of the planet first, every day. Click the poster...

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Responsible Mushroom Hunting

Responsible Mushroom Hunting

A time-honored autumn pastime for locavores that neatly fits into the trending cottagecore aesthetic, mushroom hunting encourages people to experience the natural world and eat healthy, local food. As wilderness hobbies go, foraging is generally simple and safe. But...

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We Earthlings: Plant One Tree

Plant one tree and it will capture about 13 pounds of CO2 in its first year; when it matures, it will capture 48 pounds a year. That means by planting one young tree, you can offset the CO2 from shipping an average online shopping order. Or, if you plant 390 trees and...

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DIY Thanksgiving Decor Made by Upcycling

DIY Thanksgiving Decor Made by Upcycling

If you’re looking to reduce waste and save some money on your Thanksgiving decor, what better way to pull it off than by decorating with trash? To help you deck your halls the eco way, Earth911 rounded up these five creative decor ideas made from waste items and a few...

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Maven Moment: School Bags

Maven Moment: School Bags

My sister and I went to a Catholic elementary school, so instead of getting new outfits for the school year, we had school uniforms. But we could get a new school bag to start the year! In those days, we didn’t have backpacks. Instead, we used colorful briefcase-style...

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Infographic: 5 Ways To Go Zero Waste

Every day, the average American creates about 4.4 pounds of waste — adding up to 258 million tons in landfills yearly. Kathryn Kellogg, founder of Going Zero Waste, can fit all the trash she’s thrown away in the past two years in one Mason jar. Here are her tips for...

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Green Business Practices

Sustainability International Partners green practices through the use of sustainable purchasing, electronics stewardship, transportation, waste diversion, and pollution prevention help in creating the harmony between business and nature necessary to protect our environment.

Sustainability International Partner’s Green Initiatives


  • Recycle & Reduce Wastes:  Use of highly visible and well marked recycling containers in all visitor areas to recycle glass, metal, and paper.
  • Efficient Water Use:  Have a plan for conserving water.
  • Efficient Energy Use:  Have a plan for reducing energy consumption.
  • Support Green Events:  Offer a Green environmentally friendly package for all events.
  • Minimize use of Disposable Products:  Use products made from bio-based or renewable resources and recycle or compost these items.
  • Minimize Chemical Use:  Have a plan to minimize the use of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and fertilizers.
  • Recycle Grease:  Dispose of grease in an environmentally friendly manner.
  • Promote Green Practices:  Use unique opportunities to educate guests about their environment and how they interact with the environment.
  • Promote Green Partners:  Feature your green partners and promote their environmental sensitivity to your guests.
  • Minimize Printed Materials:  Use digital marketing and web presence to spread your message.

Why Should My Business Become A Sustainability International Partner?

Sustainability International Partnership shows potential customers that your business has a commitment to helping keep our environment clean.  

By adopting our voluntary Green Initiatives as your business practices, your business signals your commitment to a sustainable and green environment.


Become A Sustainability International Partner

Sustainability International Partners understand the importance of conducting their business in an environmentally sensitive and sustainable manner.  

Your customers are searching for businesses who embrace sustainability, and green initiatives and there is nothing more important to your business than connecting to every customer possible.  

The partnership is FREE, learn how easy it is to become a Sustainability International Partner and enjoy the benefits of being a Sustainability International Partner.



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